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$100 voucher discontinued?

I plan to stick around

I went into the store yesterday to purchase a $100 voucher for our Android phone for next year.


The store person told me that that program that lets you make one purchase to last a year is now discontinued.  However, for $180, he said I could purchase a voucher that would do the same thing.


So by discontinuing the program and starting another identical program, they can't be accused of an 80% increase in cost???!!!


I came home and tried chatting because I couldn't believe he got his facts straight.  I was directed to the "self care customer line" for pay as you go.   Can't talk to anyone there, either.  If this "increase" is true, I'm done with Rogers.  We cut off our TV and changed internet providers long ago.   Now it looks like the phone will go, too.




***Edited Labels***


Re: $100 voucher discontinued?

I plan to stick around

Sorry...I meant $100 not $1000.  I have wasted so much time on the phone and here that, if they haven’t got it right this time, I’m done.  There are other providers my kids use that can and do get it right.

Re: $100 voucher discontinued?

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Shagedorn :


This issue was discussed in the following thread (item 3, as well as several other threads in this PAYGo forum):


If you didn't call Rogers specifically and ask them to be kept on the Anytime plan, you were automatically migrated to the new Talk/Text plan.  You should have received a text regarding this late last year, however, if you leave your phone off for days at a time, you may have missed it. Now that you have called them your issue should be resolved.  


A couple of tips.


1. When Rogers, and many other corporations, send texts or e-mails, the "reply" often goes to a "mailbox" that is not read, so replying to a text or e-mail often goes "unheard".


2. It is possible to edit your posts using the "options" dropdown menu (cog) at the top right of each of your posts.

Re: $100 voucher discontinued?

I'm a trusted contributor


@Shagedorn :


This issue was discussed in the following thread (item 3, as well as several other threads in this PAYGo forum):


If you didn't call Rogers and ask them to be kept on the Anytime plan, you were automatically migrated to the new Talk/Text plan.  You should have received a text regarding this late last year, however, if you leave your phone off for days at a time, you may have missed it. Now that you have called them the your issue should be resolved.  


A couple of tips.


1. When Rogers, and many other corporations, send texts or e-mails, the "reply" often goes to a "mailbox" that is not read, so replying to a text or e-mail often goes "unheard".


2. It is possible to edit your posts using the "options" dropdown menu (cog) at the top right of each of your posts.

A little impatient are we ? Smiley Wink


If you  had read this thread you would know that this is not from lack of knowledge on Shagedorn's part. it is a ROGERS glitch . 


You sound like SO much like a Rogers employee can you not be one ? Smiley Sad

Re: $100 voucher discontinued?

Resident Expert
Resident Expert


A little impatient are we ? Smiley Wink


If you  had read this thread you would know that this is not from lack of knowledge on Shagedorn's part. it is a ROGERS glitch . 


You sound like SO much like a Rogers employee can you not be one ? Smiley Sad

I read @Shagedorn 's previous posts and I'm not sure he knew about the "auto switch" to Talk/Text in February/March. He mentioned calling to use $100 in December, but not to stay on the grandfathered AnyTime plan that I could see, unless I missed that.  If he knew about the "Auto-switch to Talk/Text", then I believe his post would have been worded differently.  Perhaps he thought that by using the $100 he would be staying on Anytime, but that's not the case unless you specifically ask to stay.


I am not a Rogers employee, but I do know how corporations work. 

Re: $100 voucher discontinued?

I'm a trusted contributor


Perhaps he thought that by using the $100 he would be staying on Anytime, but that's not the case unless you specifically ask to stay.



Actually it is  ... @Shagedorn as per his/her posts has been on the $100 /year plan for some time  .... as has been stated before, those particular plan holders are not supposed to need to notify Rogers that they want to stay on that plan  .Hence the reason that people like  @OLDYELLR  and myself received no notice of the need to grandfather.    Only people like yourself, @57 who paid using the $10 month option were supposed to have to call in  to stay on the plan .  As usual though , this seems to be another situation where half the staff do it one way and half the other . Smiley Sad

Re: $100 voucher discontinued?

