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Bad Review for Ignite internet.

I've been around
Hello, my name is Tyler H and I wrote a bad review on your ingite hub app describing the terrible situation i am having regarding internet set up. As per your comment you have asked me to write in this forum. Everything i have said is true weather you think is does or doesn't seem right. Feel free to check my account, you will see that i still have an open ticket on the account. Several account support, and tech support workers claim to have escalated the issue. I've also had a tech worker at my place to hook up my internet and nothing is being resolved. I have been without service since sept 30th. I accepted your offer to switch internet to this provider on sept 27th with the expectation that id be up and running by that weekend. All I've been told since then is that it is a pending order and that engineers are working on it/ it will be resolved in 24 hrs time. I was told that for the third time today. Internet still does not work, situation is an absolute nightmare that no one seems like they are trying to fix. Half the time the help line workers forget that i have a modemn set up awaiting for you to allow access to the rogers network. Would strong recommend against switching to Rogers based on the lack of care for the situation for myself as we have been without internet for weeks and the extended amount of time it is taking to resolve a simple issue.

Re: Bad Review for Ignite internet.

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@AinO wrote:

...I often get dinged for additional services charges on my cellular for things that don't make sense... like roaming.  I have my roaming off for that very reason yet still I seem to get a 75 cent charge here or there.  I

Go into the phone's network settings and choose "Rogers" instead of "auto" and you won't get dinged for roaming.  You can turn it back to Auto if you go to a different country, where obviously there would be roaming charges per use, or roam like home.  I assume you probably are close to the US border when you get dinged for roaming.  What do you mean you have 'roaming off"?

Re: Bad Review for Ignite internet.

I'm here a lot

In setting / Cellular... yes, I have my network selected as ROGERS.  There is also a "Cellular data options" where it is selected as Roaming Off.

You're correct, I am right across from the US.  This is why I have both those setting this way.  Yet still... I get dinged.  Doesn't seem right to me.

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