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Rogers MasterCard, New Online Banking

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Rogers launched its new Online Banking Website today.  Unfortunately, there are a few issues that I noticed right away.


1. There doesn't appear to be a direct link to the "My Rewards" page showing how many reward points/$ you have.  It used to be on the "My Accounts" (or landing) page.

2. You used to be able to click on a particular transaction and it would show you details of that transaction like time of transaction, foreign exchange/currency if applicable, etc.  This is not currently available.

3. I tried to send a message but all I get is a "we're sorry" pop-up and the message is not sent. 

4. All of my previous messages/service requests are currently "lost" and are not available for viewing.

5. I did an "ask Ruby" and she said:


"We launched our new Online Banking experience for our customers today.  We have come across a few temporary performance issues, but our IT teams are aware and are working on a fix." Smiley Frustrated


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Re: Rogers MasterCard, New Online Banking


Hey @57,


Thanks for making users aware of this issue! 😉


These concerns are expected to be temporary and while it is being looked into, access to "My Rewards" has been briefly disabled.


Thanks for your patience as we work towards a quick resolution.




Re: Rogers MasterCard, New Online Banking

Since you have briefly disabled "My Rewards" is that why the rewards app is not updating also? Doesn't appear to be any updated transactions in 2019 so we are not able to redeem on the app.


Could you guys look into this issue also?

Re: Rogers MasterCard, New Online Banking

I've been here awhile

Can you also figure out why when I download my transactions via OFX the program I"m attempting to import them into says there are no transactions to be found.  Downloading transactions in OFX via the previous website was a non-issue and worked great.  Since the implementation of this new site I'm unable to download transactions and import them into my budgeting program.

Re: Rogers MasterCard, New Online Banking

Hello @weaserr & @JJLC,


Welcome to the Rogers Community Forums! 😃


I use the Rogers Mastercard pretty often myself so I can understand it can be a bit concerning when a big change like this happens.


@weaserr, with the "My Rewards" temporarily disabled the "Pay with Rewards" app will not show any transactions to redeem. Once the "My Rewards" has been re-enabled this functionality should return. I was getting the same error message myself when I tried to redeem.


@JJLC, it's strange that the new website is showing no transactions to be found when downloading your transactions to the OFX file format. Are you able to see your transactions without issues via the website interface or does it also show no transactions? Can you try downloading the transactions in the CSV file format to see if transactions appear there?


Keep us posted on the results!



Re: Rogers MasterCard, New Online Banking

OFX file contains no transactions


I am also not able to load your OFX file into my financial software.  No problems with OFX files from other financial institutions.   Message is "error reading file".

Re: Rogers MasterCard, New Online Banking

I plan to stick around
I’m having an issue with my transactions not updating past December 31st 2018. Nothing into the new year...I’ve deleted the app, signed out and most recently updated the app to its newest version (Jan 23, 19) has anyone else experienced this and found a fix? It’s quite annoying. Thank you in advance.

Re: Rogers MasterCard, New Online Banking

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@57 wrote:

2. You used to be able to click on a particular transaction and it would show you details of that transaction like time of transaction, foreign exchange/currency if applicable, etc.  This is not currently available.

4. All of my previous messages/service requests are currently "lost" and are not available for viewing.

I sent a couple of messages to Rogers bank and I received the following responses that left me unimpressed.


2. It seems this (exchange rate) information is only available now on the statements, rather than on the transactions. Even the statements don't provide the time of transaction. It would be nice if this were available on the transactions, before you get to the statement stage, in case there are any issues.  It was available before, why not make it available on the new website?


4. Simply deleting all the previous correspondence (messages, travel notifications, etc) is not very nice (it is not available on the new website).  I would have made copies (screenshots) of some of this, had I known it was simply going to be unavailable on the new website. This is simply lazy programming!!!


One other issue with the messages is that you cannot reply to what they send you.  You cannot carry on a "conversation", only send a message and receive a reply, which then ends the conversation. Not very user friendly... Smiley Sad


Re: Rogers MasterCard, New Online Banking

I plan to stick around

The new website is truly horrendous. I often use this card for business purchases and travel and sometimes have tens of thousands of dollars that I need to be reimbursed for. Not being able to access the foreign currency amounts from the website means I can't get reimbursed for them until I receive my statement. What a nightmare.


