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Preview images not populating on new XiONE box

I plan to stick around

Anyone else having an issue where preview images and preview video in the guide, are not working? 


For example, if I do a voice search for 'The Hobbit', the search results show me all the options and movies ... but there are no images associated with the choices ( ie. the movie cover ).  Also, if I go to guide and scroll through ... the small preview video window is blank.


Of note, I'm hardwired in and have confirmed my connection is via ethernet.  My ethernet goes directly into the box, so, my speed should not be an issue.



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Re: Preview images not populating on new XiONE box

I plan to stick around

Figured this out and will post the answer in case anyone else has the same issue.


Rogers provides a 4k HDMI cable when they send you the new box.

Use the Rogers cable as this seems to make a difference.


I had a decent HDMI cable, but I'm guessing it was not rated the same as the Rogers cable, which specifically references being made for 4k etc etc.

Re: Preview images not populating on new XiONE box

I plan to stick around

Problem returned - so my assumption above that it was cord related is wrong.
Guessing it's glitches with the new boxes, but would love to know if anyone else has come across this too.

Re: Preview images not populating on new XiONE box

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Greetings @Lyphe416,


Thanks for reporting this issue to us! We'd be more than happy to help you. 

Have you tried rebooting the STB box? Is it happening on other boxes too? Were any changes made to the TV settings recently?


If anyone else in the Community has suggestions, please feel free to chime in!


We look forward to hearing from you.



Re: Preview images not populating on new XiONE box

@RogersRahul  I tried but could not reproduce the problem with my XiOne or my Xi6 set-top boxes.  I am currently running with my XB7 in "gateway" mode.


@Lyphe416 In this post, you mentioned that you have "Bridge Mode" enabled on your Ignite gateway and are running Ignite TV over an eero Wi-Fi mesh.  Have you tried disabling Bridge Mode on your Ignite gateway and re-testing either with your eero mesh in Bridge/AP mode or, preferably, with your Ignite set-top boxes connected directly to the Ignite gateway, in a Rogers-supported configuration?

Re: Preview images not populating on new XiONE box

I plan to stick around

@rahul  This issue is sporadic and is coming and going.  I received a new box this past week and set it up, with some adjustments to my settings.  Since finalizing my settings (ie. no changes since), preview images have come and gone several times.  As of this morning, I can see all the preview images once again.  There is one new additional issue however, out of nowhere starting yesterday - which is that it takes anywhere from 5-20 seconds for the channel to begin playing after turning on the TV.  The Netflix app has also been a bit inconsistent, with it working yesterday morning, then refusing to load yesterday evening, and working again this morning.

@-G- My rogers TV box is actually hardwired direct to the Rogers modem.  Ethernet connection is confirmed in settings.  And outside of odd issues that come and go, the connection, speed, and responsiveness are all excellent.


Re: Preview images not populating on new XiONE box

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Lyphe416 wrote:

There is one new additional issue however, out of nowhere starting yesterday - which is that it takes anywhere from 5-20 seconds for the channel to begin playing after turning on the TV.  The Netflix app has also been a bit inconsistent, with it working yesterday morning, then refusing to load yesterday evening, and working again this

Channel changes taking SEVERAL seconds is indicative of a network problem.  So is (possibly) your Netflix issue... although others have also recently reported issues with some STB apps not loading or working properly.  When Ignite TV customers experience similar issues, the fix is to reboot the Ignite gateway, to reset network connectivity back into a good state; rebooting the STB alone will not resolve this issue.


Since you are running in Bridge Mode, try performing a full reset of your eero.


My rogers TV box is actually hardwired direct to the Rogers modem.  Ethernet connection is confirmed in settings.  And outside of odd issues that come and go, the connection, speed, and responsiveness are all excellent.

The reason why Rogers cannot (and will not) support you while you have Bridge Mode enabled on your gateway is that the Ignite set-top boxes require functional IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity.  3rd-party hardware may not function as expected and could have firewall policies and parental controls that impede normal operation of the set-top box.  That is also a primary reason why Rogers delivers Ignite TV and Ignite Internet as a turnkey solution, and provides hardware that has been tested end-to-end.  That is why I asked whether you have re-tested in a Rogers-supported configuration.

Re: Preview images not populating on new XiONE box

I plan to stick around

@-G- Thx for the response.  

So I decided to dig in today and try to find a solution that was 'Rogers friendly', but also worked for me.  I turned off bridge mode on my Rogers modem and moved my Eero to bridge mode instead.  As of now, my Rogers TV box is plugged directly into my unbridged Rogers modem.  Everything has been rebooted.  That said, there is still some odd behavior with the TV box.  The channel is still slow to boot on first turning on the TV ( but moving between channels is quick after ).  As well, while watching 2 recorded shows at lunch today ( after the noted changes ), both shows stopped during playback and could not be accessed ( per the onscreen message ).  Restarting the show fixed the issue, but this all still feels like a slow network connection, which is confusing given that I'm now hardwired directly into the Rogers modem and it is no longer in bridge mode.  


2 side notes I was wondering about. 

First, when looking at my Rogers Gateway, I see 1 ethernet port listed as 1gb, and the other 3 as 100mb speeds.  I thought the ports were 2.5gbx1 and 1.0gbx3.  

Second.  Although my Rogers TV box is connected via ethernet, the wifi settings are still set to my eero.  Not sure if this can be an issue, but I also don't know how to change this.  I was going to put the TV box only on the Rogers wifi network as a back up to being hardwired, but there seems to be no option for changing the last entered wifi settings.

