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Triton Global - Third Party Charges

I've been here awhile

I just had to pay 90$ extra on my September bill for two calls billed by a company called Triton Global for third party calls. I did not make these calls. I feel I have been victimized by both Triton Global and Rogers. I was basically called a liar by someone named Alvin in a online chat with the billing department  when I tried to  explain  that these calls were not made by my wife or I. I have registered a complaint with the Commission for Complaints For Telecom-Television Services. As a senior , I can not afford to just give 90$ away for nothing. The way I was treated by this Alvin person is beyond my tolerance of acceptable behavior by someone representing a  company that relies on it's customers for survival. As soon as my current contract expires, I will be exploring other options for my home services. I have been a Rogers customer for over 30 years. 


*Added Labels*


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Re: Triton Global - Third Party Charges

@mustang2torino  Thanks for the update.  A $90 charge for two 1-minute calls that you did not make is ridiculous.


I would send a private message to @CommunityHelps .  They are a great group of people and I am confident that they will do whatever they can to help you get this resolved.  You don't need to provide them with a long history or rehash any of the past discussions that you have had with other Rogers agents.  Simply tell them that you were billed third-party charges of $90 for two calls that you did not make.  They will ask you to submit a form with personal information; this is normal and they require this in order to access your account.  They will review the case notes on file and may ask additional questions if any further clarification is required.  Hopefully they can simply reverse these charges, and hopefully they can also escalate this issue internally to see what can be done to prevent such things from happening to other customers.


Best of luck with getting this resolved quickly!

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Re: Triton Global - Third Party Charges

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@mustang2torino wrote:

I just had to pay 90$ extra on my September bill for two calls billed by a company called Triton Global for third party calls. I did not make these calls. I feel I have been victimized by both Triton Global and Rogers. I was basically called a liar by someone named Alvin in a online chat with the billing department  when I tried to  explain  that these calls were not made by my wife or I. 

Third party charges can be a huge shock.  They can occur as a result of "single ring" scams, where a call appears on your call display and they hope that you will call that number back and get hit by a charge.  They can also occur from misdials, such as dialing 1-900 instead of 1-800.  However, they can also occur legitimately, as well as accidentally, unknowingly, erroneously and fraudulently.


Was Rogers able to explain the nature of the charge?



I have registered a complaint with the Commission for Complaints For Telecom-Television Services. As a senior , I can not afford to just give 90$ away for nothing. The way I was treated by this Alvin person is beyond my tolerance of acceptable behavior by someone representing a  company that relies on it's customers for survival.  

You can try to do that.  The problem is that if you either unknowingly or accidentally initiated or consented to what initiated the charge, you still incurred the charge and the CRTC may not be able to get it reversed... although they may put policies in place to better protect customers from unknowingly getting hit with the (sometimes massive) charges that we currently see today.


You may also have better luck resolving this by filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau:


As soon as my current contract expires, I will be exploring other options for my home services. I have been a Rogers customer for over 30 years. 

The problem is that this could also easily happen again with any other phone company that you go with.


I got hit with a third-party charges once, although not from Triton.  It was only for a small amount, I didn't do anything to incur the charge, and I was able to get it reversed.  However, I also wanted to make sure that it never happened again.  Unfortunately, I was told that, with Rogers, if I blocked chargeable calls, then this would also block calls to 411, collect calls and long distance calls.  I was also told that Rogers cannot implement more granular blocking; they cannot selectively block calls outside of North America, calls to 1-900 numbers, calls to/charges from third-party long distance providers, or calls that would trigger any other 3rd-party charges.  (Bell can do much of this if you subscribe to their Call Control feature. also give you control over allowed calling areas.  Also, with Rogers' all-or-nothing approach to blocking, I don't think that they actually comply with a CRTC requirement for blocking (only) Pay-per call services.)


@mustang2torino  I hope that you are able to get this resolved.  I also hope that Rogers can do more to prevent these sorts of surprises from happening, especially to seniors and to customers with kids in the home.

Re: Triton Global - Third Party Charges

I've been here awhile

Thanks for the reply. I already have the no collect call block in place from an earlier incident. I also had my landline number changed since this latest fiasco. There was no incoming call to my phone. Somehow a hacker has been able to tap into my phone line two months in a row. I don't know how they do it, but I feel I have been a victim of fraud and Rogers is allowing it to happen. This Triton company has a long history of scamming people .      I may just drop my landline all together. 


Re: Triton Global - Third Party Charges

It won't surprise me to eventually learn that Triton Global is owned by Rogers. One way to get back the money they give in discounts for retention deals.

Re: Triton Global - Third Party Charges

@mustang2torino wrote:

Somehow a hacker has been able to tap into my phone line two months in a row. I don't know how they do it, but I feel I have been a victim of fraud and Rogers is allowing it to happen.

Were these charges, according to Rogers, the result of a direct-dialed call and were they able to confirm that the call did, indeed, get dialed from your home?  I'm asking because with Rogers Home phone (Ignite or legacy), all the telephone wiring is within your home.  To direct-dial a call. an outsider would have to do something like associate their cordless handset with your base station.  It's not like Bell where some miscreant can break into your NID or pedestal and use a butt set to place a call using your line.