The other problem I'm noticing is that the balance shown on the website doesn't match the balance I calculate by downloading the CSV data. I use an Excel spreadsheet I use to track my expenses by copying and pasting the CSV exports. With the old site, the Excel spreadsheet used to agree with the the current balance.


I can't stand when companies "fix" sites which weren't broken. The old site was extremely efficient, sure it didn't have pretty pictures of lighthouses but that's not really why I go to my credit card website...

Re: Rogers MasterCard, New Online Banking

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Kmo12345 wrote:

...Not being able to access the foreign currency amounts from the website means I can't get reimbursed for them until I receive my statement. What a nightmare.

If you have your receipt (in the foreign currency) and the final amount charged to you (after the "pending" amount has changed to actual on the transactions page), you should be able to be reimbursed...  I agree that this information was quite useful.  I also agree that many websites, much firmware, and many man/machine interfaces have become "pretty", but actually less useful.  Style over substance unfortunately.

Re: Rogers MasterCard, New Online Banking

I plan to stick around
Policy at my company is that a receipt showing foreign currency needs to be backed up by either a redacted credit card statement or print out from a credit card website showing the Canadian and foreign currency amount.

I guess the theory is that I could buy two items example: 5000 USD and 100 USD from a company in one transaction and ask for the receipts to be split. I would submit the 5000 USD receipt and my credit card statement showing ~7000 CAD and claim the exchange rate was 1.4 on a 5000 USD purchase when it actually was 1.37 on a 5100 USD purchase.

So yeah... now I need to wait until the end of the month to get reimbursed.

Re: Rogers MasterCard, New Online Banking

I'm a senior advisor

@Kmo12345 wrote:

So yeah... now I need to wait until the end of the month to get reimbursed.

So I would presume that would be the following billing cycle and you're getting no interest on the money you spent? That sucks.

Re: Rogers MasterCard, New Online Banking

I plan to stick around

So just when I thought this situation couldn't get any worse... 


The new CSV download "feature" exports transactions with incorrect CAD to USD amounts from what actually ends up on the website and on the statement. It also seems like it exports credit card authorizations and rental car holds.


With the old CSV export, any pending transactions wouldn't appear in the CSV export until they actually went through. Authorizations and holds would stay pending until they disappeared and therefore never show up on the CSV.

At the end of this month, my Excel spreadsheet that I was putting the CSV data into, showed an extra $1000 or so in charges. There were also two extra charges in the CSV data that didn't appear on the statement. Additionally, most (but not all) of the USD to CAD conversions from the CSV data were wrong.

What a nightmare. I would not recommend this card to anyone at this point in time. A credit card website which can't be trusted to export accurate data is completely unacceptable.

Re: Rogers MasterCard, New Online Banking

Hello @Kmo12345,


Thank you for sharing this information with us, we appreciate it! ðŸ˜Š


So far, we haven't been alerted to any known issues relating to discrepancies in the USD to CAD conversions, or with the final transaction amounts not corresponding with the monthly statements. Not to say that it isn't an issue, but we would need to get this investigated further to see what's really going on.


If possible, I would recommend reaching out directly to the Rogers Bank Customer Care team. The number should be located on the reverse of your Rogers Mastercard (1-855-775-2265), and they are available to assist 24/7. 


Kind regards!




Re: Rogers MasterCard, New Online Banking

@RogersYasmine  I believe you misread the problem. The problem concerns the fact that the new CSV file exports pending transactions, which always have incorrect foreign exchange conversions.  It's not until the pending transaction is "confirmed" that it gets the correct conversion, etc.   This usually happens a few days later.


As mentioned, sometimes pending transactions are also "authorization amounts" as you would see at check-in for a hotel or car rental. The "correct" transaction would then follow later and the pending transaction would be "deleted" from the (final) transactions. 


The issue is that the CSV now includes these pending transactions, which it should not.


It has nothing to do with final transactions being different from the statement amounts.


I agree that the best thing for @Kmo12345 , is to contact Rogers Bank. I usually prefer to do this in writing, so I would use the "Send a Message" option, but calling may also work.

Re: Rogers MasterCard, New Online Banking

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Every month I get an e-mail when my statement is ready. This month I didn't.  I have sent them a message.


If you are used to getting a statement at a certain time of the month, make sure you check for it.  Also, Rogers Bank now have all kinds of alerts available if you like to make use of such things, however, the statement option is not listed under "alerts" that I could see.

Re: Rogers MasterCard, New Online Banking

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@57 wrote:

Every month I get an e-mail when my statement is ready. This month I didn't.  I have sent them a message.

