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Packet Loss on throttled data

I've been here awhile

Hi i noticed that I am receiving 34% packet Loss on my throttled data with Rogers in my home area and I'm wondering if I can get the tower in my area checked to make sure it's working properly


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Re: Packet Loss on throttled data

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Hey @coolvehiclefan!


Welcome to the community!


Poor performance over a wireless network can certainly be an irritating experience to say the least. We'd be happy to assist in identifying what's going on. There are a few things we'd need to clarify first :). 


Does this issue occur both inside and outside of the home?

Does it occur in any other area's?

Does it occur on more than one Rogers device? 

Is this occurring with both 3G and LTE?

Have you've reached out to wireless technical support regarding this issue?

Have you used the Network Aid option through the MyRogers app to report the issue?





Re: Packet Loss on throttled data

This problem happens inside and outside my home, it only happens on my phone which is a Oneplus 6T, my Samsung Galaxy Tab A that's on Rogers doesn't have any packet Loss. This happens on 3G and lte. I am not sure how to access the network aid from the MyRogers App. I haven't reached out to tech support regarding this problem yet.

Re: Packet Loss on throttled data

Hello @coolvehiclefan,


Once you launch the MyRogers App, follow Support >> MyNetwork >> Check Status or Report.


Additionally you can also do so online by clicking the Experiencing an issue with the Rogers wireless network? page.


Hope this helps :).





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