Re: Preview images not populating on new XiONE box

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Lyphe416 wrote:

So I decided to dig in today and try to find a solution that was 'Rogers friendly', but also worked for me.  I turned off bridge mode on my Rogers modem and moved my Eero to bridge mode instead.

That should be fine.  You are now using the Ignite gateway for your router/firewall and Rogers should also still be able to connect to your set-top boxes to run their tests and diagnostics.


2 side notes I was wondering about. 

First, when looking at my Rogers Gateway, I see 1 ethernet port listed as 1gb, and the other 3 as 100mb speeds.  I thought the ports were 2.5gbx1 and 1.0gbx3.  

That is to be expected.  Yes, the Ignite XB7 gateway has three 1GigE ports and one 2.5GigE port.  However, the Ethernet port on the Ignite set-top boxes is 100Mb/s Fast Ethernet, not Gigabit Ethernet.  A 4K media stream only consumes roughly 25 Mb/s of bandwidth so they do not need anything faster.


Second.  Although my Rogers TV box is connected via ethernet, the wifi settings are still set to my eero.  Not sure if this can be an issue, but I also don't know how to change this.  I was going to put the TV box only on the Rogers wifi network as a back up to being hardwired, but there seems to be no option for changing the last entered wifi settings.

Again, this should not be a problem.  The only "rule" that you need to follow is that if your WiFi network name / passphrase is MyWiFiNetwork / MyWiFiPassword, these need to match on the active eero WiFi network, the set-top box, and the Ignite gateway, even if WiFi on the Ignite gateway is disabled and even if your set-top box is Ethernet-connected.  Don't ask why.  It's just what you need to do to keep things happy when you are using 3rd-party network gear.  Just be thankful that you can.

Re: Preview images not populating on new XiONE box

I plan to stick around



The only "rule" that you need to follow is that if your WiFi network name / passphrase is MyWiFiNetwork / MyWiFiPassword, these need to match on the active eero WiFi network, the set-top box, and the Ignite gateway, even if WiFi on the Ignite gateway is disabled and evenThe only "rule" that you need to follow is that if your WiFi network name / passphrase is MyWiFiNetwork / MyWiFiPassword, these need to match on the active eero WiFi network, the set-top box, and the Ignite gateway, even if WiFi on the Ignite gateway is disabled and even if your set-top box is Ethernet-connected.  Don't ask why.  It's just what you need to do to keep things happy when you are using 3rd-party network gear.  Just be thankful that you can.

Sorry, can you expand on this?  Do you mean my network name + pw for the Rogers wifi and Eero wifi must be identical?  Not sure I understood that fully.  Ty!

Re: Preview images not populating on new XiONE box

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Okay, so picture this scenario: your Ignite set-top box expects that it should be able to connect to the network via Wi-Fi.  It can't find a Wi-Fi network that it can connect to.  It contacts the LnF service on the gateway and obtains the WiFi network name and passphrase that is configured in the gateway.  It then tries to connect to Wi-Fi with those credentials.  If it cannot, it gets unhappy.


If you instead initially connect the set-top box to the Ignite gateway via Wi-Fi, then disable Wi-Fi on the Ignite gateway and configure those same WiFi credentials into your eero mesh, everything should keep working.  If the set-top box should drop off of Wi-Fi and follows the steps that I outlined in the previous paragraph, everything will continue to work.  Do this even if you plan to connect your set-top box via Ethernet.


The set-top box basically expects that it should be able to connect to a Wi-Fi network using the Wi-Fi credentials that are stored in the Ignite gateway.  It if cannot, weird glitches can happen and the set-top box will not be entirely stable.

Re: Preview images not populating on new XiONE box

I plan to stick around

Ty and makes sense.

Wonder if it would just be simplest to reset the TV box and begin anew in case something has gone pear-shaped along the way.  Then, I'd just let it connect to the rogers wifi solo while everything else uses my eero wifi connection.


Any idea how to reset the TV box by chance?  

Re: Preview images not populating on new XiONE box

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Lyphe416 wrote:

Ty and makes sense.

Wonder if it would just be simplest to reset the TV box and begin anew in case something has gone pear-shaped along the way.  Then, I'd just let it connect to the rogers wifi solo while everything else uses my eero wifi connection.


Any idea how to reset the TV box by chance?  

If you are using a separate network name on your eero and Ignite gateway Wi-Fi, just reconnect the set-top box to the gateway's WiFi via WPS.  You can then still use a wired Ethernet connection to connect your set-top boxes, if you choose.


Another option would be to temporarily re-enable Wi-Fi on your gateway, configure the same credentials that you have configured in your eero, make sure that the set-top boxes can connect via WiFi, then disable Wi-Fi on the gateway.  Let the set-top boxes reconnect via Wi-Fi to your eero mesh or connect them via Ethernet; your choice.


From a security perspective, both are equivalent.  If you are concerned about Rogers learning your Wi-Fi credentials, don't be too much; the associated risks are low.  Besides, you trust them enough to provide all of your network connectivity.  Quite frankly, I would be more concerned about Amazon (or the manufacturer of any device that you have connected to your eero WiFi) knowing your Wi-Fi credentials than I would Rogers.

Re: Preview images not populating on new XiONE box

I plan to stick around

Thx for your help @-G- .


Ran a 'refresh' on the system yesterday, and seems better.  Everything is good except the slow channel-on, so will probably leave well enough alone for now as everything else is running smooth.



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