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Rogers/Yahoo Spam Filter Calls Legit Rogers e-mail Spam

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I got the following e-mail today from Rogers.  It ended up in my Rogers/Yahoo spam folder... 😉


Dear 57,
We are committed to serving Canadians and keeping you connected to what matters most.
Connecting with you and hearing your feedback has never been more important. Your feedback will help us understand how we are doing.

If you have time, please take this short, 3-4 minute survey. The survey will be available for 5 days.


(Survey Link Removed by 57)


Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback.
The Customer Experience Team


The e-mail was from



***Added Labels***



Re: Rogers/Yahoo Spam Filter Calls Legit Rogers e-mail Spam


Hey @57 !


Thanks for your post and we hope you've been doing well!


Is there any chance you may have accidentally marked a previous email from the same address as 'spam'? If not, it is a bit unusual that your spam filter would just begin pulling in those emails out of the blue.


Regardless, we do appreciate the heads up 🙂


If anyone else in the Community is noticing this happening with their Rogers Yahoo! emails all of a sudden, please feel free to chime in. 


Have a great day!!






Re: Rogers/Yahoo Spam Filter Calls Legit Rogers e-mail Spam

@RogersYasmine wrote:

Hey @57 !Is there any chance you may have accidentally marked a previous email from the same address as 'spam'?

No, I doubt it.  Other people have reported similar issues with Rogers/Yahoo marking legit e-mails as spam. Other e-mails (like transcripts of chats) sometimes never even make it that far, as reported in another thread on chat e-mails - see below.

Re: Rogers/Yahoo Spam Filter Calls Legit Rogers e-mail Spam

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I had another legit Rogers e-mail end up in my Rogers/Yahoo spam folder.  The message was from:


...and contained the following text after I had forwarded some real spam to them, like I do whenever I see e-mail spam:


"Thank you for spotting and reporting this suspicious email activity.
Please delete the original email. If you have clicked on links or opened attachments in error – please change your  password immediately.
Stay email savvy with these five tips:
1.        Verify the sender:  Is the sender email a valid one?
2.        Hover over links: Is the URL legitimate?
3.        Logos & Branding: Are logos current and does it look like it comes from a valid place?
4.        Poor wording: Are there spelling and grammar mistakes?
5.        Urgent Request: Is the email asking for immediate action?
Please do not reply to this email, as this email inbox is not monitored.
Please Be Advised: Rogers will never ask you for your password or other confidential personal information via email or phone.
If you would like to verify that this email is from Rogers you can contact us at the information listed on your monthly bill.
Any emails/phone calls you receive purporting to be from Rogers that you believe to be fake, can be reported to
This is in response to your email:"
FYI, I usually ask them not to bother replying when I forward the spam e-mail, but perhaps the process is automated, although I don't get a response every time - probably only about 50% of the time.

Re: Rogers/Yahoo Spam Filter Calls Legit Rogers e-mail Spam

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I am again having issues with legitimate e-mails from Rogers ending up in the Rogers/Yahoo spam folder (in Webmail).  I have not previously marked them as spam, although it is possible that other users may have done so triggering Yahoo to think these are spam?


1. The e-mails are from Community Mailer <> and are regarding likes, mentions, solutions, etc on this forum.  This started on Thursday and continues today. The text in the last e-mail was as follows:


Hello 57,


RogersJo thinks your post is awesome and just gave it a Like!

Subject: Re: Remote turns tv on but not off
Date: 2023-06-17 12:04 PM 

I have tried marking the e-mails in my spam folder as "not spam".
This has happened before, probably because Yahoo detects lots of e-mails from the above e-mail address and thinks it's a spammer.  This needs to be white-listed.
The same thing happens when people don't get chat transcripts, which are probably associated with another Rogers e-mail address that sends a lot of e-mails, as discussed earlier in this and other threads.  Rogers has never fixed that issue, but I'm hoping that the issue regarding forum e-mails can be fixed.

Re: Rogers/Yahoo Spam Filter Calls Legit Rogers e-mail Spam

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Looks like the issue may have been fixed as I have received several e-mails properly this evening.  Interestingly, an e-mail that was sent on Thursday from the forum, went into my spam folder at 8:57PM this evening, so that may have been the time this issue got fixed.

Re: Rogers/Yahoo Spam Filter Calls Legit Rogers e-mail Spam

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

It thought this was fixed but it happened again today. A legitimate e-mail notification from the forum ended up in my Webmail spam folder.  Am I the only one affected by this?  Sender is:

Re: Rogers/Yahoo Spam Filter Calls Legit Rogers e-mail Spam

Hello, @57


I appreciate your patience, and thank you for flagging the notification emails ending up in the Spam folder. I'm assuming only some of the emails from Community are ending up in the Spam folder. Please PM us the headers of those legit emails that ended in the Spam folder. 


