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Captcha Issues

I'm a trusted contributor

I know you guys try your best but I became very frustrated after I recently tried to provide you with feedback, but I could not post it because of the image below.  I tried different O 0  I 1 combinations but it was all for nought.  I was not over 500 characters either!


I was trying to indicate that the instructions for the App Password were written for a tech geek, not my 70 year old grandmother. I suggested you provide a video! All your surveys and requests for improvement seem to go nowhere.  I do not think I am alone in my frustration with Rogers support.


Rogers feedback image.png



***Edited Labels***


Re: Captcha Issues

I'm a trusted contributor

I think you are preaching to the  choir  here .  Smiley Wink


I think that posting here is likely a far better  spot to give feedback anyway .  It put's it in a public format  so at least others know that it is an issue and that  Rogers  has been thus informed least others can then use that to base their decisions on .   Whether  it will affect them and if they want to add it to their score sheet  to use when it comes time to  decide if they  are going to remain or become a customer. 

The Red flag deals board seems to be a good place for feed back as well ....I have no idea if Rogers monitors it but I have found answers there that they either couldn't or wouldn't provide here .  Smiley Happy


edited to add: maybe  you need a couple spaces in that captcha  too ... Smiley LOL



Re: Captcha Issues

I'm a trusted contributor

@barndoor wrote:

I think you are preaching to the  choir  here .  Smiley Wink


edited to add: maybe  you need a couple spaces in that captcha  too ... Smiley LOL


Thanks for the smiles but it is extremely frustrating when these things happen.  No one seems to care. 

Re: Captcha Issues

I'm a senior advisor

And they don't even give an auditory version of the captcha?  


If they don't file a complaint with CRTC directly and contact the office responsible for OADA - they have a direct line for complaints.


This is required by law in Ontario, no discussion permitted.



Re: Captcha Issues

I plan to stick around

refresh the page get new capcha. O that might be charactor o or zero. like this

Re: Captcha Issues

I plan to stick around

I had a problem with the check off the squares it would keep comming back with another one I shut it down after the fifth one appeared then I signed in again and got it with the first one.  I'm eighty I don't need this frustration!

Re: Captcha Issues

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Marg1 : I've also had to occasionally go to a second or third Captcha.  The pictures are not often clear enough to see the car or storefront or bridge, or whatever very clearly.  I haven't ever been forced to go to a fifth one, but I have had to go to three on occasion. Luckily they don't come up too often any more.  For  a while I was getting them almost every time I tried to sign in.  Frustrating indeed.

Re: Captcha Issues

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I have the following comments regarding Captcha recently.  


1. Although I went for several weeks without having to use Captcha, this past week, it has returned with a vengeance, almost every time I need to login here.


2. The pictures in the Captcha are such poor quality (small, blurry) that it's sometimes quite difficult to detect the small picture with a bicycle or bus or crosswalk, especially as the eyes are getting weaker with age.


3. Today I had to go through about 7 Captchas to finally get in. I believe the Captchas have changed and they are not static, but changing, so even though I may have checked off a "bus" in the top right, a new small picture replaces it, and if there's a bus, I need to click the identical area again.  This may be new and it's a pain.


4. I find this sort of time-consuming "so-called security" in a forum to be objectionable.  We're not doing million dollar transactions here.  Smiley Mad

Re: Captcha Issues

I'm a trusted contributor

@57 wrote:


4. I find this sort of time-consuming "so-called security" in a forum to be objectionable.  We're not doing million dollar transactions here.  Smiley Mad

@57  I clicked on "Remember me" and I seem to be able to log in with a specific browser without getting the Captcha pictures of cars, buses or storefronts each time.   

When I use a different browser, then the Captcha's show up and your points are absolutely valid.



Re: Captcha Issues

@57 @User14


Similar issues encountered on my end as well. I have noticed however, that if you click the pictures "too quickly", it will prompt another captcha. It's been working fine for me as of late when I click them at a "normal" speed?  See if this works?


This ongoing issue has also been escalated on our end and plans are in motion to alleviate it. Hopefully we will have something to update in the near future.



Re: Captcha Issues

@RogersRoland wrote:


Similar issues encountered on my end as well. I have noticed however, that if you click the pictures "too quickly", it will prompt another captcha. It's been working fine for me as of late when I click them at a "normal" speed?  See if this works?


This ongoing issue has also been escalated on our end and plans are in motion to alleviate it.

I just had to go through 5 captchas for street signs. I went slowly and I didn't make any mistakes.  I then had to do store fronts and even though I went slowly, the captcha kept adding new pictures (in the same captcha) until I finally clicked all the storefronts.   If this is going to continue, I won't be logging in here as often, that's for sure.


For a while, when I had to do captchas in the previous "blitz" a few weeks ago, I tried slowing down my typing of my password. I'm a touch-typist and I slowed it down on purpose, leaving a second between some letters.  That didn't really make any difference that I could surmise. 


Edit - One thing that I just noticed was that there was a "next" at the bottom right indicating that even if you get the captcha correct, you have to go through multiple ones now.  I had to go through 5 street sign ones...

