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Adieu Rogers!

I'm a frequent visitor

Well, at least partially, but for sure no longer an Internet and Cable TV customer... Last night, it was one of the most frustrating customer service experiences I had with Rogers. I gave them a 4-hour chance' to keep me as a customer, plus one last chance-call at around 11:45 PM that I dropped at 12:15 AM  after no one picked up the phone. Too bad they're too short-staffed and incapable to keep me, good for Bell they were ready to take my business.


So, at least regarding these services...  Adieu after almost 15 Years!!




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Re: Adieu Rogers! -- Not yet

I'm a frequent visitor
Bon Jour!
Well, I guess I'm back, at least momentarily. Thanks to Anna from the CR dept.
Main decision factor was that I got a reasonable deal that matched Bell's offer without the need of a contract.
Thanks again

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Re: Adieu Rogers!

Resident Expert
Resident Expert
Sorry to hear you are leaving. Just curious, was it a technical problem you are having? or something else? Are you unhappy with your channels? Price? Bundling? maybe one of us here can help answer any questions you have.

Re: Adieu Rogers! -- Not yet

I'm a frequent visitor
Bon Jour!
Well, I guess I'm back, at least momentarily. Thanks to Anna from the CR dept.
Main decision factor was that I got a reasonable deal that matched Bell's offer without the need of a contract.
Thanks again

Re: Adieu Rogers! -- Not yet

I'm a frequent visitor

Wow, you were lucky as well ! I didn't have this chance for Internet ... couldn't match, and worse : the first retention agent I had hung up on me when he saw I wanted to move on with the cancellation. I then moved to 3rd party without looking back, and will be transferred next week for Internet ... Landline and Wireless will follow later on probably ...

Re: Adieu Rogers!

I plan to stick around

I am so disappointed with Rogers since last week.

Rogers called me  because in a month my current monthly rate for my TV, home phone and internet will end. 

I really don’t if Rogers is trying to go back in time when customer service was one big impersonal hustle .My recent experiences on the phone trying to establish a new and affordable contract/term, has been AWFUL!

It was so obvious that the CSR was reading from a script and the offers and rebuttals were outrageous and as impersonal as it gets .  Plus the email confirmations sent to me regarding the changes impossible to read and when I called back the explanation was not very satisfactory partly because the CSR seemed to have removed their head set, wasn’t really listening to me, nor able to hear me. How different I would have been treated if I was a NEW customer!

Rather than discussing with me what the different offers would cost/mth I listened to what my savings would be in total for a year.  I get a very small amount of $ from CPP and OAS per month and 90% goes into rent, utilities and some groceries. That’s it!


I watch approximately 4 channels on TV, by the end of each billing cycle, I usually have about 240gb available of my 250gb of  internet and home phone, it’s hardly used except to make one long-distance call to my one living relative who’s well into her 90s.

The best Rogers would offer me was a $35 INCREASE for the exact bundle! What a deal..NOT!

A lot of people who are living in subsidized housing are paying something like $10/month for internet and their rent is considerably cheaper than my market rate and  I am in that same low income bracket!I was on the wait list for more affordable housing for over 15 years as well as being on ODSP.

(My application got lost, then found and lost again. In the meantime my identity was stolen by a neighbour who opened  an account with Rogers using my address and ID. What a nightmare for the longest time getting Rogers collection and fraud departments to finally acknowledge that I was not the guilty party.)


If you’ve read any of my other posts in this community forum you’ll know that my attitude has been positive and respectful.


I am so upset with Rogers and living in one small room, having my few stations to  keep me company, take my mind off all my anxieties, a home phone that’s also my door bell and internet which has become almost more essential than having a home phone, I will be making that call once again to Rogers to cancel my services.

Paying my rent, having food in my fridge is priority. I can’t afford the luxury of my one means of entertainment if I become homeless.

The ear full I got last week of the heavy duty sell trying to convince me how much better life would be just to tell Ignite different commands to find me a movie or whatever, really annoyed me.I am not about to start talking to my TV or any other inanimate objects.  I also have speech problems and  don’t need the TV  or any other appliances not being able to understand what I just said.

Rogers I was feeling so good about you, happy with my products and services. Now I am not happy at all with you.

