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Bad Global (116 SD) Simsubs

I'm an advisor
I already called Rogers on Friday to complain about the failed (no audio for the American channels that are part of the Global Toronto (SD only- ch 116) simsubs for all the CBS Buffalo (SD ch 145), and Now it's also the NBC Buffalo (SD channel 149) simsubs that fail. I assume all the Global Toronto SD ch. 116 simsubs done by the Rogers Simsub computer are set incorrectly and the audio needs to be turned on for the American channels during the Global simsubs.
The Global Toronto ch 116 audio is on for tonight's 11:30pm Saturday Night Live broadcast, but it's out of sync (although the Hd version is perfect of course) and the NBC Buffalo SD chann 149 has NO sound at all, just like all the Global ch 116 simsubs for the Cbs Buffalo channel as well. Once the Global simsubs are turned off by the Rogers computer, the sound returns to the American channels.
The HD Global Toronto simsubs are fine, and Rogers is only aware of the frequent garbled audio problems of the Global Toronto SD channel 116 (often garbled audio, especially during some simsubs), but is still clueless about the constant failures of the Rogers Simsub computer.
If Rogers can't restore sound to the American SD channels during the SD ch 116 Global simsubs, Rogers Must by CRTC rules, deactivate the failed simsubs, or else once the CRTC gets involved, hefty fines will follow.
I wonder how many weeks or months this major Rogers simsub failure has been going on before I noticed it on Thursday?
The sound of silence is deafening, and also a good song.

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Re: Bad Global (116 SD) Simsubs

I'm an advisor
Finally after dragging it's feet for far too long, Rogers finally appears to have fixed this simsub issue.
Today's Drew Barrymore show on CBS SD Buffalo (ch 145) actually has sound, and I can tell the Global SD Toronto (ch 116) has been activated.
Since previously EVERY single Global SD simsub on the American channels had no sound (even yesterday for the simsubbed CBS evening shows I checked), I'm going to assume that this problem is fixed, unless perhaps other adjustments have to be made for NBC, ABC and Fox simsubs.
Anyway, at least if something goes wrong with these simsubs again, I can just call the Office of the President again, knowing full well that the person with the power to fix them, can now be reached (and is aware of the issue).

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Re: Bad Global (116 SD) Simsubs

I'm an advisor
Got a robo call from Rogers about my ticket for this problem, but it just said they need more time to fix it. But I don't think the simsub dept at Rogers got the complaint otherwise it wouldn't be failing right now for the Global Toronto SD ch 116 and CBS Buffalo SD channel145 simsub of 60 Minutes. It's only the SD simsubs by SD Global 116 that once activated, shut of the audio of the American channel, in this case CBS Buffalo ch 145. It started late due to football, but just before the simsub was activated, CBS Buffalo's 60 Minutes had sound, but a minute later, at 7:54pm, the sound was gone, and only Global 116 had sound, due to the faulty Rogers Simsub.
Rogers must deactivate that failed simsub, and the next one for The Equalizer, or it's violating CRTC rules. That's why it's silly that I can't speak to the Rogers simsub dept directly like in the past, before the covid restructuring of calls to tech support.
What a mess!

Re: Bad Global (116 SD) Simsubs

I'm an advisor
I just got a robo call from Rogers today, saying that the problem has been fixed.
But of course it has NOT been fixed, especially since the tech people won't let speak to the simsub dept, and thus I'm going to have to open another ticket and see if anybody there understands how Rogers is failing to follow CRTC simsub rules due to a lack of access to proper departments that would be able to fix problems the same day.
Global SD Channel 116 has audio for today's episode of The Talk, but the simsubbed CBS Buffalo SD channel 145 still has NO audio at all ... Just like all the American simsubs for Global SD channel 116. (Note: the HD CBS Buffalo channel 16 And ch. 523 do have sound as they always do. And as long as there's no Global SD simsub of CBS Buffalo (ch. 145), it does have sound, so there's nothing wrong with the CBS Buffalo affiliate.
Sure, I can simply watch the properly simsubbed HD version of CBS Buffalo, but what about the people who can't? And if these simsubs are not working properly, it's further proof that Rogers failure to check its own computer activations is not an aberation, but part of a culture of bad management ... That continues with the poorly monitored Super Sports Pack automatic computer activations.
I know Rogers wants to phase out digital legacy, but all the other channels I have do not have audio problems, so it's not as if all quality control has been abandoned.
I will call again and again until it's finally fixed.
Simply shameful.