I got a response to my message that they had sent me an e-mail on February 9th (which doesn't make sense since my statement date is February 6th). I looked in all the possible places for it, (Spam folders on Outlook and Webmail, trash in Outlook and Webmail, inboxes, etc).  It wasn't there. I do receive other e-mail notices from Rogers Bank, like when I got responses to my various messages, so they have my e-mail address correct and most other things work   I hope I see one (statement ready e-mail) next month.  Perhaps this was just a one time glitch.  Has anyone else encountered this?

Re: Rogers MasterCard, New Online Banking

I plan to stick around

@57 is absolutely correct. The new export transaction feature exports all pending transactions such as authorization amounts and all foreign transactions but with incorrect exchange rates. The old export feature did not, so you could trust that anything that was exported was actually a valid transaction.


I have contacted Rogers Bank numerous times both by phone and using the new messaging system.


This is basically the standard reply I get:


Thank you for contacting Rogers bank. Thank you for the feedback, we will forward this as we are continually working to improve the new website. Please do not hesitate to contact us or customer service for further assistance at 1-855-775-2265.

Re: Rogers MasterCard, New Online Banking

I've been here awhile

The "new"/"improved" website gives "garbage" a bad name.  As mentioned by others, I am also frustrated by the following:

#1 issue by a country mile: the OFX/CSV files do not contain transaction IDs.  Without them, the exported files are totally useless.  I might as well be hand transposing information into my financial software

#2 it is impossible to make any correlation between the "total account balance" of my credit card and the transactions that are listed, as there are pending and non pending transactions included.  I have no idea if I've captured all of the transactions or not.  This makes it incredibly difficult for me to see if there are fraudulent charges.

#3 I am seeing some strange account activity, but I cannot justify calling the vendor (until I get my monthly statement which will hopefully be correct?) because I don't trust the information shown on the website.  I have used this information in the past to catch fraudulent charges and stop ship on items that I had not purchased - saving the vendor AND Rogers (because I would have reversed the charges) time and money.  This is impossible to do now.

#4 foreign transactions no longer have the original transaction amount.  The amount just changes when the transaction changes from "pending".    Impossible to see if the correct amount was charged or not.  Funny how the amount always seems to go up after a couple of days.   Never down.   I thought the currency conversion was charged on the day of the transaction - not when rogers gets around to putting it on our statements?

#5 messaging system doesn't work most of the time.  Sometimes it shows my messages, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it allows me to create a new message, only to fail at the last minute.   ONCE it allowed me to submit the message - only to get the "pleasantries" to suggest that "we're working on it"....   What if I said I was "working on" paying my credit card bill.  I bet you I don't get the latitude you guys are taking to fix this abomination of a website. If I didn't have the above issues, I wouldn't need the messaging system, but sadly, I do, because I don't have the time to call in for every issue and do your debugging for you!


In an effort to provide positive feedback:  About the only saving grace is that unlike PC financial (who used the same incompetent guys to design their website) at least you included OFX.   But sadly, without the transaction IDs, they are useless...sigh.


I am almost at the point of cancelling the credit card unless this situation changes quickly!  There are other elite credit cards out there that provide a far more functional website and a pretty similar rewards return.


Rant over... I feel better now.  Thanx!

Re: Rogers MasterCard, New Online Banking

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@bg wrote:

#4 foreign transactions no longer have the original transaction amount.  The amount just changes when the transaction changes from "pending".    Impossible to see if the correct amount was charged or not.  Funny how the amount always seems to go up after a couple of days.   Never down.  


I believe that what happens now, and what happened before, is that the pending transaction was at the currency exchange rate without the "bank fee". The final amount includes the 2.5% fee, so it's always more (and always was).


As I, and others have mentioned previously, the new website is pretty, but it's also pretty darn useless compared to the previous one which had correct download information,  foreign transaction information, a working messaging system, etc.

Re: Rogers MasterCard, New Online Banking

I've been here awhile
You're probably right about the transaction fee being added after the fact. I should keep an eye on that as it changes.

Fact is, though, that I don't even find the website all that "pretty". It's still somewhat atrocious to navigate, AND gives garbage output. Doesn't seem to match any front end standard that I have ever seen. I wonder if there is a timeline for updates? In this day and age of agile development, we should be able to get incremental fixes. I'm assuming the backend still has the data, and these are just lipstick fixes, otherwise, we're in real trouble!
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