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5G Mobile Early Morning Network Issues

I plan to stick around

I recently switched from Rogers Rockethub to 5G Mobile. I use it at my cottage when I run a weather station 24x7.


I notice that almost daily I have issues in the early morning hours in local network and internet access.


The local access is that one of my weather stations can't access the main computer using a xxx.local network address.


The internet access error is 'No route to host'. FYI, this is not the same as the site I'm trying to access being down. This ICMP error means that the network can find a way to get to the site. In other words, a DNS resolution failure.


Both errors occur between midnight and 4 or 5 in the morning repeatedly. The issues resolve themselves after that and no errors are reported during the day.

Anyone have any idea of maintenance cycles that Rogers performs on their 5G Mobile networks and/or devices that could account for this?  I haven't called into Rogers Support yet because I don't want to go through there normal diagnostics including  resetting and returning the device.




*Added Labels*


Re: 5G Mobile Early Morning Network Issues


Good day @DS256 


Thank you for posting about your situation!


If I understand correctly, you're experiencing technical issues with your 5G Mobile device between midnight and 5 AM, at your cottage, and you're not willing to go through normal troubleshooting with our technical support team. Is that right?


To further assist you, it would be helpful to know your device make and model. Also, can you tell us about any diagnostics or tests you ran on your end, to identify and resiolve the issue?


Looking forward to your reply!




Re: 5G Mobile Early Morning Network Issues

I plan to stick around

Hi RogersMaude. Thanks for responding.

"To further assist you, it would be helpful to know your device make and model". I'm not with the device at the moment but will respond shortly. It's a recent purchase.

"...  you're not willing to go through normal troubleshooting with our technical support team. Is that right?" At the moment, yes, because I configured it to reflect what I had on the RocketHub including changing the subnet.

"Also, can you tell us about any diagnostics or tests you ran on your end, to identify and resiolve the issue?"

These are automated continuously running programs. One when it reports an error to a JSON, also performs a test PING on the address as part of error checking. So when I get 'No route to host' I also get an error from the PING.

I am use to intermittent network errors and have error traps and retries for common issues. It's the 'No route to host' which is new and seems to indicates either a routing error out of the 5G Mobile and/or an issue with Rogers DNS configuration. Could also be maintenance which, if it is a regular occurence, I'd like to know about.

Re: 5G Mobile Early Morning Network Issues

I plan to stick around

Hi @RogersMaude . Here's the information on "To further assist you, it would be helpful to know your device make and model." you requested



Re: 5G Mobile Early Morning Network Issues

I plan to stick around

Some more documentation.

One program reported a problem around 3:10 AM July 18th.

Checking srv_reboot_button.log. Modified last 2024-07-18 04:43:24.633719
     [251] [07-18 03:12:57] GET_WAN: Exception 'URLError=<urlopen error [Errno 113] No route to host>'. Traceba
     [252] [07-18 03:12:57] WAN: Warning resolving WAN IP [Unknown] [Unknown][Error reported in system log]


At the same time, a network access program I run every 10 minutes reported the following

+ date
Thu 18 Jul 2024 03:12:04 AM EDT
+ echo

+ ping -c3
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From wethCAM.lan ( icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
From wethCAM.lan ( icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable

--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, +3 errors, 100% packet loss, time 2085ms
pipe 3
+ ping -c3
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable

--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, +3 errors, 100% packet loss, time 2070ms
pipe 2
+ curl
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80: No route to host
+ sleep 10m



Re: 5G Mobile Early Morning Network Issues

Hi @DS256 I know your original message indicated that you haven't contact tech support yet. But it's been a week and the issue has persisted. It might help if you get in touch with them. Our wireless tech support team is best equipped to address these questions.






Re: 5G Mobile Early Morning Network Issues

I plan to stick around

Hi @RogersZia . When I'm back at the cottage I guess I will. 


My hesitancy is that tech support normally tries to fix a problem which is occuring. The condition does not exist during daylight hours. My expectation is that they will have me factory reset the box after which I have to apply my configuration changes. I'm not about to get up in the wee hours of the morning when the problem does occur with the hope that the 'No Route to Host' occurs in order to call support. The error above occurred at 3:12AM. 


I posted here with the hopes that there would be some insights into maintenance that occurs at night that is responsible for my 'No route to host' problem.

Re: 5G Mobile Early Morning Network Issues

Good afternoon @DS256!


We do have tools that will tell us if there are known issues or ongoing maintenance for your local towers... but in order to do so, we need to be able to access your account, which requires you to reach out to us for support. We do offer 24/7 tech support, so you can call us in the early morning hours if that's when the issue is occurring.


While it is best for you to contact us while the issue is occurring so that we can run the appropriate diagnostics, we can check the status of your local towers at anytime.


Please also keep in mind that we do not guarantee 24/7 uptime. Are you hosting this weather station locally on your own equipment?


We'd be happy to take a closer look to see what is going on! Please feel free to send a private message to @CommunityHelps so we can assist you further. For more information on how our Private Messaging system works, you can find out more here.  




Re: 5G Mobile Early Morning Network Issues

I plan to stick around

Hi RogersCorey. As I mentioned, I'm not willing to get up in the early morning hours with the hope of seeing the transient error. You mentioned "Please also keep in mind that we do not guarantee 24/7 uptime" which I was not aware of. I'll have to look at the T&C's.


"Are you hosting this weather station locally on your own equipment?" yes, my own custom built station running unattended.


Thanks for the link for private message. I may try that after I contact Support next time at the cottage. In the meantime, I've programmed around the network instability that occurs over the morning hours.

Re: 5G Mobile Early Morning Network Issues

Thank you for clarifying. Our TOS does not allow for individuals to run servers, so it is possible that you are being impacted by our traffic management practices.


The Services are consumer products designed for personal access to and use of the Internet. For example, the Services do not provide the type of security, upstream performance and total downstream throughput capability typically associated with commercial use. You may not run a server in connection with the Services.


Please see here: ROG_11596_TOSIS_BRO_EN.pdf (


xvi. operate a server in connection with the Services, including, without limitation, mail, news, file, gopher, telnet, chat, Web, or host configuration servers, multimedia streamers or multi-user interactive forums;




Re: 5G Mobile Early Morning Network Issues

I plan to stick around

"Thank you for clarifying. Our TOS does not allow for individuals to run servers, so it is possible that you are being impacted by our traffic management practices." Makes sense but I'm not running a server but a weather station which updates data to my server periodically. It would be the same as my email client connecting to the external email server every 15 minutes to check for new mail.  It is not offering up services like you listed nor have I opened any ports for external access to my subnet. 


If it were a traffic management issue, I'd expect to see the network errors during the day. The 'No route to host' only happens in the early morning hours between midnight and 5 AM intermittently. 

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