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Extremely slow internet 1Gbps service less than 200 Mbps over the last 2 years

I plan to stick around

I apologize in advance for the length of this description. For two years now I have been trying to figure out what the problem is and am about to give up and try Bell fibre as it may be the only way to rule out my Rogers feed line.

Here is my situation, I have Rogers 1Gbps service to a home, the tap is in my front lawn 20 meters from the home. The line comes from the tap to the home and goes through two connections directly to the CODA modem, no splitters etc. This line from the tap to the home has been checked by Rogers and they say there is no issue.

When I do a speed check with a direct connection to the CODA using an I7 multi-core PC windows 10 pro I get 150/30 Mbps speed. The 2.4 ghz wireless gets 25/30 Mbps and the 5 ghz wireless gets 50/30 Mbps.

Rogers line maintenance has come and say that they get 900/30 Mbps at the tap in the front lawn.

I have done speed tests using 4 pc’s and 2 mac-books all get less than 200 Mbps speeds. I have run speed tests using new android phones on both 2.4 and 5.0 and get less than 50 Mbps on both spectrums.

So to date here are some of the things I have done to try to figure out what the speed issue is:

  1. I test using Rogers speed check directly wired Ethernet using Cat 6 or 5e cables.
  2. My laptop is I7 multicore less than 2 years old, NIC is Qualcom and driver is most recent.
  3. I have run my PC in safe mode with networking.
  4. I have run my PC booting into Linix Ubuntu.
  5. I have run speed tests using an android TV box.
  6. I have run tests using Pingplotter and Solarwinds software.
  7. This is my 6th CODA modem.

Here is what I get for my 1Gbps service:

  1. On my PC normal boot into windows 10 I get 150 Mbps Ethernet wired only connection to CODA modem.
  2. If I boot into safe mode with networking, I get 150 Mbps or less.
  3. If I boot my PC into Ubuntu I get 800 Mbps.
  4. Macbook air, using 5G gets less than 80 Mbps.
  5. Samsung phone S8 gets less than 50 Mbps both 2.4 and 5G.
  6. I can run a Cat6 cable to my TV’s android box and test on the TV. If I run a speed check on the TV through a chrome browser to Rogers internet speed check I get 125 Mbps. If I run a speed test using ookla app on the TV I get 700 Mbps.
  7. When using pingplotter it shows a 200 ms response time in the first hop to a Rogers switch about 10 miles from here.
  8. Rogers techs have twice now said that they see flapping in the signal, as in either all on or all off.
  9. Most recently, I have had “Rogers chronic care” tech come to the home and using his laptop, Ethernet wired got 800 Mbps, said the problem was in my PC.

I am at a complete loss to know what to do next. I know this, with any of my PC’s directly wired fully updated I get less than 200 Mbps, if I boot into Linix I can get 900 Mbps using firefox. I know that wirelessly either 2.4 or 5.0 I get less than 50 Mbps using android phones. Apple mac-book gets 100 Mbps wirelessly. Android TV will get either 700 using Ookla app or 75 Mbps through browser to Rogers speed check.

My speed problem is on Windows 10 professional machines unless I boot into Ubuntu where I get full speed. But the speed problem is also on Apple mac-book, and the speed problem is on android phones. The speed problem on android TV is there if using a web browser but not when using an app.

I am at my wits end with this, if anyone has any ideas it would be very much appreciated.




Re: Extremely slow internet 1Gbps service less than 200 Mbps over the last 2 years


Good morning @mikemeddings1!


Welcome to our Community! This sounds like it could be a complex issue to resolve so you've come to the right place for help.


The fact that your wired PC gets near optimal speeds in Linux but not Windows is interesting. Since our techs are able to get near optimal speeds using the same Ethernet cable in your home, it honestly does seem like there is an issue with your equipment. I don't believe it's necessarily a hardware issue though, otherwise, your PC should get similar speeds no matter which OS you use.


This sounds like something @Datalink would enjoy puzzling out! 


Flapping is another concern but that should impact all your equipment equally, so I don't think that's the root problem here. Regardless, I would feel much better if I checked your account to ensure the flapping is being addressed.


Please PM us @CommunityHelps so I can ensure the flapping is being addressed for you. If you're not familiar with our PMing process, you can find instructions here.




Re: Extremely slow internet 1Gbps service less than 200 Mbps over the last 2 years

I plan to stick around

Thanks for the reply sent a pm. Simply cannot buy that it's a hardware PC issue as it shows on 3 other PC's and a 4th machine is a Macbook, totally different eco-system.

Re: Extremely slow internet 1Gbps service less than 200 Mbps over the last 2 years

@mikemeddings1, I don't have time at the moment to address this, but, for now, can you drill down into the advanced settings for the Qualcom nic, list those and their current settings in a post.  


Can you also check the driver version for the Qualcom nic.  Is it running the official Qualcom driver or did Win Pro replace the driver as it wants to do?  


Can you also have a look at the device manager, drill down to the Qualcom nic and copy the entire model number and paste that into the post.  


If you only have the Qualcom nic equipped pc connected to the modem, with the wifi disabled, do you still see the slow speeds when you run Win 10 Pro? 

