Asus Rog Rapture GT-Axe16000
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11:49 AM
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11:54 AM
Ok here goes:
I've recently bought a brand new Asus Rog Rapture GT-Axe16000 router ,and i would like to set it up using my rogers account (my internet) ....Just wondering if i could get a step by step installation of above device to use with my rogers modem ( believe its a gigabite modem) or any help /links ?!?
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Re: Asus Rog Rapture GT-Axe16000
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05-14-2024 12:54 PM - edited 05-14-2024 01:42 PM
@DeputyDoggz long time Asus router and Asuswrt-Merlin user here. I'm time limited today and probably into tomorrow morning, but, I'll help as much as I can.
1. Have you used a router and more specifically an Asus router before?
2. Are you using the Ignite TV system which requires IPv6 to run properly?
3. Do you have Fibre to the Home (FTTH) which uses an Optical Network Terminal and a modem, or you you have a typical Coax cable installation which only uses a modem. There is a difference between the two, in terms of the use of the modem's port 4 (lower right hand ethernet port).
4. Where is the modem located?
5. Where is the router going to be located?
6. Do you have ethernet cabling throughout your house? If unsure, then the task is to check out the house cabling to see if there is Cat-5 or Cat-5e cabling present but unused. Looking behind a wallplate and downstairs in the Structured Wiring cabinet will show if the cabling is present but unused.
Re: Asus Rog Rapture GT-Axe16000
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05-14-2024 03:52 PM - edited 05-14-2024 03:58 PM
@DeputyDoggz, here are some links to read thru and bookmark:
- This is the Canadian Asus site for the ROG Rapture GT-AXE1600 firmware updates.
- This is the link to the Asus section of the Small Net Builder site. From here, you can navigate down to the ASUS AX Routers & Adapters (Wi-Fi 6/6e), ASUSWRT – Official, Asuswrt-Merlin and Asuswrt-Merlin AddOns sections.
The various sections are:
ASUS AX Routers & Adapters (Wi-Fi 6/6e):
This is for questions that you might have if you decide to run stock firmware on your AXE16000
ASUSWRT – Official:
This is for announcements of Beta and final Asus versions and questions related to those releases when they occur. At the present time, the latest firmware version for the AXE16000 is a Beta version:
This is for announcements of new Asuswrt-Merlin versions and questions related to those versions and problems that users come across when they are running Merlin's firmware.
Asuswrt-Merlin AddOns
The Merlin user community has developed several add-ons to the main Merlin firmware. That includes blocking for sites, countries, malware sites (Skynet), ad blocking (Diversion), VPN and Wireguard control and others. This is an active community that continues to grow and add to the capabilities of the router, beyond the original Asus and Merlin firmware versions.
Here’s the menu from the Asuswrt-Merlin Terminal Menu for installing add-ons to the Merlin firmware version.
amtm - the Asuswrt-Merlin Terminal Menu
Third-party scripts
1 install Diversion - the Router Adblocker
2 install Skynet - the Router Firewall
3 install FlexQoS - Flexible QoS Enhancement
4 install YazFi - enhanced guest WiFi
5 install scribe - syslog-ng and logrotate
6 install x3mRouting - Selective Routing
7 install unbound Manager - unbound utility
8 install MerlinAU - The Ultimate Firmware Auto-Updater
j1 install connmon - Internet uptime monitor
vn install vnStat - Data use monitoring
rt install RTRMON - Monitor your Routers Health
km install KILLMON - VPN kill switch monitor & configurator
bm install BACKUPMON - Backup and restore your Router
j2 install ntpMerlin - NTP Daemon
j3 install scMerlin - Quick access control
j4 install spdMerlin - Automatic speedtest
j5 install uiDivStats - Diversion WebUI stats
j6 install uiScribe - WebUI for scribe logs
j7 install YazDHCP - Expansion of DHCP assignments
ag install Asuswrt-Merlin-AdGuardHome-Installer
wi install WICENS - WAN IP Change Email Notification Script
wf install Dual WAN Failover - replaces ASUS WAN Failover
vp install VPNMON-R3 - Monitor health of WAN DW VPN
vp2 install VPNMON-R2 - Monitor health of VPN (sunsetted)
vr install Domain-based VPN Routing
wg install WireGuard Session Manager
di install dnscrypt installer
tm install TAILMON - Tailscale installer and monitor
ep install Entware - Software repository
amtm scripts (non third-party scripts)
g install Router Games - so much fun!
