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Recent Caller ID (CID) issues?

I'm a reliable contributor

I have two mobile numbers assigned to my Rogers Mobile account.


Both were originally set-up by a [senior] CSR member to have the CID on [both] lines show PRIVATE PRIVATE.


I have verified this to be working over the years but recently one of the two lines have defaulted (back) to my account name. 


I  have also verified the information to be "current" in the My Rogers portal where it shows: PRIVATE PRIVATE for both numbers. I am [unable] to change the name to PRIVATE PRIVATE as this is only something your agents can do.


When I contacted Rogers, they denied that users can have PRIVATE PRIVATE despite evidence to the contrary. Once again, an epic fail here.


As such, how do I get this issue escalated without having to contact the CCTS?


Additionally, is or was there an issue on the back-end at some point where some CID defaulted back to the account holder's name?



***Edited Labels***


Re: Recent Caller ID (CID) issues?

I plan to stick around
Hi there,
As per the Rogers’ policy, caller ID can’t be PRIVATE PRIVATE. It has to be either full first and last name or first inital and last initial. It can also be an abbreviation for your name but changing it to Private is not allowed.

Re: Recent Caller ID (CID) issues?

I'm a reliable contributor

You can disable "Show my Caller ID" from within your phone settings, it'll solve the issue!

Re: Recent Caller ID (CID) issues?

I plan to stick around
Disabling the caller ID from settings will also hide the phone number so unless you want to show your phone number, this won’t work.

Re: Recent Caller ID (CID) issues?

I'm a reliable contributor

@TwitchyPuppy No, why do you believe it will solve the issue? It is clear to me you have no idea what the purpose is of PRIVATE PRIVATE. 



Re: Recent Caller ID (CID) issues?

I'm a reliable contributor

@DonAtam Isn't it obvious that I want to keep the phone number but hide the name? Otherwise, the CID would read the following:

Private Name

Private  Number


Many incoming [anonymous] calls are blocked by the recipient if the phone number is not displayed.

Re: Recent Caller ID (CID) issues?

I plan to stick around
Not possible to show phone number and hide caller ID on Rogers network. It can either be both hidden or both shown with allowed name display.

Re: Recent Caller ID (CID) issues?

I'm a reliable contributor
I do, it's to hide your name. You could enter something random like Peter Peterson or Bloo Tchair.
While not being "PRIVATE PRIVATE", at least it's not displaying your real name!
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