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Galaxy 5 LTE watch - does not support number pairing with phone

I'm here a lot


So apparently while in LTE mode, if you get a nice Galaxy 5 LTE watch and activate it on your account you will not be able to recieve calls on it if someone tries to call you on your cell phone.  For a person to call you on your watch in LTE mode, they need to dial a phone number associated to your watch.   Most carriers watch and phone use the same phone number, both ring together when the watch is in LTE mode.. 

This is disappointing... 


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Re: Galaxy 5 LTE watch - does not support number pairing with phone

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Greetings @Tristan1


A warm welcome to our Community and Congrats on your first post with us! 😊 I know firsthand how imperative it is to ensure you stay connected at all times. 


We're saddended to hear about the revelation you've made while attempting to get your Samsung Galaxy 5 Watch paired to your device, and we're sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. It sounds like you purchased your Samsung Watch at a third party retailer rather than a Rogers Store is that correct? 


In order to be able to successfully pair the watch to your device, the watch would have to had been purchased directly from a Rogers Branded Retail Location. In the event that the device was purchased elsewhere, the watch can be activated with us however, it will be given it's own number. 







Re: Galaxy 5 LTE watch - does not support number pairing with phone

Hi RogersJo

Thanks for you reply.  I will correct you on your response. 

1. I purchased my Galaxy watch 5 directly from Rogers Store

2. I have been  informed by Rogers Messenger Support Chat that number sharing is not supported for the galaxy watch 5 even if purchased from Rogers store. The watch and phone use a separate number.

I repeat. Number sharing not supported even if you bought directly from Rogers store.  

Example:  you go for a walk without your phone, you have your watch, someone calls on your phone, it will NOT ring on your watch (unless within Bluetooth/wifi range of course..)  They only way someone can reach you on your watch if your away from your phone, is to call the dedicated phone number. 

Here, the number sharing which should work and the whole point of an LTE watch.. ISN'T SUPPORTED. 

Rogers has confirmed this twice with me in the support chats. 

Thanks and please validate. à


Re: Galaxy 5 LTE watch - does not support number pairing with phone

So, I've contacted Rogers via messenger, they tried everything they could. I've been back to the store. We tried a new e-sim car. Unlinked and relinked. Same deal. 

Number sharing does not work in LTE mode. I can make calls using the watch. I can receive a call on my watch if I call using the seperate dedicated phone number. I get my phone text messages on my watch over LTE. But number sharing with my cell phone number. NO. DOES NOT WORK. Guy at the Rogers store told me it's a bug with Rogers service and can't do anything to help me. He said he has seen others like me and can do nothing to fix it.  Rogers on messenger says go back to the store. (Store says can't do anything..) 

Rogers..? Come on, help please.

Re: Galaxy 5 LTE watch - does not support number pairing with phone

So in the end.. it turns out that number sharing on the galaxy watches is not supported by the Rogers wireless network at the present moment.

ROGERS it sure would be nice to use number sharing on the galaxy watches, it is the main feature of an LTE watch.. it's a shame.. such a nice watch. Also please inform your staff and tech support.

Re: Galaxy 5 LTE watch - does not support number pairing with phone


Thanks for the valuable update and feedback @Tristan1!




Re: Galaxy 5 LTE watch - does not support number pairing with phone

I've been around

So it is possible to activate a BYOD Galaxy watch on a Rogers network (I am totally fine with having its own separate number)?  I am getting conflicting responds from customer service and in-store.

Re: Galaxy 5 LTE watch - does not support number pairing with phone

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Greetings @DonnaHF


Thanks for your inquiry and a warm welcome to the Community! 🙌 I see that you've connected with us via PM's and we'd be more than happy to continue there! 





Re: Galaxy 5 LTE watch - does not support number pairing with phone

I plan to stick around
Sorry to dash your hopes. Got a seperate line for my bypd samsung watch 5 lte on 21st of Sep and cancelled by rogers next day as it is due to technical issues.

Re: Galaxy 5 LTE watch - does not support number pairing with phone

I plan to stick around
Rogers keep advertising, yes and called rogers before and all peachy until after 24 hours of activation. Cmon ROGERS

Re: Galaxy 5 LTE watch - does not support number pairing with phone

Well after 2.5 months of h$ll.. (to say the least.. tried in 5 different stores, multiple times, so many hours wasted in trips to the store. Endless hours with "escalated tech support" by calling 611, endless tickets that I get an automated call saying resolved but nothing is resolved, radio silence to email, and a never ending chat in Rogers messenger) there was no resolution, nobody was able to get number sharing to work, after 15, yes one - five e-sims from different stores, unlink relink, factory resets, line signal refreshes etc etc, and in the last 2 weeks, no LTE connectivity became possible, nothing not even 1kb of data. I took the watch back and it again had to be resolved by back office to get a reimbursement, that hasn't cleared yet.. 