I may not pay you loads of money each month, but I have been a pretty good and regular customer since the 1970s, so for 35$ more /month now in 2019 that you want out of my old age pension,  is disgraceful and full of lucre.

Great way to start off a new year..NOT!

Finally I don’t get why customers have to haggle/negotiate, when renewing their services with you. I don’t have to go through all that with my landlord, the grocer or any other merchant.

It is so humiliating  having to explain and justify why I can’t afford to pay so much more for 4 channels, 9+gb of internet usage and a barely used home phone.

I am so depressed and worn out. I almost don’t care anymore.

It’s late, I’ve said enough. I have had enough.

am just too old and not well enough to go through all this worry about money.



Luna ( from the dark side of the moon)


“Some people are so poor that all they have is money."



' There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.'
Leonard Cohen

Re: Adieu Rogers!

Hello @luna,


We appreciate you taking the time to post your concern here in the Community. I'm just as disappointed to hear about your experience when you called in and spoke to a representative about your expiring promotions. Being on a fixed income I can understand how a $35.00 increase per month would not be feasible.


We can't thank you enough for your loyalty to the Rogers brand for such a long time and definitely do not want to lose you as a customer now! We'd really like an opportunity to take a look at this for you and see if there is anything we can do to get you a deal that fits in with your budget. We can't make any promises as we are limited by what the system will allow us to do but we will do our best to assist you. Please send us a Private Message to @CommunityHelps so we can gather your information and get started on a quote for you.


If you are not familiar with our Private Messaging system please Click Here to check out our Blog.


We look forward to your private message!



Re: Adieu Rogers!

I plan to stick around

I just want to say thank you to RogersLaura as well as RogersMaude who worked with me in figuring out a very satisfactory solution to my financial concerns regarding my monthly bill.

There is always something new to learn and improve, I’ve been learning. It’s a 2 way street and all the Rogers moderators are and especially those with whom I have dealt with are eager and excellent communicators.


I know that when contracts are up and it’s that time of year to put on the negotiating hat, it can be a harrowing time.

Nerves get frayed, anxiety becomes your dinner and making that dreaded phone call can just about do you in.


So this is what I have learnt this time around.


After several calls with Rogers and feeling discouraged and depressed, I didn’t give up, nor did I get angry.

I did research to see what else I could possibly do and found all kinds of advice, suggestions and alternatives through many websites, videos and forums.  

Some appeared to be a great deal but when I added up all the hidden costs along with hours of operation for tech support etc., it was just not worth it. When I read about people’s experiences there was so much anger and frustration expressed. Then there were the people who went on about how to save loads of money by rigging up antennas, etc., and getting, (on a good day) a bunch of OTA channels in big cities.

I took some time to really think about all this and also reminded myself of my  previous nightmare experience when I  left Rogers for Bell and that was only for just over a month and a half of pure disappointment.

No way was I going to subject myself to that again.


So my conclusion was to find different ways and means of improving what I really need to communicate with Rogers. As anxious and depressed about my money or lack of, and so far then, no affordable offers, I made great efforts to be positive, honest about my situation and express it within the Rogers Community forums.


I am invested in Rogers, I’ve been a customer since the 1970s or early 80’s..It’s been so long ago I can’t remember exactly when right now.  Rogers has grown a lot and for the better and I suspect this a company that really does listen to what their customers have to say. (I’ve grown too.)

Reading comments in other forums that were angry and contentious I wondered how many of these angry people actually were able to work out a positive resolve. Probably not many because spewing out angered frustrations to the people who have the ability and option to help, would not  motivate anyone to help, when being verbally abused.


I have come to the realization that I do not have to play the game of leaving Rogers after each promo ends just so I can come back months later as a ’new’ customer.

I just have to be patient, keep calling, writing and be polite, honest and believe that eventually with a good attitude, things usually work out in the end.

And then that becomes a new beginning .

Today, I owe a new beginning with Rogers, (minus depression and anxiety), to RogersLaura who is my Rogers Angel!






' There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.'
Leonard Cohen

Re: Adieu Rogers!

I'm an advisor

I gave you a "like" because it is so nice to read something positive about a situation that could fray the patience of saints.