Re: Captcha Issues

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@User14 wrote:


@57  I clicked on "Remember me" and I seem to be able to log in with a specific browser without getting the Captcha pictures of cars, buses or storefronts each time.   


When I use a different browser, then the Captcha's show up and your points are absolutely valid.

I've had "remember me" selected for a long time, so that's not the issue for me. Sometimes I can go several weeks without a single captcha and then there's a blitz for a week or a few days...


I'm usually using Chrome, not switching browsers at all, unless I have a login issue which hasn't been a problem in a while.

Re: Captcha Issues

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

This morning it was even worse. Had to click on several of the static captchas and then work through one of the dynamic ones that adds new pictures after you've checked the correct ones.  The new pictures took a long time to load. It was painful waiting for them so I could click.  I finally got in.


I tried deleting my cookies, clearing cache, incognito mode, etc.  Still had the captchas, only with a vengeance. I think I had to go through about a dozen.  First some static ones, then a couple of the dynamic ones.


I also had to do a few captchas for logging into MyRogers, which I don't believe I've ever encountered before.  


@RogersRoland : You say this issue has been escalated.  I sure hope they fix it soon.

Re: Captcha Issues

I'm a senior advisor

I use Firefox and have never seen a Captcha when signing in, even after clearing cache and cookies. I use Chrome occasionally and just signed in using it, no Captcha either.


Rogers PayGo. Location: S-W Ontario

Re: Captcha Issues

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

hmm.  I just tried FF and didn't get a captcha.  Maybe I'll try FF for a while when coming here...  I'll keep you posted. The use of more captchas and the dynamic captcha started for me a few days ago. Before that I'd see them occasionally, but recently it's been almost every time I try to sign in.

Re: Captcha Issues

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I've signed in quite a few times since my last post. Here are my results:


1. No captchas at all when using Firefox. (Thanks @OLDYELLR)

2. Captchas each time I try to login using Chrome, even with Incognito mode (tried both ways, several times).    Also after clearing cache and cookies (which Incognito should bypass)...  This is very strange.

Re: Captcha Issues

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator



That's some odd behaviour. I don't normally use Firefox but I do recall the Captcha prompt does still appear. Chrome is still my goto, and as before, the prompt only seems occasionally. I'm going to forward this information over to the MyRogers team to see if this can help their troubleshooting.


Is there anyone else in the Community with similar issues?




Re: Captcha Issues

I'm a trusted contributor

@RogersRoland wrote:



Is there anyone else in the Community with similar issues?


Yes, I do have such issues but I just keep trying different strategies suggested by others here. I have already sent a note to the Rogers Chief Privacy Officer to find out what "trackers" Rogers is using because my advertisement and pop-up blockers on chrome stop these things from collecting data about me. I think this is the reason I can't log in with Chrome.  But even with MS Edge or Chrome incognito, I get these messages which I don't normally report. 

There are software problems here for sure. 


Logging in problems.png

Re: Captcha Issues

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Another day, another update. I hope this helps and I hope people aren't upset with my posts.


1. Using Chrome, I got the captcha(s) 4 out of 5 times.  When I got them, rather than solve them I simply exited away.

2. Using Chrome Incognito, I got the captcha(s) 3 out of 4 times.  Again, I exited rather than solve.

3. Using Firefox, I never got the captcha(s) and logged in easily.


Typically, I'm logging into my notifications bookmark, but sometimes I tried the blue login link at the top right, or by clicking "reply" to a post.


Edit, since I had Safari, I thought I'd give it a try.


4. First time I tried, I got the captcha - exited out.  Second time, I got a "splash screen" regarding "Maintenance", but then it took my to the Rogers Main page instead of the normal sign-in pop-up and I could click sign-in there without captcha and then ended up at my notifications.  Third time I got the normal sign-in pop-up, but I got the captcha.  I completed two static captchas and was taken to my notifications. So, it appears there are issues with Safari and Chrome (for me)

Re: Captcha Issues

I'm a trusted contributor

@57 wrote:

Another day, another update. I hope this helps and I hope people aren't upset with my posts.


1. Using Chrome, I got the captcha(s) 4 out of 5 times.  When I got them, rather than solve them I simply exited away.


Just to let @57 know that I am now logging in with Chrome (without incognito) and there are no Captcha's.  It is back to the way it was before August 19th.


I did not disable my ad blockers which is really the subject for another thread.   17 trackers are present on the Rogers site. The customer interaction is the CHAT ability so that isn't a problem. But there are 4 analytical trackers that are gathering data on everyone from what I can tell. Some trackers provide businesses with insights into individual customer online behavior related to usage and sites visited, and other trackers add beacons or cookies to allow for the collection of anonymous information about general visitation patterns to sites such as Rogers.  

It could be that these trackers are interfering with our online access. These days, I must assume that most people know this is happening.   


Rogers trackers.jpg


Re: Captcha Issues

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Although I was using FF mainly for a while to avoid the captchas, I tested each day using other browsers like Chrome.  Yes, Chrome seems to be "fixed" (for now). I got one static captcha a couple of days ago and have been able to sign in without issue since then.

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