Community: Does anybody else notice emails from Community ending up in Spam/Junk folder?






Re: Rogers/Yahoo Spam Filter Calls Legit Rogers e-mail Spam

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Re: Rogers/Yahoo Spam Filter Calls Legit Rogers e-mail Spam

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Just as an FYI, this is still happening.  Most (but not all) of my forum notifications are still ending up in my Rogers/Yahoo spam folder.  I checked today and there were at least 4 notifications there and none went into my inbox.


I see that other people are also being affected (post above), but I don't see any responses in this thread...

Re: Rogers/Yahoo Spam Filter Calls Legit Rogers e-mail Spam

Hello, @57 


We appreciate you reporting this to us. Can you provide us with some examples of the subject lines that were marked as spam and which ones were not?


We have escalated this to our support teams but we will need a few examples.



Re: Rogers/Yahoo Spam Filter Calls Legit Rogers e-mail Spam

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@RogersTony : A couple of weeks ago I sent several "headers" from spam (and non-spam) e-mails to @RogersMoin :


Here are two very recent ones that went to spam:




Here are two recent ones that went to my inbox.  Note that the dates are when the thread was created, not the date of the notification. These four notifications were all received in the past 24 hours and are similar in that they are "likes".  There seems to be no pattern. Some go to my inbox, some go to spam...




Re: Rogers/Yahoo Spam Filter Calls Legit Rogers e-mail Spam

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I just checked my filters and I have the following three "whitelisted," to deliver to "inbox" probably recommended when I had issues years ago:


All four of the notifications in my previous e-mail came from the last email address as I indicated in a previous post.  Interesting that the filter didn't work on any of the ones that went into the spam folder, but perhaps that's the way Yahoo wants it...

Re: Rogers/Yahoo Spam Filter Calls Legit Rogers e-mail Spam

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Update:  In the past week I received 25 notifications from Rogers Forums.  They related to likes, solutions, mentions, etc.  16 of these went to my inbox and 9 went into my spam folder.  I could detect no pattern.

Re: Rogers/Yahoo Spam Filter Calls Legit Rogers e-mail Spam

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Here's the latest update.  Below is a screenshot of the forum notifications that ended up in my spam folder since July 9.


CM SpamCM Spam


Here is a screenshot of the notifications that ended up in my inbox since July 9:


CM InboxCM Inbox


The issue has been going on longer than that, but I started keeping track by not moving the ones from the spam folder to my inbox around July 9.


Re: Rogers/Yahoo Spam Filter Calls Legit Rogers e-mail Spam

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Another 3 weeks,  another load of spam e-mail notifications. Split is roughly even.  See spam list below:




The ones below made it to my inbox. Again, I see no pattern.  The most recent "likes" late Thursday occurred within a few minutes of one another.  One went to my inbox, two went to spam.  I get almost no other spam e-mails - perhaps 1-2 per month that is actual spam.



Re: Rogers/Yahoo Spam Filter Calls Legit Rogers e-mail Spam

Thank you for the update 57.


We are currently working towards a fix on this issue. We'll provide an update once it's implemented!




Re: Rogers/Yahoo Spam Filter Calls Legit Rogers e-mail Spam

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

In all honesty, I would simply turn off the email notifications,  that is kind of takes up lots of space in your email.  why do u need an email every time someone replies or likes your post?  kind of pointless, but hey what ever floats your boat.  if it was me, I would turn that feature off.

Re: Rogers/Yahoo Spam Filter Calls Legit Rogers e-mail Spam

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Pauly :Replies are off.  You're right that turning off the likes option would lower the number of e-mails, but that's not the issue.   I don't want any of the legitimate Rogers e-mails ending up in my spam folder and at this point about half end up there, even from outside the forum.  I definitely want to keep the mentions active.


Before this issue started, I used to check my spam folder once a week. Now I need to check it every couple of days.  As I mentioned, I only get 1 or 2 other spam messages per month and almost no legitimate messages (other than Rogers) end up in spam, so the Yahoo algorithm works pretty well for me, outside of this (recent) issue (for which I don't know the cause).

Re: Rogers/Yahoo Spam Filter Calls Legit Rogers e-mail Spam

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Greetings @57! 😊


We just received word that the issue has since been resolved. Are you able to kindly check to see if the issue still persists on your end? 





Re: Rogers/Yahoo Spam Filter Calls Legit Rogers e-mail Spam

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@RogersJo : Thank you for the heads up.  I will monitor the situation for a couple of days and let you know.  I still got one e-mail in my spam folder this morning at 11:25AM, but that was before your post.

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