Re: Extremely slow internet 1Gbps service less than 200 Mbps over the last 2 years

I plan to stick around

Hello Datalink, I can certainly give the Qualcom wifi information if you wish, but as when I check my speeds I use the Ethernet connection so maybe this would be more useful? Think to trouble shoot the Ethernet then the wifi speed may follow.

The Ethernet uses a Realtek PCIe controller the driver is from Realtek for windows 10, hopefully the following is what you are asking for:2018-10-21_15-08-29.png





Datalink, don’t know if this is the information you are asking for hopefully I haven’t exposed my system too much. As I may have said, normally when I am looking to see what my connection speeds are, I disable the wifi and connect a Cat 6 cable to the CODA. To be honest there doesn’t seem to be any difference in the Ethernet speed with the wifi on or off, it’s always between 100 to 175 Mbps max, the wifi side is even worse as this card is only a 2.4 ghz card but it is often less than 10 Mbps. I have a Dlink USB Ethernet adaptor that I have tried in the 5 ghz and it is not much better, maybe 50 Mbps.

When the chronic care tech showed me that his laptop was able to get 700 Mbps and when he said the problem was my hardware I just kind of accepted it as fact. But since I have tried 3 other laptops 2 of which had similar speeds as mine. One of the 3 got 750 Mbps adding confusion to the mix for me. It is beyond me to understand why when I boot into Linux I get 900 Mbps. Also how my android TV box can get 700 through an app, but when I go to Rogers speed test in chrome it is less than 50 Mbps.     

Re: Extremely slow internet 1Gbps service less than 200 Mbps over the last 2 years

Ok, can't see the images yet as one of the mods has to approve them.  So, do I understand this correctly, the motherboard has a Realtek ethernet controller and port.  If so, then this does make sense unfortunately.  We've run into issues with embedded ethernet controllers in the past, and ..... they always been Realtek controllers.  Its too early to say this yet, but one solution is to install another non-Realtek NIC.  My current thinking is that there might be some setting in the NIC adapter settings that might be causing some heartache with the modem.  I'm thinking perhaps of Jumbo-frames, which should be disabled, but, I'd like to see the other adapter settings as well and what they are currently set to.


Edit:  can you have a look at the back of the modem when you have the pc connected.  The connected port LED should be flashing Amber, indicating a 1 Gb/s connection rate with the connected device port.  Flashing green indicates 10/100 Mb/s.  I'm wondering what that LED indicates when the pc is running Windows instead of Ubuntu. 

Re: Extremely slow internet 1Gbps service less than 200 Mbps over the last 2 years

I'm here a lot

try download a torrent file from a known fast seed on windows and see how fast it goes


I use qbittorrent

Re: Extremely slow internet 1Gbps service less than 200 Mbps over the last 2 years

I plan to stick around

Datalink thank you again. Yes it is a Realtek ethernet controller and port, Jumbo frames are "disabled" always have been for speed testing and is the normal setup. The card is cabled to the CODA and the CODA connection at the back of the modem flashes yellow. The card shows 1000 Mbps service.

What I fail to understand as well is how two other laptops only every get maybe 150 Mbps speeds. Equally well why when I boot into Ubuntu Linux can the same card provide 900 Mbps speeds?

Also I fail to understand why on the wireless side when the tech was here he had a Samsung S9 and on the CODA's 5 ghz he could get somewhere around 350 Mbps, my phone Samsung S7 gets 30 Mbps on 5 ghz.  When I use the DLink USB 5Ghz wifi card I still only get maybe 75 Mbps.

To your last question in Ubuntu Linux, the connection is yellow as well.

Thanks in advance

Re: Extremely slow internet 1Gbps service less than 200 Mbps over the last 2 years

I plan to stick around

I have tried to download a ISO of Linux and using bittorrent the download speed hovers at 120 Kb/sec. 

Re: Extremely slow internet 1Gbps service less than 200 Mbps over the last 2 years

I plan to stick around
What antivirus software are you using? You should also scan for viruses on your computer. Did you ever get your modem swapped?

Re: Extremely slow internet 1Gbps service less than 200 Mbps over the last 2 years

I plan to stick around

Hi stepy, I use Norton 360, and this is my 6th CODA modem. My system is routinely scanned for both virus and Malware using Malwarebytes.

Re: Extremely slow internet 1Gbps service less than 200 Mbps over the last 2 years

I plan to stick around

Datalink originally you had asked me to drill down into the network adaptor card settings and I did post back but this morning thought to do so again and provide maybe a more useful presentation of my setup. SYSTEM.png

Re: Extremely slow internet 1Gbps service less than 200 Mbps over the last 2 years

For anyone who may be interested in my speeds here is a test of speed checks, my Rogers service is 1G. Four tests were done using for the most part 4 browsers. All Ethernet tests were done using CAT 6 cable directly to CODA modem where only port used was the port to the computer. The second test was done by booting into Linux Ubuntu and using firefox with a direct Ethernet connection same Nic card obviously. The WiFi tests were done with the CODA 2.4 and 5 GHz radio's, my computer card only gets 2.4 at a max speed of 150 Mbps. However I have a D-link usb 5Ghz Wifi card that I used to test the speeds the D-Link is capable of a max speed of 300 Mbps.

