yesterday - last edited yesterday by RogersJermaine
I have activated Advanced Security. That's a good thing. My thinking is that the 6 attacks in the past week targeting a specific PC on my home network was blocked by this service. I suspect (but could be wrong) that had the Advanced Security failed, Norton would have blocked these but who knows.
In my attempt to increase my security posture, I found out that "NordVPN's ThreatProtectionPro service is disabled by Rogers. Nord suggested this is quite likely. However it seems that the conflict is when you go into the Gateway console and set the IPV4 firewall settings to High. It seems to work fine with that setting at Medium, however the protection is less.
Question: Is the Rogers Advanced Security protection the same as or compatible with the firewall setting? If I wish to use the NordVPN ThreatProtectionPro service, can I safely assume that the Medium level of the Firewall sufficient.
Any thought would be appreciated.
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