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WiFi calling not working with Pixel 8 from Google Store

I've been around

Anyone have any solution to enable WiFi calling on Rogers a pixel 8 from the Google store but apparently doesn't work on the Rogers network cause I didn't buy it from that even allowed? Anyway...any solution for wifi calling? Works on the other networks, just not Rogers.


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Re: WiFi calling not working with Pixel 8 from Google Store

I've been here awhile

I bought my Pixel 8 Pro from Google directly and it's set to Wi-fi calling at home. It depends if you have a plan that allows wi-fi calling or not. If you do, go into phone settings (three dots at the top right hand corner) in the search bar. Hit settings >Calling Accounts>tap on Rogers>tap Wi-Fi calling and toggle it on. It will take about 30-60 seconds for your phone to connect to your home wi-fi.
Good luck!

Re: WiFi calling not working with Pixel 8 from Google Store

I'm an advisor
That is more of a Bell/Telus practice although it applies to most Asian and India devices modes on all carriers. Rogers provisioning is a bit on the slow side when catching up on the Android 14 provisioning and approved firmware versions. My T-Mobile USA purchased s23 Ultra works fine on Rogers WiFi Calling and did without issue on Android 13. When I entered the official Samsung Android 14 beta though. WiFi Calling stopped working for me a few builds in. Figuring it was a beta issue, I brought it up with Samsung, that confirmed everything was good when the final build was pushed to beta participants and a few days later, to everyone. I had to contact Rogers Support to get them to update their system, which resolved the provisioning issue for me. Try reaching out to Rogers Support so they can make sure their system is up to date and that everything is setup correctly on your account.

Re: WiFi calling not working with Pixel 8 from Google Store

I've been here awhile

I have been wrestling with this issue since Rogers bought Shaw. I have phoned tech support many many times. I finally found out that non-Rogers phones don't support wifi calling. I had previously purchased my Pixel 8 directly from Google. So I purchased another Pixel 8 from Rogers, certain that this would solve it.   Nope. 

At this point I don't know what I'm going to do. Cell reception is very bad where I live so I've asked friends and family to use FB messenger or WhatsApp. Works very well.  Still very frustrating that not only does my wifi calling not work, but Rogers can get it working either!

Re: WiFi calling not working with Pixel 8 from Google Store

I've been here awhile

Check to see if your plan supports wi-fi calling first. If it doesn't you won't be able to use wi-fi calling. If it does do you have the latest OS for your phone? Currently, I use a Pixel 8 Pro purchased from the Google store. When I first got it, it didn't work, but now it does after a few updates.
Make sure you go to your settings on your phone, toggle wi-fi calling and it should allow you to enable wi-fi calling. If you're using 2 different SIMs on your phone, only one SIM can have access to wi-fi calling.

Re: WiFi calling not working with Pixel 8 from Google Store

I've been here awhile

Each of the potential solutions you've suggested were checked out many many months ago.

Re: WiFi calling not working with Pixel 8 from Google Store

Even with dual-SIM (pSIM+eSIM), WiFi Calling should provision for both SIM's as long as the device is compatible with both implantations of WiFi Calling. My s23 Ultra in a dual-SIM configuration is provisioned for both carriers and they work and enable simultaneously.

WiFi Calling is also heavily dependent on the WiFi connections speeds, both up and down. 20Mbiy up and down at a minimum is recommended in my opinion to maintain good call quality for WiFi Calling. Some networks do not have the correct ports open to allow WiFi Calling to initialize. Make sure the network being connected to allows for WiFi Calling to work.

Re: WiFi calling not working with Pixel 8 from Google Store

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

My parents own a Pixel 8 and their wifi calling works just fine on rogers. 

Re: WiFi calling not working with Pixel 8 from Google Store

I've been here awhile

Thanks Pauly, did they get the phone from Rogers or did they get it elsewhere?

Re: WiFi calling not working with Pixel 8 from Google Store

I've been here awhile

My wifi router is reasonably current. This is a wifi6 network. I don't suspect it is a wifi connection issue. I have no idea which ports are open, the router is in it's default configuration.

Re: WiFi calling not working with Pixel 8 from Google Store

What WiFi router are you using? If you have your WiFi router in the default configuration, you might be causing a double NAT issue because the Rogers gateway also has NAT enabled. You should put your router in AP mode or disable DHCP and NAT, which still should allow you to access the configuration.

Personally, I find Asus routers to handle WiFi Calling very well. This is due to their work with Google and T-Mobile to make sure WiFi Calling protocols and QoS work well in most configurations.
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