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Internet works, but unable to connect to Activision/ online services

I've been here awhile

As the title states, my internet seems to be working fine. However, I am unable to connect to the Activision/ online services of  via my Rogers internet. So none of the titles are available as an internet connection is required. When I hotspot to my phone (Telus network) I can connect just fine, but running that via my phone isn't a real solution, I'm going to go through my data real fast.

Note: I have tried resetting router, release and renewing IP, changing DNS, etc. Nothing seems to be working.


Re: Internet works, but unable to connect to Activision/ online services

I've been here awhile

We're having the same issues, any time we try to connect to any online gaming service our connection just times out. Looks like there's still mass issues that Roger's isn't addressing. tried to call and got told that the call volumes were too high and they hung up. same with their online chat service.

Re: Internet works, but unable to connect to Activision/ online services

I've been here awhile

Same.  Several IP addresses just time out.  This includes anything (including links provided by RogersHelps on twitter) and any / blizzard game servers.  All recorded IgniteTV programs also time out.

Re: Internet works, but unable to connect to Activision/ online services

I've been around

Having the same issues. I can connect to warzone and play but I can't even get to the character screen for warcraft. Ran a traceroute and pathping and I got some timeouts. I read somewhere that you make it so you avoid any roger hops for a stable connection. Can't seem to find it.

Re: Internet works, but unable to connect to Activision/ online services

I plan to stick around

Sounds like you're all having the same issue that I am in regards to Proboards, which I have been unable to connect to since the service came back online. 

Calling tech support is useless as AFrozenSquirrel said.  You either get hung up on, or have to wait three hours or more to talk to anyone (seems that, for the time being, these forums are the only way we can get any messages across to Rogers).

Rogers should remember that they are not the only fish in the sea here, there are others, such as Bell and Telus (my cell phone is with Telus, so thankfully it was unaffected by the outage).  And I'm sure that many current Rogers customers are considering, or at least thinking about, going to one of these other fishes, if these issues are not addressed and fixed before long.

Re: Internet works, but unable to connect to Activision/ online services

I've been around

I've literally tried every 3 hours unplugging my modem so that hopefully it can catch some new DNS routes but still not working it just times out. I do not have a VPN. It's nice that service has been restored, but if I can't do what i use the internet for, then service is NOT restored. Twitter is also still not responding to http requests. I am in Ottawa

Re: Internet works, but unable to connect to Activision/ online services

I've been here awhile
Ottawa here too. Day 4 without access to most of the internet IP addresses that I use.

Re: Internet works, but unable to connect to Activision/ online services

I plan to stick around

Still no joy in accessing Proboards.  Luckily, I can get to all the other sites I use (such as Facebook and my e-mail servers, Yahoo! and Outlook). 

However, I, like many others here, want FULL access back, the access we had before Friday's debacle. 

I tried to consult "Anna" about the issue, but that was a complete waste of time.  I tried to detail the problem, but "Anna" kept asking me questions about things that had absolutely no relevance to the issue I was trying to get across (lack of access to Proboards).   I finally just gave up.

How long must we wait?  How long are some of us WILLING to wait, before heading off to Bell or Telus?   The clock is ticking, Rogers.  You are going to start losing customers if this situation persists much longer.


Re: Internet works, but unable to connect to Activision/ online services

Our internet has come back and seems to be relatively stable since Sunday night. I'm from North Simcoe but I've heard others near me are still having issues with Ignite TV and phone service

Re: Internet works, but unable to connect to Activision/ online services

I've been here awhile

I'm in a similar camp as the messages in this thread. 

My household internet has been restored and I can access the vast majority of sites, but a few that I require for work simply won't load (Twitter for example). Meanwhile I can connect to these sites without issue using my mobile device on LTE. On my laptop I have to constantly switch my connection from my household wifi network to personal hotspot (on my phone) to reach the pages necessary to do my work. 

Re: Internet works, but unable to connect to Activision/ online services

I've been here awhile

I have the same issue but different websites. Does anybody know if Rogers support actually look at these concerns?

Re: Internet works, but unable to connect to Activision/ online services

I've been around

I'm having the exact same problems as is a coworker.

Re: Internet works, but unable to connect to Activision/ online services

I plan to stick around

Yesterday evening, I decided to roll the dice and give tech support another try.  Amazingly, I only had to wait about a half hour, before I actually got to talk to someone.

Anyway, I explained to the guy that I was unable to access certain sites, like Proboards, since the outage.  I also mentioned that others were having the same issue with  other sites (I referred the guy to these forums a few times).    After some back and forth (in which he insisted on resetting my modem, even though I knew it would do no good) the guy said he would open a ticket on this issue.

Twenty minutes ago, I tried Proboards again and got in!  I'll be damned, they actually came through.

All of you should try the sites you've been having problems getting into.  Perhaps if they've fixed my problems, they've also fixed yours (I'm assuming that the guy followed my suggestion, came here, and saw your threads).

Re: Internet works, but unable to connect to Activision/ online services

I've been here awhile

Resolved for me as well, it seems!

Re: Internet works, but unable to connect to Activision/ online services

I've been around
Same issues, cant even download game launchers anymore but my internet works fine for everything else. Discord, streamlabs, battlenet, epicgames. FIX THIS PLEASE, its a rogers issue, not my computer.

Re: Internet works, but unable to connect to Activision/ online services

I've been here awhile

I am starting to get access to the websites that I couldn't access on Monday. So far 2 out of 5, I can now access but the sites are still slow, like when you access the Rogers site in normal times.

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