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I'm a senior advisor

Good dya


Sat on the phone yesterday for 45 minutes with a phone rep trying to cancel my FIL Ingite TV, with permission from the account holder, my MIL who verified it all.

The rep just could not figure it out. We verified everything, account holder, account number etc. My Mil has two accounts tied to her account. One if MIL who is in assisted living, and the other my FIL who was in LTC and passed away last Thursday.

She finally said she can call us back but never did. Now I have to go back over to my MIL's and try it again.

What was the reps problem I really don't know. It should not be that difficult to cancel his services.

What needs to be done for her to cancel his services? Do I need to go back to her place and start again?

Just frustrated ober the time spending to do this.


Thnx on behalf of my MIL



Re: Cancellation

I've been around
Oh it'll get much worse. I tried to cancel my husband's cable. We had 2 call back at least 3 more times and sat on hold for at least an hour each time. They kept messing everything up. They sent us a final bill that was the wrong amount. Promised to send it 2 the higher ups (twice) then just sent us to collections instead. We paid the collection thinking that would be the end of that....nope they sent us another bill even though we'd already cancelled the services and paid the collection bill.

Good luck! We have a rogers employee who lives on our street. He warned us not to go with Rogers.

Re: Cancellation


Good day @Biollw ,


Firstly, my deepest condolences for your recent loss. 😔


I'm sorry to hear that your recent experience didn't go very smoothly, despite your best efforts.   I am trying to understand why the rep couldn't complete the request... did they explain? Were they able to see the notes left by your mother-in-law giving permission for the cancellation?


If possible, I'd recommend calling into Rogers while side by side with her so that she can authenticate herself as the account holder, and then let them know she is passing the phone over to you to complete the cancellation of the services on her behalf.


Kind regards,



Re: Cancellation

I'm a senior advisor

We were side by side and all was authenticated. The rep kept blaming how slow the system was.

Going back over to my MIL now and give it another try.

Re: Cancellation

I'm a senior advisor

Just FYI, 3 hours on the phone with the rep. But she was very thorough. Just it shouldn't take 3 hours.



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