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Google Pixel Watch LTE Support

I've been around

When will Rogers support the Google Pixel Watch LTE? Google currently only lists Bell and Telus as supporting the new watch.


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Re: Google Pixel Watch LTE Support

I've been around

Looks like they don't even support Samsung smart watches.

Re: Google Pixel Watch LTE Support

I've been around
Does anyone have any insight on this yet?
I spoke with a Rogers customer service rep on Thursday and he advised me that if I purchased the LTE version from Google it would work on their network, however he really didn't seem confident.

Has anyone been able to use Samsung LTE watches on Rogers?

Re: Google Pixel Watch LTE Support

I've been here awhile


I found this on Reddit. Apparently they are starting to slowly support the Galaxy watch 5, but it seems to be an incredibly arduous process that only certain employees know how to do and appears to be a true headache. I don't understand why it's so difficult or why it took this long to begin with.


Shame on me for financing this Pixel 6 pro through them, otherwise I'd jump ship. A provider having such a ridiculously complex process for such a simple watch activation is insanity considering it's one of the most expensive.

I hope this helps, nonetheless. I'm debating going with the watch 5 pro or Pixel watch and will be monitoring this thread closely to see how folks get on with either. 

Re: Google Pixel Watch LTE Support

I plan to stick around

absolutely bummed. Pixel watch arrived and I can not connect it to Rogers. When I spoked to a Rogers rep they said it would not be a problem. not cool.

Re: Google Pixel Watch LTE Support

Yup same here, just got my Pixel LTE Watch and Rogers rep didn't even know what it was let alone that it was just released.  Told me to try going to a store.  I don't get why they can't just take the eSim information and add it to your account? 

Re: Google Pixel Watch LTE Support

Same here! Btw on the pixel watch app do u see the option to add a new sim?

Re: Google Pixel Watch LTE Support

I've been here awhile
I spoke to google and they said to submit a feedback in the pixel watch app... let's hope this helps

Re: Google Pixel Watch LTE Support

No, when I go in the watch app on the phone (which is a pixel 6) under mobile network, all there is is "Set up your mobile service" but it does nothing when I tap it

Re: Google Pixel Watch LTE Support

Absolutely inexcusable that in 2022 we still can't get such a simple activation.

Is it even worth it? Should I just get the wifi only version then?

Such incompitence from a company wouldn't be tollerated elsewhere but completely unsurprising that we're having to deal with this.

Come on Rogers. Do better.

Re: Google Pixel Watch LTE Support

I plan to stick around
I learned that Samsung LTE connectivity is now active. Rogers would not commit to when/if they will have LTE capability for Pixel.

So disappointed again - with Rogers.

Re: Google Pixel Watch LTE Support

I plan to stick around
I have the same. And that is because with Rogers you can not add the LTE feature. So it is blank. My wife is on Telus - I could connect with her phone.

Re: Google Pixel Watch LTE Support

I plan to stick around
The real question is - is Rogers worth being our provider, if it is not keeping active and current with our needs?

Re: Google Pixel Watch LTE Support

So I just came from my local Rogers store and the sales rep had to get the manager out to help with my Pixel watch. They didn't know what to do either. So the manager called their Google rep and confirmed you have to be with Bell or Telus to activate the Pixel Watch (as of right now anyways) So I said now I have to switch carriers? This is so stupid, a giant company like Rogers. Doesn't make any sense.  If I weren't financing my Pixel 6 I would switch to Bell.  I already spoke with a Bell rep and confirmed it's easy peasy to switch but Rogers will send me a final bill for the remainder of the phone price as Bell doesn't transfer contracts. So either I do this or wait and see if Rogers will eventually support the LTE watch.  Everybody on Rogers, just stick with the Wifi watch if you really want one or switch carriers.

Re: Google Pixel Watch LTE Support

I've been around

Funny - They said the same to me prior to ordering the watch,  looks like I will be switching to Ma Bell, and I've been a Rogers Wireless customer since the Cantel Amigo days.....   

Re: Google Pixel Watch LTE Support

I've been here awhile

Disgraceful from Rogers. I’m not waiting to see when/if they feel like catching up, I got a quote and plan to move to BELL tomorrow. I’m taking 4 lines and a $310 (before taxes) monthly bill with me. 

Re: Google Pixel Watch LTE Support

I've thought about it for the past few hours and I did the same.  I've called Bell and got a quote emailed to me and will be taking my 4 lines to Bell tomorrow.  Bell supports ALL the smartwatches, no reason why a communication giant like Rogers cannot.  See ya later Rogers

Re: Google Pixel Watch LTE Support

Did everyone here have a BYOD plan so don't have to pay for their remaining device balance? Or does Rogers just send you the remainder in the final bill? Very tempted to switch providers here too, it seems like they're just failing at smartwatches in general.

Re: Google Pixel Watch LTE Support

Unfortunately I will get a final bill from Rogers for the remainder of my pixel 6 but I don't care at this point.  The plan I will be switching to with Bell will still be cheaper than what I'm paying with Rogers anyways. For the same thing.

Re: Google Pixel Watch LTE Support

Just following up here, I went to Bell after getting a quote emailed to me after discussing the new plans, etc with a Bell rep and the store sales person had no idea what to do with said quote and said I have no access to this quote I'm sorry you were given bad information.  So I said ok bye! and talked over to Telus next door.  So I'm officially a Telus mobility member and all phones and smartwatches are working as they . should have with Rogers. 

Re: Google Pixel Watch LTE Support

I plan to stick around

Once my contract is up I'm rerolling Telus or Bell especially after that nationwide outage and the fact they still don't even support apples family setup couple years later. GG Rogers, Gotta use Wifi for the time being i guess.

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