Re: Bad Global (116 SD) Simsubs

I'm an advisor
I called Rogers yesterday afternoon during another failed CBS SD ch 145 simsub, No sound fail, and asked to speak to a supervisor, who opened up another case file and even linked this thread to his email so that there should be no way to misunderstand the situation.
Yet still, as of this afternoon, the problem still has yet to be resolved. All the ch 116 simsubs still shut off the American channel audio. Last night even Fox Buffalo SD ch. 157 had no audio for the series 9-1-1, as did all the other American simsubs on CBS Buffalo SD (ch. 145).
If Rogers takes this long to reach the right department to fix something so easy to fix that is also breaking CRTC rules, it's just further proof that Rogers needs to revamp its internal communication with the various departments.
Somebody needs to call 9-1-1, assuming that Rogers got that previous problem fixed. Fingers crossed.

Re: Bad Global (116 SD) Simsubs

I'm an advisor
Got another Rogers robo call saying that they can't find an issue, and they need me to call them. So I called back and asked for a supervisor.
I was told to email Rogers about the problem and then he would take care of it. I then later got a call from the office of the president who said that he thinks his contact will be able to fix the simsub problem.
This is the same thing that happened when the Supersports Pak feeds failed consistently, but since Rogers never monitors the feeds until it gets a complaint, that problem was not properly resolved, so I just cancelled early each of the 2 times I tried that theme package.
I assume the simsub issue will eventually be fixed since once the audio is set properly via the Rogers simsub computer, monitoring the feeds shouldn't be necessary. Fingers crossed once again.

Re: Bad Global (116 SD) Simsubs

I'm an advisor
I noticed on another complaint forum dealing with Rogers, that somebody else was frustrated by having no sound on the CBS feed during last night's Colbert and the random Global audio problems that the poster has an open ticket about.
Perhaps today will be the day that this silly simsub issue with every single simsub for ch 116 Global will be fixed.

Re: Bad Global (116 SD) Simsubs

I'm an advisor
Got a recent Rogers email saying something to the effect that Rogers technicians need more time to fix this problem, but as of today, the ch 116 Global simsubs still have no sound for ALl of the American SD simsubbed ch. 116 feeds, so Rogers should remove the simsubs instead of making excuses.
I also just noticed during the current broadcast of The Talk on Global Toronto SD and the CBS Buffalo HD feed, they both had no sound for several minutes, until it was corrected twice. My Global Toronto OTA antenna feed also had no sound at the same time Rogers had no sound.
Clearly there's something odd going on with Global, but Rogers still needs to admit defeat and give up on the failed channel 116 Global Toronto SD simsubs instead of continually breaking CRTC rules by letting its computer activate simsubs that never work properly.

Re: Bad Global (116 SD) Simsubs

I'm an advisor
Correction: Global Toronto HD (I didn't check the Global SD 116 feed for audio) and the simsubbed CBS Buffalo HD feeds both had no sound while the Global Toronto OTA signal also had no sound.

Re: Bad Global (116 SD) Simsubs

I'm an advisor
Finally after dragging it's feet for far too long, Rogers finally appears to have fixed this simsub issue.
Today's Drew Barrymore show on CBS SD Buffalo (ch 145) actually has sound, and I can tell the Global SD Toronto (ch 116) has been activated.
Since previously EVERY single Global SD simsub on the American channels had no sound (even yesterday for the simsubbed CBS evening shows I checked), I'm going to assume that this problem is fixed, unless perhaps other adjustments have to be made for NBC, ABC and Fox simsubs.
Anyway, at least if something goes wrong with these simsubs again, I can just call the Office of the President again, knowing full well that the person with the power to fix them, can now be reached (and is aware of the issue).

Re: Bad Global (116 SD) Simsubs

I'm an advisor
Unfortunately, it's still not fixed properly because when I checked tonight's NCIS Hawaii SD simsub both Global SD Toronto on ch 116 and CBS Buffalo SD on ch 145 were using descriptive audio, even though I have both channels set to English audio (I used info button to check each channel and even tried to toggle the audio back and forth between English and descriptive audio, but they were both the same descriptive audio).
So Rogers actually made things worse. That's what happens when you don't check your work.
Note: Both HD versions of the simsub were in the proper English Audio, so only the SD simsub was using the incorrect audio format.

Re: Bad Global (116 SD) Simsubs

I'm an advisor
The simsub SD audio seems to be correct now.
No descriptive audio appeared during Wednesday's Home Economics (Global/Abc) SD simsub and Thursday's Global/CBS SD simsubs.
Better late than never. 💓
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