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Phishing emails

I've been here awhile

Hi folks, I am getting more calls, more texts and emails than ever.  this comes from a email.

It has all the logos etc. Please do better Rogers - Since you announced your enhanced Phone Phishing capabilities in the fall of 2022 - the number of phishing efforts have grown exponentially.  You have the technology to know where calls and email come from.  Why am I getting calls and texts with the same first 6 digits of my phone number .  This is a significant interruption and disturbance to my business.  Please help me with the constant interruptions. 

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Re: Phishing emails

I plan to stick around

Indeed.  The amount of phishing calls to my cell lately is insane.  One night, a couple weeks ago,  I got a call every 5 to 10 minutes for 2 hours.  2 hours!  I was blocking numbers as they came but they'd just call back with another number.

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