I only wish could follow your lead, but alas, I am not and never have been comfortable nor had the desire to spend hours/days negotiating over a product or service. It seems easier to buy a house than get an affordable entertainment package.  However,  your advice is spot on.

Re: Adieu Rogers!

I plan to stick around

Hi jays77,


Thank you for ‘like’ and the nice compliment!

Everyone has their own comfort level of how they might negotiate  with a company or business and also each person’s reasons are perhaps unique to their own personal situation. But I do appreciate your lovely acknowledgement!


All the best,


' There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.'
Leonard Cohen

Re: Adieu Rogers!

I plan to stick around

I just wrote a long update in this forum that took a lot of thought putting it all together and as soon as I posted it Rogers signed me out and I lost all that I wrote. What a waste of time!

I wrote that I am not happy at all with Rogers. It was great getting another promo that was in my price range but that has been short lived because Rogers keeps changing the amount on my bill, sending me wrong info or just not sending me updated bills and details regarding the new promo. I have nothing in writing. Yet every time I get on the phone with any dept at Rogers I get more wrong info.

Last week I was on the phone for 2 1/2 hours with retention who claimed not to be familiar at all with the community forums nor aware that there were moderators and especially surprised when I told her about the PMs with a moderator who helped get me the promo.

The amount on my bill was about 45$ more than what it should have been. Retention lady insisted that it was because of my billing cycle date which took me forever to get her to see that the words, ‘billing cycle’ were nowhere to be found on my online bills and emails.

She finally told me that her manager would manually make the adjustment and that was another 1/2 hour hold. It also took a long time to convince her that my billing cycle was different from what she was claiming it to be. Today, the correct dates have magically appeared.

I called billing hours ago about why there was a directory assistance charge on my recent bill since I have not called them in over 20 years. She had no good explanation other than I wasn’t being charged because of my long distance plan. 

I asked her to please email me  an up to date bill with all the correct info as well as a long over due confirmation of my new promo with details etc. She promised that I would have it within 5 minutes after the call. Sure enough there still is nothing sent.

I do not have anything in writing that reflects this promo, length of time it’s good for and all the adjustments made.

Everyone I talk with at Rogers makes empty promises so my confidence with Rogers is gone. I dread having to call Rogers. I can’t even sign in to the forums and my Rogers most of the time and when I do my info is all messed up.

I have mentioned it in this community forum and also on the phone to a few CSRs. 

Still can’t sign in and stay signed in.

Also for over a year now I have not been able to access the lobby channel. (In going through all my notes and screen shots of previous bills and emails I realized that I’ve been without the lobby channel for much longer than I first thought.

Last week the fire alarm went off in my building for the longest time. I could hear the fire trucks pull up but couldn’t see what was going on in the lobby because Rogers has not fixed it yet.

This just added to the stress and anxiety I’ve been experiencing from the lack of competence and just not getting the service(s) I am paying for.

When I was going back in my notes I remembered having the same issues with the lobby channel and signals about 5 years ago.

The technicians that came out almost everyday for weeks were awful.

One paced up and down my apartment while being on speaker phone having an argument with a woman who yelled at him for not returning her messages. Another tech had a tantrum over a remote control that he just replaced because I showed him that it was defective. He threw the remote at me, missed hitting me as it flew across the room.

About a year before that, another technician who came out to fix a connection problem sexually assaulted me.

When I had techxpert (sp?) the guy who was assigned to my case became verbally abusive with me when he found out that I called tech support on Rogers main line.

Last month after the one technician who was here and was wonderful, another technician had to come out for the lobby channel ongoing issue and he spent the entire visit on a personal phone call. He got really annoyed with me for interrupting him and warned me that if I call Rogers to send a technician out again for this same problem I was going to be charged.

So between abusive technicians and pleasant sounding CSRs I am no further ahead with reliable and respectful service. I can’t count on Rogers to keep accurate info and to truly take ownership of signal problems and billing.

I have never been rude, have been positive and forgiving and now I wonder for what?

I spend so much time on the phone with Rogers and nothing seems to stick like where is lobby channel? Where is detailed info about my services in WRITING? 

I am so beyond stressed out that I can’t sleep or eat. I feel like Rogers is trying to pull a bait and switch and in the end I am paying Rogers to sit on the phone with Rogers  trying to get problems with Rogers resolved.

