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Communication Issues

I've been here awhile

Last week I tried to solve my billing issues and my request was transferred to the Advisor, Office of the President. For now, I could call him M., don't want to show his name here. 


Before that, I sent to M. at least 3 emails which were completely ignored. After that, I sent my request to him via customer support, and I just received the reply that he tried to call me... though in my inquiry, I clearly marked email as preferred type of communication. 


After that, I asked him to transfer my case to some other advisor or to his supervisor due to the fact that he doesn't pay attention to my requests. This request was ignored too. He thinks that my issue is resolved - while I have the opposite opinion.


What am I supposed to do now when Rogers employee ignores my inquiry? Is there a way to escalate this to another person, preferably to his supervisor?



***Edited Labels***


Re: Communication Issues

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Hey @much1978.


Welcome to the Community Forums! Sorry to hear that your first post with us is regarding such unpleasant circumstances. It's definitely important to feel heard when having your issue addressed. The department you spoke with is empowered to assist customer's with all manner of concerns related to their service. Though I don't know the details to the issue at hand if you'd like we can email them on your behalf. Feel free to send us a PM @CommunityHelps at your convenience and we would be happy to do so. You can read more about our PM system here.



Re: Communication Issues

I've been here awhile

After I wrote my post above, the next day I received a call from someone who named herself "advisor M."'s supervisor. It was a weird conversation because she mostly spoke about "what a great employee M. is, and how I wasn't right in my emails". It was very hard to stop her speech and suggest to send me her explanation by email... she strictly refused this suggestion. For me, it sounded like she actually cared about her annual bonuses than about the client. Or probably she wasn't M's supervisor and Rogers employee at all - actually it's my question to Rogers's trust and safety team.




Honestly, I didn't want to get back to this post at all, but I  have received a string of marketing emails from Rodgers regarding their new 5G network and customer satisfaction. So, here is my "customer satisfaction".


Me and my wife have adapted to remote mode of working long before COVID-19. Never had problems with Internet until recently when we relocated to rural area of Ontario - to stay away from COVID as I have health complications -  and got acquainted with Rogers LTE Internet there.


My first bill for Internet use was exorbitant – 420CAD. Never before across the world (in the USA, Asia, China, even Russia) I paid that much for a limited amount of data! I contacted Rogers support and customer relation managers many times trying to find a solution, like giving me free access to Dropbox and Google Drive as these services are instrumental in my work.


All those Rogers managers proved to be clueless and helpless from the very beginning – when I asked them to write me emails (according to the preference offered  - by email or phone), they religiously kept calling paying no attention to my requests even at the initial stage.  


Because of Rogers "client-oriented" approach:

-    I cannot work properly losing a string of clients who request to download large files. Despite COVID-19, I have been working 40+ hours during 2020 doing everything I could to keep my workflow and paying taxes.

-    I cannot continue my self-education to remain highly skilled professional as courses I purchased require Internet usage which I am cut off by Rogers.

  -  The same is applicable to my wife who also has been working all this year 40 hours a week. Her educating courses are paused as well because of Internet constraints.

 -   Our 6 y.o. kid cannot keep up with her school requirements with Google classroom as well as her paid learning courses. And yes, she knows well which company to blame for no access to her favorite Netflix shows!


To sum up my feedback, in the times of remote economy becoming a necessity rather than privilege, Rogers company with its useless monopoly not-so-much-customer-oriented approach and absolutely useless customer support managers does everything to stand in the way of progress. Instead of trying to keep the loyal customer-base, Rogers does everything to lose it. While our family has been working hard to maintain our jobs, pay our taxes and support Canadian economy, what did Rogers do for its country to keep it going despite the crisis?


For now, I just keep paying the overheated Rogers's bills and waiting for Starlink internet. I'll switch immediately as soon as they come to Canada. And I know that many people will do the same. And I know that after that Rogers will find the opportunity to offer us unlimited internet access at an affordable price... but we will never come back. 


Re: Communication Issues

Good morning @much1978!

I am sorry to hear about your experience with us.


I know that our Rocket Hub may not meet everyone's needs if they have heavy data requirements for their field of work. Our cellular data network is not really intended for heavy data transfer although this could change as 5G becomes more prolific.


We definitely recommend our broadband network if you have big data transfer needs. I do understand that our broadband network isn't available everywhere though.


It's situations like this that make me wish real estate listings were more forthcoming on Internet availability for a property. When I was property hunting, I often had to do my own research to ensure that I would have broadband access. It was my number one concern above all else.




Re: Communication Issues

I've been here awhile

In tech terms, 5G technology is a short-distance solution.  This can't help to resolve the internet availability problem for remote/rural areas which are definitely not a priority for Rogers.


Also, now is 2020 (almost 2021) and we are living in internet society, and something wrong with Rogers if we still need to pray to nationwide ISP to give us internet access.


Overall, due to the current COV situation, your suggestion looks like "pay or die" 🙂 Which is pretty similar to the suggestions which I received recently from the officials mentioned above. 

Re: Communication Issues

While I can't predict the future, my thought is that as more phone users gravitate to 5G, it will clear up bandwidth on our other networks that operate on different spectrums like LTE which will help alleviate the congestion that some towers may experience at peak times in rural locations.




Re: Communication Issues

I'm here a lot

On hold for 12+ hours over 4 days of calling trying to cancel this . service. Rogers is the most incompetent steaming pile of garbage telecom clownfest I've ever dealt with. I guess this is what I'll be doing while they're wasting my time on hold again.

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