I plan to stick around
since ‎11-29-2012

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For a long time, I have used the free domain name using duckdns to access my home Piwigo photo server. recently it does not work any more.Here is what I have configured:Homeconnect on ignite modem:WAN iPv4 address is automatically configured to 99.23...
I have an insteon hub connected to ignite hub via cable. I want to block insteon hub in accessing internet but keep it in the local network. So, I paused it, but it is a complete pause. I cannot access it in the local network. Looking at the pause fu...
I have not been able to buy a 1 day data pass. In the past, if I tried to access a web site, it would ask me to purchase a pass. But it is no longer doing it  I also tried to text Yes to 3282. It took me to Rogers, but after a long wait, safari comes...