These third party companies can sometimes also get themselves set up as your long distance provider and bill their service to you through Rogers.


I'm not a fan of third-party billing or direct carrier billing.  Yes, it can be a good thing sometimes, but it also exposes you (the customer) to fraudsters, and carriers that enable it also need to implement controls that would make it just as hard (or harder) for a third party to bill to you through them as it would be for somebody to withdraw funds from your bank account.

Re: Triton Global - Third Party Charges

I've been here awhile

Nobody dialed any US numbers at 9 and 10 am in the same morning [ Aug 8 ] from my landline . As I said, I don't know how this happened. The two calls were I minute in duration each. A search of the numbers came back as being based in Indiana , and a poster on a search I did said they were chat lines. My wife and I are seniors, we do not call chat lines. We have been cheated out of 90$ by someone with the knowledge of how to do it. And Rogers is allowing it to happen in my opinion, and based on the posts from other victims that are included in the link I have in an above post, it is a long time abuse of honest people who have done nothing wrong but put their faith in a service provider that continues to do nothing to stop it. Triton Global are thieves, straight up , and the big corp service providers are their accomplices. I hope the people in charge sleep well tonight knowing they have stolen 90$ from me. 

Re: Triton Global - Third Party Charges

@mustang2torino  Thanks for the update.  A $90 charge for two 1-minute calls that you did not make is ridiculous.


I would send a private message to @CommunityHelps .  They are a great group of people and I am confident that they will do whatever they can to help you get this resolved.  You don't need to provide them with a long history or rehash any of the past discussions that you have had with other Rogers agents.  Simply tell them that you were billed third-party charges of $90 for two calls that you did not make.  They will ask you to submit a form with personal information; this is normal and they require this in order to access your account.  They will review the case notes on file and may ask additional questions if any further clarification is required.  Hopefully they can simply reverse these charges, and hopefully they can also escalate this issue internally to see what can be done to prevent such things from happening to other customers.


Best of luck with getting this resolved quickly!

Re: Triton Global - Third Party Charges

I've been around

How do you put in the complaint. This has just happened to us

Re: Triton Global - Third Party Charges

I've been around

We also have been caught in the Triton Global - Rogers scam. And I do believe that while Triton is the initiator, Rogers is knowingly complicit. There are consistent-detailed complaints online that are almost 10 years old. Rogers is getting a cut on this somewhere.  As someone recently retired with a little knowledge, pursuing this is my new project. 

Re: Triton Global - Third Party Charges

I plan to stick around

Just downloaded my bill and there's an extra charge of $3.89. Triton Global long distance calls, location Directory Assistance, code THR length 2 minutes on Wed. Sept 14 at 17:54.


Guess I'll be spending some time on the phone with Rogers tomorrow. I rarely use my phone and have never called directory assistance in years. Like most people I do get calls and when I pick up, no ones there. Can these Rogers VOIP systems be hacked?

Re: Triton Global - Third Party Charges

I plan to stick around

Just a quick note. Called Rogers this morning, they answered immediately and the issue was resolved.


Thank You.

Re: Triton Global - Third Party Charges

I've been around

Well same thing here with 3 charges of $3.89 for $11.67 all 2 mins apart. I'm now on hold 20 mins+ and waiting for a manager since the Rogers help person said they can't help me? First I want a Refund & then I want to Block the 411 option on the landline but I don't think it can be done. 

Re: Triton Global - Third Party Charges

I've been around

I also was charged 3.89 from Triton global for a call on July 8. There is only my wife and I and were gone on holidays on that date. Called Rogers and they said nothing they can do.

Re: Triton Global - Third Party Charges

I've been around

Yes, also got charged $3.89 9/18/2023 for a Triton Global long distance call. The phone number is 807-788-1246. Calling Rogers right now...

Re: Triton Global - Third Party Charges

Good day @pallyohdear ,


Thanks for joining in on the conversation! I understand that receiving unexpected charges can be upsetting. By any chance, were you able to get through to our Customer Support teams for assistance with your matter?


Thank you,




Re: Triton Global - Third Party Charges

I tried a couple of days ago but it was not resolved and after 1 hour and 20 minutes on the line my home phone went dead

Re: Triton Global - Third Party Charges

Good day, @bobgiilck  !


I'm really sorry to hear that you were waiting on hold for so long! Since posting here, have you been able to get in touch with someone from our customer care team? Just for reference, we do have a plethora of ways in which we may be contacted for support, which can be found here. You may also send us a Private Message @CommunityHelps and we'll be happy to investigate this matter. 🙂


Kind regards,




Re: Triton Global - Third Party Charges

You are lucky. We were directed to contact Triton Global directly as "unfortunately we don't have the option to adjust this charge".  Well yes you do have the option Rogers. Apply a credit and then let Rogers deal with this since it is obviously a pervasive problem.

Re: Triton Global - Third Party Charges

I got the same Triton Global third-party-call charge of $3.89 on a day when both myself and my wife were at work. 

Re: Triton Global - Third Party Charges

Same here - just noticed a charge of $3.89 from Triton Global during a time neither my husband nor I were home.

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