 Speed Results.png

Re: Extremely slow internet 1Gbps service less than 200 Mbps over the last 2 years

Sorry if this is a re-post but the details of my system's ethernet card and wifi card didn't seem to show so am re-posting picture:SYSTEM.png

Re: Extremely slow internet 1Gbps service less than 200 Mbps over the last 2 years

@mikemeddings1, yup that list of advanced settings is what I was after.  When you have some time, can you check that list against the settings that are present in the Advanced Settings tab just to see if there are any in the tab that don't show up in that list?  If so, can you let me know what they are and what they are set to? 

Re: Extremely slow internet 1Gbps service less than 200 Mbps over the last 2 years

I plan to stick around

Morning Datalink, I may not be following you correctly, when I look at the Advanced Tab for the Realtek ethernet adaptor card, I listed all the Options on the left column and what they are selected to in the right hand column. 


Re: Extremely slow internet 1Gbps service less than 200 Mbps over the last 2 years

Is this last listing done thru Windows Powershell, or is that a manually created list?  If its manually created by going thru the advanced settings tab with its options and their current settings, that's what I'm looking for.  Just want to make sure that I'm seeing all of the settings options.

Re: Extremely slow internet 1Gbps service less than 200 Mbps over the last 2 years

I plan to stick around

It is a manual listing for both adaptors.

Re: Extremely slow internet 1Gbps service less than 200 Mbps over the last 2 years

Normally I use my onboard wifi 2.4 Ghz to connect to the internet, and the Chrome browser. So what I see with my 1Gb Rogers service is 4% of the theoretical maximum of service or 25% of what is the wifi’s maximum speed.

Equally well if I hook up via Ethernet cable I get 18% of the theoretical max 1Gbps. But Firefox, using the exact same PCI card gets me 57%? Don’t understand this but it does occur.

Then to add a whole bunch of confusion to the mix is what happens when I boot into Linux, same card no changes and I get 95% of the maximum speed. This is just beyond my knowledge or skillset to understand, if anything I have seen people saying using Linux their connection is slower than in windows.

As I’ve said normally I will connect using wifi, on my phones with the speed being between 4%-11% the connection can be so bad that my phone will switch between wifi and Mobile Data just to preserve a connection.  

Re: Extremely slow internet 1Gbps service less than 200 Mbps over the last 2 years

@mikemeddings1 I haven't forgotten about you.  I've been a little distracted trying to address slow performance issues with other users.  I've had to go the Ubuntu route as well for test purposes so I absolutely understand what you're seeing in the speedtest results.  Over the last two weeks I've noticed a drop in test speeds using the Rogers Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal servers, dropping down to somewhere around 600 to 700 Mb/s.  Vmedia Toronto and Ebox Montreal have been fine running around 900 to 930 Mb/s.  These were all run using Windows 10 Pro.  Using Ubuntu, I was seeing the same results, however, today, the Rogers Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal servers popped back up to 900+ Mb/s.  So, there is some strange issue with the results that is probably adding to the confusion. 


I'm just wondering if you've made any progress with this issue?  I'd like to take a look at your advanced adapter settings list from your previous post later today, and post some changes to try.  

Re: Extremely slow internet 1Gbps service less than 200 Mbps over the last 2 years

I plan to stick around

Hi Datalink:

Thank you for checking back, it’s been a trying time attempting to resolve this issue. However the problem still exists when using Chrome, Edge or Opera.

Today I am using Firefox as my browser as it is the only browser capable of obtaining anywhere near the speed which I should be getting.

In terms of speed, Firefox obtains 585/30 Mbps, Chrome, Edge and Opera all get around 185/30 Mbps, when using Windows 10 OS.

When I boot into Ubuntu, Firefox and surprisingly Chrome get 950/35 Mbps.

On the Windows side of my computer this is what has been done to date:

  1. Bios updated to latest.
  2. Comprehensive scans for both Virus (Norton), Malware (MalwareBytes Premium) and Unhackme regrun.
  3. System File Checker run numerous times.
  4. All Windows bloatware removed via Powershell.
  5. Windows Explorer uninstalled.
  6. All adaptor cards updated to latest drivers.
  7. As far as the Ethernet, and wifi card Advanced settings, all offloads are off.

In the end it seems as though the browsers that use internet explorer for some inherited settings all are incapable of any speed close to what would be expected. Firefox alone doesn’t seem to inherit from windows and settings and is capable of the highest speeds. This may be due to how Firefox uses cloudflare to point to websites:


So in the end, I think the problem is that windows is passing on some form of handshake protocols which directly affect how Chrome, Edge or Opera handle throughput speeds. These settings seem to for the most part be mitigated in Firefox which is capable of speeds 75% faster. All tests being done on the same Ethernet card with no changes between test so the hardware card can be ruled out as being the bottleneck, in my humble opinion.

Equally, Linux tests show that the card itself is capable of the 1Gbit speed easily, and the speed tests within Linux using Firefox or even Chrome are easily over 900 Mbps, so again the Ethernet card and settings seem appropriate.


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