em install email settings
fw install Firmware update notification
sc install Scripts update notification
dc install Disk check script
lc install LED control - Scheduled LED control
rs install Reboot scheduler
sh install shell history - Keep history of shell commands
rd install Router date keeper - Keeps router date when rebooting
sw create Swap file
i hide inactive scripts
amtm options
e exit t theme r reset a about
I recommend signing up for a freebie account on the Small Net Builder site so that you can submit any questions that might arise as you explore the AXE16000 router.
At the present time, Asus is embarking on yet another firmware upgrade for selected models. It probably the second or third time (?) that this has occurred over the last 5 to 10 years. If you look at the firmware versions you will see a leap from a version to a 3.0.06.xxx_xxxxx version. The AXE16000 router is currently running ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AXE16000 Firmware version The latest Beta version is Beta Firmware GT-AXE16000 Don’t know when a final release version will be available. It is available for other models, so, Asus is stepping thru the router versions releasing the new versions when their complete.
Of interest in the new version, from the AX6000 release is:
New features for ASUSWRT 5.0
-Kids' Wi-Fi: Create a separate network specifically for children, complete with scheduled controls. This is suitable for children who use multiple network devices that have enabled the randomized MAC address function and are not easily recognized.
-VPN WiFi: Create a VPN network that connects to 3rd party VPN services or with ASUS site to site -VPN( to encrypts your internet connection and hides your IP address to protect your online activities from being tracked or monitored.
-IoT WiFi : Create an 2.4G spearate network for IoT (Internet of Things) devices.
Guest WiFi: Create a guest network with a WiFi schedule and access rights to control when and how guests can use the network.
-VLAN, allow you to segment a network into smaller, virtual sub-networks, which can be used to isolate traffic, please refer to
-Multi-services WAN, create multiple profiles on a single WAN interface. (
-Port isolation and AP isolation to restrict device access to each other.
Bug Fixes and Enhancements …. Etc, etc.
Security Fixes …. Etc, etc.
So, those updates and upgrades appear to be ontrack to appear in the AXE16000 version when it released.
Note, you can only load firmware versions that are designated for the particular router model in question, in your case the AXE16000 firmware version. You cannot crossload firmware versions from other router models.
Merlin's firmware versions are currently using the baseline from Asus. However, Eric Sauvage, aka “Merlin” has announced very recently that he is working on moving from the baseline up to the baseline. No timeline was given but, he appears to be making good progress on the update. Here's his post on the subject:
So, fwiw, the decision for Asus users at some point is to run stock firmware from Asus or run Merlin’s firmware. Eric takes the stock Asus firmware and adds features and security updates that Asus hasn’t incorporated at the time of Eric’s firmware build. Asus and Merlin’s firmware versions are always hopscotching each other in terms of incorporated security updates.
Here is the thread for the latest Merlin version, which is available for the AXE16000:
Personal opinion, some of the best items available in the Merlin version are:
- DNS Director function which is used to force all network device DNS requests to a Domain Name Server of your choice.
- DNS over TLS function that forces all DNS requests to run encrypted DNS requests to a DNS over TLS server of your choice. Here’s a Wikipedia reference to DNS over TLS.
- Incorporation of the various user developed add-ons to the firmware.
You can use Asus’s AiProtection to protect the router and your network devices. That’s a Trend Micro addition to the Asus firmware which is a little controversial due privacy issues that surround sending you DNS requests to a third part company (Trend Micro). That’s a users choice, but, you should know that there are privacy issues with this application.
