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Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm a senior advisor

I have a few complaints about forum navigation, as they still persist.


1. When reading messages in a thread, when you get to the bottom and there more pages, when you click Next or a new page number, often you get an error screen and have to return to the previous page and try a different way. This mostly happens with newer postings.


2. When I got the above error and went back, I would then try clicking Message Listing at the bottom, which would take me back to the thread, showing more new messages. This doesn't work half the time anymore, again mostly on newer, active threads.


3. A popular way to get back to the thread you're reading after the the above two ways don't work is to click the forum you're reading is the navigation panel on the right. The problem with that is if it's a long thread, you have to scroll all the way up again. This could be fixed by making the navigation panel floating, always in view, or having a Top button at the bottom of the page.


4. My kludge to get around those above problems is to hit Ctrl-Home to get to the top and then click the forum name at the top again, but this should not be necessary if the board was configured more user friendly.



***Edited Labels***


Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm a senior advisor

I hate being the squeaky wheel, but the "Next" button error that was going to get fixed several months ago is still not fixed.


When reading a thread with several pages, clicking the "Next" button at the bottom, or just the next page, gives the following error. We always have to use the "Back to Board" button to get to the next page.




Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

This is an issue that has been slowly driving me bonkers and I think it has finally succeeded.  Smiley Sad

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@OLDYELLR and @jays77, I have not encountered this issue, strange...  I can click on the page number or the > and have never encountered the error.  Mac Mini, FF49.0.2

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm an advisor

Yeah, it is strange. I've been getting that message since the board was renovated months ago.

I'm using a Windows based laptop and whatever the latest version IE is.

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm a senior advisor

@57 wrote:

@OLDYELLR and @jays77, I have not encountered this issue, strange...  I can click on the page number or the > and have never encountered the error.  Mac Mini, FF49.0.2

It does not happen in every circumstance, but certainly when I'm following a thread with new posts. Each time I get to the bottom of the page and click Next for the remaining pages, I get that error. The only way to read all the new posts in the thread is to keep clicking Back to Board and the same thread again while it is still Bold. Occasionally I've had the Next button work and at first I thought it was when browsing old threads, but I just tried that and go the same error. It's a known problem that must be sitting on the back burner. Makes me wonder whether the Lithium crew are Mac people.

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm a senior contributor

@57  Check your settings in Preferences -> Linear Layout -> Jump to first unread post in a topic.  If this is checked, it causes the problem, if not then everything works but you have to scroll to find the first new post.

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

Resident Expert
Resident Expert



Yep, that causes the problem alright. I've unchecked that option again.

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm an advisor

I'll give that a try but having to scroll through what could be pages of post looking for (if you can remember) the last post you read can be almost as frustrating as the original problem.


Other boards can function with both "jump to last read post" and  the ability to go from page to page with no problem.   I just don't see why it should not be possible here. 

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm a senior advisor

@roxandtreez wrote:

@57  Check your settings in Preferences -> Linear Layout -> Jump to first unread post in a topic.  If this is checked, it causes the problem, if not then everything works but you have to scroll to find the first new post.

Exactly! When the board was revamped  I discovered I had to set that option to take me to the first unread post, but with that option the Next button gives the error. This needs more work.

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm a trusted contributor

Community Issues: Can't Reach Anything But Page 1 of Multi-Page Thread


As the header states, I get a red error bar if I try to reach page 2 or 3 or whatever of a multi-page thread.  

It used to be that you could defeat that by simply reloading the page, but even that doesn't work any more.


Using the latest Firefox browser.


Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm a senior advisor

Go to My Settings > Preferences > Linear Layout


Check the box for Jump to first unread post in a topic at the bottom.


When you're in the Back to Board view and click on any topic in bold it will take you to the first unread post.


However, there is still one flaw in the system that hasn't been fixed. Clicking the next page number, or Next, won't work and you'll get that error message. Yo have to keep going Back to Board until you're on the newest page or there are no more new messages. The mods know about this and supposedly have contacted Lithium to get it fixed, but it must be low priority.

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm an advisor
Any chance this problem will be addressed in 2017?

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm an advisor

Just a reminder that this problem is still unresolved.  Smiley Sad

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm a senior advisor

Yes, Rogers/Lithium, have you given up on fixing the board?

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

Are there any plans to get this problem fixed?  


Hello???   Smiley Frustrated   Anyone out there??? 

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

Hey @jays77,


Thank you again for the feedback.


Are you refering to the issue previously posted where users are unable to view certain pages on multipage threads?




Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

Yes that is the issue I am referring to.

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

Hey @jays77,


Can you provide us the exact path where the error occurs?  Maybe include a screenshot and a link?


I've done some testing on our end but was unsuccessful in reproducing the error.




Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

@RogersRoland wrote:

Hey @jays77,


Can you provide us the exact path where the error occurs?  Maybe include a screenshot and a link?


I've done some testing on our end but was unsuccessful in reproducing the error.



See post 48 of this thread. If you have your preferences set that way, you get the error message. I just tested it myself.

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Hey @57 and @jays77,


I just enabled that setting and it is working fine for me. Can you provide a screenshot of the error message you receive? And which thread you are getting the error on?


Also, which browser? It is working fine on Chrome for myself.




Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

A screenshot was submitted in post 43. Here it is again.



I was able to get this error after changing my preferences as noted in post 48.  I don't normally have that enabled to avoid the issue.  I went to any thread that had a large number of pages, clicked on an early page then clicked the "next" arrow and got the error message.


The weird thing is, although it happened twice now (and twice when I posted before), I then went on to try it a third time and it didn't happen.  I then tried several more threads and again, didn't get the error.  So, perhaps it only happens once or twice?  Previous posts here seem to indicate that perhaps it doesn't always happen.  I'm using FF52.0.2 on a Mac Mini.


This has been ongoing for over a year and must be frustrating for those who surf this way.

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