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Connect extender to modem CGN3ACSMR

I've been here awhile

Hi, should I be able to connect Netgear EX3700 extender to Rogers modem CGN3ACSMR  (on the same network , as an extender ?) Thank you




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Re: Connect extender to modem CGN3ACSMR




Welcome to the Rogers Community Forums!


You've come to the right place! I'll tag our Resident Experts @Datalink, @Gdkitty so they can share their expertise! 





Re: Connect extender to modem CGN3ACSMR

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@wendykino yes, you should be able to pair any extender with any modem or router.  You can usually do that in a couple of ways:


1. by logging into the extender, selecting the network and entering the passphrase manually; or

2.  using the WPS buttons on the modem and extender to pair the devices.  I think the typical scenario is that depressing the WPS button on a modem or router starts a clock ticking, usually for two minutes (?) but don't quote me on that one.  Then within the allowable time, depress the WPS button on the extender.  That should pair the devices.  


Note that WPS is not secure anymore and should be disabled in the modem, router and any other device.  If anyone really wants to use it, I'd recommend enabling it, using the WPS functionality to pair the device, and then disable it once again.  Once paired, the device should be able to keep operating on the network with the WPS disabled.  


Of course this begs the question, if you're going to log into the modem to enable WPS for a single occasion, why not just log into the repeater/extender and set that up manually?  So, that's food for thought 🙂

Re: Connect extender to modem CGN3ACSMR

Can't get wifi range extender to connect to Rogers Hitron router


Hi there,

It's COVID times and I want to work from the backyard this summer 🙂 so I bought a wifi extender - the NetGear N300 WiFi Range Extender Model EX2700.  After following the instructions to the letter multiple times I can't get it to connect to my Hitron CGN3ACSMR router.  I've called support at NetGear a couple times and they can't get it to connect either.  What is wrong with my set-up?  Is there a setting that's preventing the extender from 'talking' to the router?  How is it that I can connect to my router with my iphone(s), laptop(s), eBooks, Sonos speakers, Apple TV, etc. but I can't get this thing to connect?  Can someone please help me so I can work outside and listen to the birds?

Re: Connect extender to modem CGN3ACSMR

I've been here awhile

Same issue tried with several extenders. Go next door it it works on neighbours Hitron modem/router. Only difference is his is hardware revision 1A mine is 2A. All setting checked and identical.

Re: Connect extender to modem CGN3ACSMR

Hello, @ccole73 & @jsf.


Welcome to Rogers Community Forums! 😀


Thank you for sharing your experiences in regards to connecting a WiFi extender with your modem. Were you getting any error messages? 


Have you tried both methods posted by @Datalink in the message above? 


Please provide more details, including the steps taken to pair the extender and error messages so Community can help.






Re: Connect extender to modem CGN3ACSMR



Yes, I've attempted both connection options and neither one gets the extender connected to the router.  The error message I get is that the extender cannot connect to the router.  

Re: Connect extender to modem CGN3ACSMR

I've been here awhile
Just will not connect to a hardware rev 2. Both methods fail. Both methods work on neighbour's hardware rev 1 Rogers box. So, it's something in rev 2. What is it? When will firmware update be available to fix (address the fault) it?

Re: Connect extender to modem CGN3ACSMR

I'm here a lot

Where do I look on my router to see if it's version 1 or 2?  Is it in the serial number?  I wonder if it's worth switching to a new router?

Re: Connect extender to modem CGN3ACSMR

Hello, @ccole73


I can imagine how frustrating it is to still have these issues getting your Wi-Fi extender setup.


If you are interested in seeing which Hardware version you are using follow the steps below.


  1. Connect your device to your Wi-Fi modem either with an ethernet cable or over your Wi-Fi network.
  2. Open a web browser and key in in the address bar and press Enter.
  3. Enter the following default settings to access the modem settings and select Login:
  4. Username: cusadmin
  5. Password: password (or your current Wi-Fi password)

Hardware version is listed on the first page labeled "System Information"

If you would prefer to switch to a new modem, we can look into what options would be available to you. Please send a private message to @CommunityHelps so we can get started. Not familiar with our private messaging system? No worries, Click Here.




Re: Connect extender to modem CGN3ACSMR

Thank you for those instructions.  It appears my router hardware version is 1A and my software version is  If you think changing routers would allow me to connect the extender to the router then I'm game for that.  

Re: Connect extender to modem CGN3ACSMR

I've been here awhile
I'm currently having the same issues as you are.

I have the same router which is version one and I'm trying to use a Netgear repeater.

Re: Connect extender to modem CGN3ACSMR


I gave up on the wi-fi extender and gave it to my sister-in-law who thinks it's wonderful, so go figure.  I never got wi-fi working on the back deck this summer but with the pandemic looking to last into next spring, I think it's time for a new router.  Let me know how it goes with yours.

Re: Connect extender to modem CGN3ACSMR

I've been here awhile

Doesn't sound promising if NETGEAR couldn't figure it out.  I might call Rogers.  I wonder if they have something proprietary that is very unforgiving if you connect other gear to it.  I think they want you to rent their stuff.  The NETGEAR repeater recognizes the Haltron modem but it is not connecting or speaking to it.


I went into the weeds going into the website they mentioned

I've learned more but still a bit frustrated.  Even tried directly connecting the repeater to router with ethernet cable and still nothing.


I only have so much time, if Bell has better ability to use these repeaters I will probably switch.

Re: Connect extender to modem CGN3ACSMR

I've been here awhile
I gave up

Re: Connect extender to modem CGN3ACSMR

I've been around
My friend gave me his extender and Initially I couldn’t get it work. I read your messages and was going to give up. But then I tried to press and hold the circular button at the front of the Hutton until it became solid green. Then press the WPS on the Netgear and suddenly it connected. Hope it helps.
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