So, in place of the AiProtection I run Skynet for site, country and malware site blocking. Unfortunately that only runs on IPv4, which is ok for me as I don’t use IPv6. This is where the question arises as to whether or not you use the Ignite TV system, which does use IPv6.
Diversion which I also use is a very useful add-on to block ads. That works very well. If you go to, you will see various ads around the test displays. With Diversion running, there are no ads.
Ok, so, you should do a little reading to determine if you want to run stock firmware, or, use Merlin’s firmware version. If you have kids, and are looking to control their internet access times, the incorporation of a kids network with its own time scheduling might be a useful function. This version isn’t out yet for the AXE16000, but, I wouldn’t expect it to be much longer before its out.
To set up the router, at least to start experimenting:
- With the modem running in its default Gateway mode, connect the modem’s port 4 (lower right hand ethernet port) to the router’s 2.5 Gb/s WAN port. That will allow the modem and router to communicate at a raw data rate of 2.5 Gb/s, no matter what your internet plan rate happens to be. This is where the question of “do you have Fibre to the Home (FTTH) or a coax cable installation?” comes into play. The fiber Optical Network Terminal connects to the modem’s port 4, as that port serves as a Wan port or a LAN port depending on whether or not you have Fibre to the Home. So, if you have FTTH, you can only use modem port 1 to 3 to connect to the router. That’s ok for now, as you’re looking to set the router up, which will take a while. Once its ready to go, you can remove the modem and connect the ONT to the router’s 2.5 Gb/s port. You actually can't run the modem in Bridge mode when the modem has a fibre optic ONT in front of it.
- With the router's 2.5 Gb/s WAN port connected to the modem, either using the modem’s port 4 or other port, connect a pc or laptop to one of the routers LAN ports.
- Start the router and pc/laptop and when their up and running, start a web browser and type into the address bar and hit enter. That will take you to the Asus start page to start setting up the router.
- First choice, to use the same network name and passphrase for all networks, 2.5, 5, and 6 Ghz network, which is what Rogers does with its modems. I use separate network and passphrases. So, its personal choice.
- Enter the user name and password. Let the router do its thing….. You may have to to back to again to log in again when the user name and password has been processed. Don’t be surprised to see that happen.
- Log back into the router, if that is required and navigate to WAN (left hand menu item), Internet Connection (top level tab). Set “Enable UPNP” to No and hit Apply at the bottom of the page.
- Navigate to Wireless …. WPS and set “Enable WPS” to OFF and hit apply at the bottom of the page.
- Navigate to the Wireless (left side) …. Professional (top tab). Set “Enable Radio” to No, and hit the Apply button at the top of the page for now. You will have to select each Band, 2.4, 5 and 6 Ghz, which is just above Enable Radio selection. Do that one band at a time and turn off the wifi radios. This is really your choice, but, this will enable you to run the router, and if you use the same wifi networks and passwords as the modem, turning off the router wifi radios will prevent any wifi interference while you explore the router settings and set them as required. At the end of the setup, when you kick the modem into Bridge mode and the router is up and running in its full router mode, then you can enable the wifi radios. Again, this is personal choice. For a new router that takes some exploring and experimenting, this is what I would do, figure out the router while the rest of the network is up and running in its normal configuration.
- Have a look at the top of the page, and look for a flashing exclamation symbol, indicating that a firmware update is available. I don’t expect you to see that if the router is a very recent build and the given the fact that the current firmware version is from last year which is GT-AXE16000 Firmware version You should see that version showing at the top of the router user interface pages and on the Administration (left side) ….. Firmware Upgrade (top tab) page.
Ok, this should keep you going for a little while. A little homework, a little reading, a little experimentation session. When you get to this point, where the router is up and running, we can discuss specifics and functions.
Keep us informed of your progress. Don’t hesitate to ask questions, either here or on the Small Net Builders forums.
If you can, please provide a brief overview of your network and how you intend to incorporate the router into your network. That will help determine what advice I, and others can offer. The AXE16000 has 10 Gb/s port on it. Are you able or intending to use those ports?