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Why does my Rogers account show the amount owed for my next invoice, but invoice is unavailable

I'm here a lot



I always get my invoices around the 27th/28th of the month. The invoice date is the 24th. My last payment was on July 8th for the June 24th invoice. 


When I log into my rogers account I can see the balance for the invoice that would be for July 24th but there's no actual invoice there. When I go to the invoices, only June 24th is the most recent.


I suppose it could appear tomorrow but why would it know the balanced owed but not be able to show me the corresponding invoice? I need to submit the invoice for work to get my payment reimbursed.





***Added Labels***


Re: Why does my Rogers account show the amount owed for my next invoice, but invoice is unavailable


Good day, @BrendanMTL!


Thanks for sharing your billing concerns with the community! I can definitely understand how it would be confusing to see your balance update online but not show any invoice to match. I'd be scratching my head as well. 🤨 


Most likely, there is an invoice delay happening which is being worked on at the back end. When an invoice does get delayed, we will push out the payment due date as well so that you'll have additional time to make your payment.  


If you'd like to send us a PM, we can certainly have a closer look to make sure there isn't something else going on that needs flagging. For more information on how our Private Messaging system works, please check out our blog.


Thank you!


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