07-10-2022 01:46 PM
Understanding you have priority to recover (e.g. Interac), where can retail customers check their status by postal code?
I live in Newmarket and my IGNITE has been out since 0500 July 8 till now. As of 1330 July 10 the L3X area code in Newmarket is still out.
Total outage time, 56 hours 30 minutes and counting.
07-11-2022 01:33 PM
Greetings @Heartofkafka!
Thank you for understanding. We sincerely apologize for the disruption and thank you for your patience.
You can check your status in two places. Here through our virtual assistant Anna: https://www.rogers.com/support/outage and here on the forums: https://communityforums.rogers.com/t5/Service-Interruption-Status/bd-p/Network_Interruption_Status.
Are your services fully offline or are they partially working?