So I hate to say it. I've been with Rogers for 10 years always with the big expensive plans and flag ship phones, currently rocking a z fold, after my reimbursement clears I will close my account and go to Bell. I really don't like Bell, but at least I'll get  a galaxy watch that should work on LTE and hopefully number sharing. 

I'm not the type to post bad reviews, not a needy client, I'll even overpay for a long time.. I don't like to make changes in my providers but my experience with the watch was absolutely terrible. And I absolutely love the watch, (GW5) I just wanted LTE to work properly and have number sharing, which never worked from day 1. I tried everything I could, more than I should, when there was no resolution, there was no follow-up, it became radio silence. 


Re: Galaxy 5 LTE watch - does not support number pairing with phone

I plan to stick around
Dont go to bell. They want 6 month deposit before they let you get the watch plan. I tried, mind you, with my excellent credit.

Re: Galaxy 5 LTE watch - does not support number pairing with phone

I don't care about 6 months deposit, I payed in full for my watch at Rogers. I'll also pay in full with Bell, if I can.

Re: Galaxy 5 LTE watch - does not support number pairing with phone

I plan to stick around
If you bought it from rogers you are all set. You can number share. The watch is in their system

Re: Galaxy 5 LTE watch - does not support number pairing with phone

So 3 months of #$%%. 15, yes one five different e-sims, 5 different stores multiple trips, so many hours wasted, endless hours on 611,  endless conversation on messenger,  can't count how many back office tickets, but they just close them without doing anything, e-mails just turn to radio silence, no reply when they realise they actually have no idea what to do to actually resolve the issue. All just to get number sharing to work, and with all that after 3 months number sharing never worked.  Tried deleting the line, starting with a new line. Same deal. Yes Watch baught from Rogers store.  Wow. In the end, LTE would not even connect anymore. Nothing. 

I dropped Rogers. Gasp.. went to Bell. within 20 minutes had a galaxy watch 6 classic that works with number sharing perfectly.  

If number sharing worked for you on Rogers, great. For me it didn't and after 3 months of none stop trying it never did work. They accepted to take the watch back and credit it. They didn't want to exchange it to try with another watch from fear of having the same issue and not knowing what to do. 

On my bill, they indicated the credit was because of item return from buyers remorse... wooww


Re: Galaxy 5 LTE watch - does not support number pairing with phone

I plan to stick around
Im so happy for you Tristan. In my case since its a US bought watch im going to hook up seperate line from TMO for 15 bucks a month.can use in canada and mexico

Re: Galaxy 5 LTE watch - does not support number pairing with phone

I'm here a lot

I just transferred to Rogers from Telus. Brought a Galaxy 5 with me. They will not pair it for me. They told me it can be done but they wont, because I didn't buy it from them. I had a linked number with Telus and Bell before that 4 months ago (long story but Telus coverage sucks)

So, if every other carrier can do it, why not Rogers. Maybe the connection to the phone is only cable speed...

Re: Galaxy 5 LTE watch - does not support number pairing with phone

Have you tried reaching out to Customer Support to see if they can do this for you? It might not be possible in stores but should be possible. All Canadian model devices are exactly the same for every carrier.

Re: Galaxy 5 LTE watch - does not support number pairing with phone

That's where I started. 50 minutes on hold until someone answered. They don't me can't do it. I submitted an online comment that this was an issue. I will probably cancel the plan, there is absolutely no point in the feature for $15 when it doesn't do what it is supposed to do

Re: Galaxy 5 LTE watch - does not support number pairing with phone

I plan to stick around

Hi, I posted my own sad story elsewhere, but short version, after years of trying pretty much everything with Rogers, I finally fixed the issue.  My watch5 is BYOD, paired with a OnePlus phone.  Rogers could only make it work with my watch having its own, dedicated number...  Not good enough for me!  I switched to Telus only to find out that it did not work either.  MY FIX:   I HAD TO GET A SAMSUNG PHONE (BYOD)!!!  Worked immediately on first attempt.

Re: Galaxy 5 LTE watch - does not support number pairing with phone

I've been here awhile

you sometime the watch it could be more advanced technology than the phone you have so the only way to make it work is to get a phone compared with your watch

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