Resident Expert
Resident Expert


 .... as has been stated before, those particular plan holders are not supposed to need to notify Rogers that they want to stay on that plan  .Hence the reason that people like  @OLDYELLR  and myself received no notice of the need to grandfather.    Only people like yourself, @57 who paid using the $10 month option were supposed to have to call in  to stay on the plan .   Smiley Sad

The way I've been reading the forum posts and the communications from Rogers, it is anyone who's on the AnyTime grandfathered plan that needs (needed?) to advise Rogers that they wished to stay on that plan and not be automatically migrated to Talk/Text. It doesn't matter how you pay for the AnyTime plan, if you're on it, you will be migrated unless you notify (by phone call).  I guess I've been reading it differently from you...


As you know, I've also used the $100 (one year suspension of payments from my balance) option several times, so I'm not always paying $10/mo.

Re: $100 voucher discontinued?

I'm a trusted contributor

Hey  @57  .. why don't you call in and ask  .... staff generally  won't answer questions  here so how be we  pester the  paygo  CSR's and  find out the answers . Smiley Wink


The CSR I talked to  explained it to me as I stated in the previous post  ....@57  see what they tell you . Your method of payment other than using balance was  mainly $10 a month was it not ...that is what they will be looking for I expect . 

 Anyone else  wanna call and see what you're told  ? 

Re: $100 voucher discontinued?

Resident Expert
Resident Expert


...method of payment ...that is what they will be looking for I expect . 

Why would they be looking at a method of payment?  With cable, internet or home phone, they look at the plan you're on when announcing changes, not whether you pay with cheque, cash, MasterCard, bank payment, voucher, etc.


Why would it not simply be the "Anytime" (grandfathered) plan?  Seems obvious to me?

Re: $100 voucher discontinued?

I plan to stick around



If your balance is over $100 at the time of renewal, then the following would be the default option that I am suggesting:

"preauthorise Rogers to automatically take the $100 from an existing balance"

You would trust Rogers to do that  ?   Smiley Happy


It  should have been automatic  and not optional  right  from the start . Smiley Wink


And now they have just complicated the issue with a $50/6 month voucher  that on occasion you may have to use to stay under the $150  balance  cap . 


I prefer to keep trust out of business transactions   🙂

I would like to see Rogers make such a payment option available on their site so I can select it. I would print a copy of my selection in case something goes wrong in 12 months.

Yes, it should have been automatic right from the start. You and I should not have had to call them to find out that such an option was available to us.

I had not heard about a $50 option. Interesting!

I don't think I would ever need it myself as I used monthly vouchers to get me to a January annual renewal date. If my balance is over $100 in January, I'll use my balance to extend another year. If my balance is under $100. Let's say $95, I'll buy a $100 voucher which would then be used up to extend another year and I'll be back down to a balance of $95 which is under their threshold of $150 so I won't loose any balance.

I think everything should be alright going forward.

Re: $100 voucher discontinued?

I'm a trusted contributor



Why would it not simply be the "Anytime" (grandfathered) plan?  Seems obvious to me?

If you routinely pay $10 a month or $120/year    other than when your balance get's to high  .... do you want to continue paying $10 a month and go on the new plan   or stay on the old one ?  If you are on the old plan and  have paid $100 every year or used $100 of balance   then why is there a  need to ask .   

i thought you said you understood  the way corporations think .  Smiley Wink 

Re: $100 voucher discontinued?

Resident Expert
Resident Expert


...why is there a  need to ask .   

i thought you said you understood  the way corporations think .  Smiley Wink 

You need to ask because that is how corporations work.  😉

Re: $100 voucher discontinued?

I'm a trusted contributor


If my balance is under $100. Let's say $95, I'll buy a $100 voucher which would then be used up to extend another year and I'll be back down to a balance of $95 which is under their threshold of $150 so I won't loose any balance.

I think everything should be alright going forward.

I'm assuming you are staying on the  $100 anytime plan .... if you have a balance of $95  they likely won't let you add a $100 voucher because that will bring your balance to $195 ... I expect you would have to buy a $50 voucher for 6 months and  then  when your balance is below $50 you could add the $100 voucher . 

