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Overprovisioned internet speeds - question

I'm a senior contributor

Hi community!


I'm on an Ignite bundle, which I've had since early June.  Prior to Ignite, I was a legacy internet (150Mbps plan) and digital tv customer with a Hitron CODA-4582 modem.  With the Hitron, I was ALWAYS hitting approx 560Mbps on ALL speedtests (Ookla, Rogers, Fast, etc).  When I switched to Ignite (XB6), my speeds were immediately capped at exactly 300Mbps...still overprovisioned but nowhere near what I was getting with the CODA modem.  Then several weeks ago, after an XB6 firmware update, my speeds immediately went back up to the 560Mbps.  The speeds remained this way until a couple of days ago, when I cancelled our home phone (didn't need it anymore).  As soon as the home phone was cancelled, my XB6 rebooted.  After the reboot, my speeds went back down to the capped 300Mbps.


Does anyone know:


1. Why a home phone cancellation would trigger the XB6 to reboot automatically?

2. Why the overprovisioned speeds would change?


Just to be clear, I'm not complaining about the drop in top speed because I'm clearly still receiving faster speeds than the plan I'm on, but I'm curious to understand how this works.  Also, I don't feel that overprovisioning is based solely on available bandwidth in the neighbourhood.  I say this because, if that were the case, speeds would fluctuate wildly and very frequently, but that's not what I'm experiencing.  I went from ALWAYS hitting 300Mpbs (no more and no less) to ALWAYS hitting 560Mbps (no more and no less) after the firmware update a couple of weeks ago, to being dropped back down to ALWAYS hitting 300Mbps (no more and no less) after the XB6 auto rebooted after the home phone cancellation.


Re: Overprovisioned internet speeds - question

I'm a senior contributor
The home phone uses the modem, when they turn it off it makes sense the modem would reboot for a feature like that. It is controlled on the back end, there are no user UI options you can see.

I am surprised you got higher speeds, but since you are paying for 300 and you are getting 300 there is technically nothing wrong.

Re: Overprovisioned internet speeds - question

I'm a senior contributor

Thanks.  And sorry...I should've clarified...I'm still on the 150Mbps plan.

Re: Overprovisioned internet speeds - question

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

When I was on the 150u plan, I also got those crazy high 600+ Mb/s speed test results but NEVER got anywhere close to that when transferring files.  My actual sustained data transfer rates topped out at just over 200Mb/s.

Re: Overprovisioned internet speeds - question

I'm a senior contributor

Thanks @-G-   My experience is different.  I'm actually seeing sustained 300Mbit speeds when downloading large actually tops out at about 330.  When I had the 560Mbit cap during speed tests, I was seeing sustained downloading speeds of about 450-480.


Still curious to understand what causes the different overprovisioned caps 🙂  As I said, I'm not seeing fluctuations in speed at all.  It was 300Mbit consistently...then 560Mbit consistently...then back down to 300Mbit consistently.  And the speed cap changes coincided with a change/auto reboot of the XB6 each time. 

Re: Overprovisioned internet speeds - question

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@toolcubed wrote:

Thanks @-G-   My experience is different.  I'm actually seeing sustained 300Mbit speeds when downloading large actually tops out at about 330.  When I had the 560Mbit cap during speed tests, I was seeing sustained downloading speeds of about 450-480.


Still curious to understand what causes the different overprovisioned caps 🙂  As I said, I'm not seeing fluctuations in speed at all.  It was 300Mbit consistently...then 560Mbit consistently...then back down to 300Mbit consistently.  And the speed cap changes coincided with a change/auto reboot of the XB6 each time. 

On very rare occasions, I saw actual sustained transfer speeds that were extremely high but performance would soon return back to normal, without my modem rebooting.  I presumed that Rogers was just making changes in the local node.


Typically, my sustained transfer speeds are approximately 50% higher than my subscribed speed.

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