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Home phone connection to Bell Phone jacks

I've been here awhile

I am getting mix messages from Rogers. I would like to move over my Bell Phone to Ignite Home phone.


I understand that it is via the rogers modem. If power goes down so does access to your phone. I get it.


Based on everything I have read on Rogers website is that I can use my existing bell phone jacks to connect to rogers ignite home phone. Again I get it if power goes down so does my phone.


When I am discussing all this with Rogers technical support or Rogers reps they all tell me it cannot be done.  The Rogers website says otherwise.


Before I leave Bell, I would to know with 100% certainty, can I connect my existing phones through the Bell jacks.


This is from Roger's Website

"Will Ignite Home Phone work with the phone wall jacks inside my home?

As soon as you install your Gateway, your Ignite Home Phone service will be available from the back of your Gateway and the connection to the phone wall jacks around your home will be discontinued.

To use your Ignite Home Phone service, you can either purchase a cordless phone system where the base unit is plugged into the Gateway & the cordless handsets throughout the home or, for a fee, you can book a professional installation to have a technician come in and activate the phone wall jacks in the home."


*Added Labels*



Re: Home phone connection to Bell Phone jacks

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Overall, yes there should be no reason it CANT be used.  BUT, like it says there with the technician part, etc.. there may be some parts which are more just than plug and play.

Right now, bell comes into the house, to a demarc spot.  Now this can be different depending on the setup.  Could be just bare lines down to a punch down (where all connect to), could be to a spot, then a plug in rj11 phone jack part, etc which is connected to all.
This MUST be disconnected, as you dont want any feedback either way across that line into the other phone stuff.


Now, for connecting rogers into the system.
May depend on where your modem is going.  IF you are leaving the modem near where your power & demarc for everything is in the house.. then you will want to likely connect the phone line there at the demarc.  But again, that will make a difference on how the lines all connect there.  If there is an input jack, easy peasy just jack out of the modem into the jack in.   But if its punch down, etc.. will require a little more, of stripping a wire from the modem to punch down on the connection there.

Alternatively.  Depending on where the modem is going and where else things are.   IF you DO have a phone jack near where the modem will go, you can connect it into ANY jack.  It will share the line across all other jacks interconnected.

Re: Home phone connection to Bell Phone jacks

Resident Expert
Resident Expert
What Gdkitty said is correct. I am finding that older homes the incoming bell lines are punched down to a terminal block then punched into the existing inside wiring which will back feed all the telephone jacks within the house.

More newer homes will have a modular jack for the incoming bell line, with a small line cable punched down to the terminal block connecting to your inside wiring.

If you live in a newer home its fairly straight forward to disconnect bell from your inside wiring, however if you live in an older home it may be more challenging to disconnect bell from your inside wiring it may be difficult to find out which wire is what and so on, so yes if your knowledgeable in this area go for it, otherwise if not, you can always ask a technician if they can help you with this.

Re: Home phone connection to Bell Phone jacks

I've been here awhile

Thank you for your feedback. When you say "technician " is that a rogers tecnhician. bell technician, who can I call to help with that?

Re: Home phone connection to Bell Phone jacks

Resident Expert
Resident Expert
if you are switching from Bell home phone to rogers home phone, then it would be the rogers technician who you can inquire with.

if you are leaving rogers home phone and going back to bell home phone, you would ask the bell home phone technician.

Re: Home phone connection to Bell Phone jacks

I'm a trusted contributor

One minor addition to supplement the excellent post by @Gdkitty . If you are locating the modem near a wall jack and would also like to use a corded phone at that location, then just install a two-way splitter into the wall jack. Then connect the modem into one socket and the modem into the other.

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