Of course, this is a corporation which uses a different sort of logic it would be best to call and ask them . 

Re: $100 voucher discontinued?

I plan to stick around



If my balance is under $100. Let's say $95, I'll buy a $100 voucher which would then be used up to extend another year and I'll be back down to a balance of $95 which is under their threshold of $150 so I won't loose any balance.

I think everything should be alright going forward.

I'm assuming you are staying on the  $100 anytime plan .... if you have a balance of $95  they likely won't let you add a $100 voucher because that will bring your balance to $195 ... I expect you would have to buy a $50 voucher for 6 months and  then  when your balance is below $50 you could add the $100 voucher . 

Of course, this is a corporation which uses a different sort of logic it would be best to call and ask them . 

Yes, I'm staying on the $100 anytime plan.

My understanding is that the $150 limit is only looked at by Rogers and corrected on Dec 31 of each year. In January when my service expires, I do not see any issue adding a $100 voucher to my account to pay for another year of service.

If you are right and I run into a problem, I'll call them and ask for assistance.



Re: $100 voucher discontinued?

I'm a trusted contributor

@Alcus440 .. my blunder ...  I suggested they would want you to buy a $50 voucher  in the $95 scenario . Instead  I expect they will send you an offer to use $50 of that $95  to renew for 6 months thus dropping  your balance to $45 where you can ad the $100 with no problem .  At least that was the jist of the offer they emailed to me . 

At least if you know it is a possibility  that it could cause an issue  you can be prepared ... Enough to tick people off if you get to renewal date and they won't take your voucher because it puts you over the cap .  

Glad to hear you got to stay on the plan with no other  complications. Smiley LOL

Re: $100 voucher discontinued?

I plan to stick around

Very useful info!   Did not realize $100 was being discontinued.  Also called Rogers and because I am long term customer I will also get the top up for $100.   This is no longer available for new customers.   I will also be migrating to a new smartphone so that I don't lose my balance.   Thank you!

Re: $100 voucher discontinued?

I'm a trusted contributor


   I will also be migrating to a new smartphone so that I don't lose my balance.   Thank you!

Thanks for the update on how it went for you.   When you say migrating ...does  that mean you are getting a hardware upgrade  to use some of your balance ?

Re: $100 voucher discontinued?

I plan to stick around

Yes I do - maybe that is the wrong term?    I purchased an unlocked phone from Best Buy and Rogers will transfer my Sim card from my old phone to the new one since I still have a balance.

Re: $100 voucher discontinued?

I'm a trusted contributor


Yes I do - maybe that is the wrong term?    I purchased an unlocked phone from Best Buy and Rogers will transfer my Sim card from my old phone to the new one since I still have a balance.

No.... I expect I'm the one using the wrong terminology ... I just wanted to understand what was going on .  

To my  way of thinking that would not be a hardware upgrade because Rogers is not supplying you with a phone . Migration makes more sense ... will Rogers charge you for changing the sim  ?

Re: $100 voucher discontinued?

I plan to stick around

Hi, Rogers won't be charging me for changing the sim card, assuming of course it is the right one for the new phone.   My old one is an old flip phone.    They also offered me 100 mb of data for $10 per month which I may start with or just use free wi-fi where available, which I understand can be risky.   Really don't think I'll use enough to warrant spending mega bucks but that could change!   As an aside I had thought of using the 711 service but I read customer reviews and they were mostly negative.   Anyways Rogers is handy and staff has been very helpful.

Re: $100 voucher discontinued?

I'm a trusted contributor

They  must really  want to get people  off the anytime plan ...  if they are  going to offer carrots like   unlimited Canada wide and unlimited texting for $20  a month ....    unfortunately  we only need  what we currently pay $7  a month for .... but it is a wonderful  offer if you could use it . 

Re: $100 voucher discontinued?

I'm a trusted contributor

I think I had mentioned earlier that all of the big three seemed to be getting away from the talk anytime  type plans  but it seems that Bell still has there's and it just seems to  be Rogers and Telus seeming to  insist on the  monthly plan type system . 

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