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Roam Like Home calling issues

I've been here awhile

I am in Dominican Republic trying to Roam like home and call 1800 number urgently and all I get is a Spanish message about 800 numbers. It would seem I'm not even getting out of DR.


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Re: Roam Like Home calling issues

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Toll Free (800, etc.) numbers only work in certain countries depending on the company that applies for that number and what they pay for.  They do not work worldwide and may only work in the company's country, or perhaps say the US and Canada if the company is North American.  So, not in DR for example.  See link below:


You may need to call the direct dial number, or contact Rogers in one of the other ways outlined at the bottom of most Rogers web pages - chat, X, etc. Alternatively, you may PM the mods on this forum:


When logged into the forum, click on @CommunityHelps  .  On the page that comes up, you'll see a link on the top right of the screen to "send a message".  If you're using a tablet or phone, you may need to switch your browser to the desktop version. How to do that will depend on the device but a web search should find it.  There may be some back and forth required while Rogers get your personal information to look into your account.  Personal information is not allowed in this forum.  


When logged into the forum, check the envelope icon at the top right of the screen for messages.  You would usually also receive an e-mail, but it may have ended up in your spam folder...



Re: Roam Like Home calling issues

I've been here awhile
I've been paying roaming for nothing and trying to get info from Rogers live agents they have no clue. Then I came here, then I'm in a panic I Google else where and find in another forum that I needed to dial 1880 and not 1800 and that I am also responsible for the long distance cost. So what is the point of's ok I don't really want to know.
Last week I was locked out of my credit card same story. I've asked them to credit these RLH 1. No one could direct me properly. 2. I never got through to any 800. They said no we can't and based on the usage you used it
Well yes I did and why not I paid for the whole day why not use it.
I will need to write to Rogers and if they don't value my loyalty so be it.
Thank you for your time and effort in getting me an answer and all the links it is much appreciated.
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