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Provisioning issue and no internet for 200 hours and counting.

I've been here awhile

It has been over a week since I first informed rogers of the issue. They told me it was a provisioning error, and then it would be fixed and no less than 24 hours I called back two days later is nothing had changed and they said they would be no more than an additional 24 hours. I’ve been called back again 24 hours later on the cycle continued for eight days now there has been no meaningful update other than them saying that they had prioritized my ticket. My ticket has now been on the priority list for over 48 hours and still nothing has been resolved. This is absolutely ridiculous and I have never seen on all of the websites that I have looked. Nobody has experienced this provisioning her as long as I am currently having it I am extremely disappointed and I think it’s time that I leave Rogers as this is disgusting behaviour.




***Edited Labels***


Re: Provisioning issue and no internet for 200 hours and counting.

I plan to stick around

I am now on DAY 23 of a "provisioning" issue.  I am told 7 days to resolve a ticket and at the end of that 7 days they simply raise a new ticket with a new deadline.  I have wasted uncountably many hours on the phone with tech support.  I have wasted time having a technician come to the house to do "something" which did not fix the issue.  When will Rogers put me out of my misery and simply tell me that they can't deliver internet to my home?

Re: Provisioning issue and no internet for 200 hours and counting.

Hello @kebyrne!


I'd like to take a look into the status of this ticket and the history of the issue to get a better sense of why this provisioning issues has been ongoing for so long.


Please feel free to send a private message to @CommunityHelps so we can assist you further. For more information on how our Private Messaging system works, you can find out more here.  




Re: Provisioning issue and no internet for 200 hours and counting.

I've been here awhile
I recently had to get Roger’s after moving to Ontario and am having the same “provisioning” issue. I bought internet on my account through Roger’ agent. And received my modem 2 days later (all great!) I move into my apartment and no internet, the tech says 24 hours no problem. Going on day 2 now and reading these posts gives me no hope. If it’s not fixed today I will just take my internet and phone business elsewhere. I haven’t even been able to use the internet! Just keep being told sorry.

Re: Provisioning issue and no internet for 200 hours and counting.

I plan to stick around

Rogers never fixed the problem.  To this day the internet doesn't work.  We had to go to a different solution.

Re: Provisioning issue and no internet for 200 hours and counting.

I've been around

Provisioning issue, I have spent 8 hours over two days with support. Still no internet and no access to the ignite home connect . app. After reading these posts I have no hope for resolution, I have half a mind to cancel all my Rogers services and switch to a company that can actually provide services. I was told my ticket was escalated and would be resolved within 24 hours. I'm guessing based on all the other comments that's just a line they've fed me to get me off the phone. 

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