I was at the hospital recently and I was so distraught from all this, I just couldn’t stop crying. I also didn’t want to go home because the thought of counting on all my services with Rogers working was non existent.

Maybe I am just a stupid old woman for hanging in there with Rogers since the 1970s.

What is so complicated and difficult for Rogers to email me the details of our agreement in a timely fashion ? And why can’t Rogers be consistent with my monthly billing and get the rate correct?

I am so fed up with calling and calling only to realize that I accomplished nothing. Nobody took ownership of the problems with Rogers products and services.

I am not angry, I am disgusted with how Rogers has treated me over the years. It’s 2019 and right now I want to say to you Rogers, you win, you’ve broken me down real good this time.


' There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.'
Leonard Cohen

Re: Adieu Rogers!

Hello @luna,


It is so disappointing to hear about your recent experience interacting with our Customer Service Representatives especially after you were able to finally get the promotion you wanted after speaking with us here in the Community. =(


We'll be sending you a Private Message shortly so we can take a closer look at this and get things cleared up.



Re: Adieu Rogers!

I plan to stick around

Hi RogersTony,

Everything is resolved and I just want to thank you for your help and concerns. I feel a lot better and thanks to you and all the Rogers Moderators as well as Martine for a very quick resolve for me.

And...I am still hanging in there with Rogers because Rogers has shown me that we all can have misunderstandings , sometimes not even be close to being on the same page, but when push comes to shove, Rogers still comes through and does value their customers!


I have an appetite again so I am going to sign out of here and go get something to eat!




' There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.'
Leonard Cohen

Re: Adieu Rogers!

I'm a senior advisor

@jays77  and in particular @luna , thank you for your observations and feedback.


Luna - I appreciate you posting your back and forth interaction from being ready to pack it in (my words), to being pleased to get a resolution, then to have a CSR debate what you were offered, and even question (in my words), your view of reality that you got support from the forums.  I too have been in that position where I am saying, I got this offered this way to me, and having them say, that can't be, it doesn't work that way and me saying, are you questioning the validity of what I was told? 


I also relate to you situation of limited income (I am on CPP disability) and my wife is unemployed and we both wait for retirement to find some breather in our available money.  I don't explain very much anymore my financial position, I just say, this is my budget (like you, I say I pay my food and my house, my car (fortunately I did have a house and car before I went on disability), the cost of maintainence of my home and car and insurance, etc, and my home phone (necessary for my wife's small income from a small business she is trying to build in absence of being able to find work, and also be available to me as my caregiver and transportation), like you, I use around 50 GB of data on internet in a month and don't need speed, and I limit my channel selection to as low a package as I can for the least money with a couple of add-ons, which I can remove if necessary. 


So I can relate to you - in my case, I am recovering from PTSD and money, life are a challenge enough while trying to recover and cope with my trauma and avoid conflict as much as possible.  So I do my best to be patient, so I do my calling in spurts, researching my options through a number of smaller phone calls, writing it all down, and then understanding the reality of what I have to do and need to clarify, and I go back at it again, often being told, they can't offer you that, and I say, I will call back another time - I really don't have the patience due to mental health and cognitive issues to debate this and I will call back - I always thank them for their time, acknowledge that I have to leave it for now, and get their final summary which I write down word for word and the date and time on phone and an interaction number.  When I feel up to it, I call back, and I reading the written notes back to them word for word, and often they don't have the same documentation, and I just say, that is what I was told, I can read it to you again, and at that point I "escalate" by going to a concern, or to another router like Facebook, Chat where it is all written, and I have once used the moderators.


But I also relate to @jay77  in that it takes a huge amount of patience not to just say, "I am done".  In my case, I actually use working with Rogers and its maze of different messages as therapy with support from a skilled therapist once every few weeks.


But again, thank you to you @luna for presenting the changing messages you got and for letting us know the excellent support you got from the moderators and a few, but you certainly  had to go through a lot when life is already a huge challenge.  Congrats, Bruce  I hope my next change in plan is easier than your's was, but as successful.  I have already done my first step of getting an overview of possibly how my plans may look, and I still have some cutting and negotiating to do, and nailing down channel selection.  I hope mine is a little easier than yours has been, but as successful.



Re: Adieu Rogers!

I plan to stick around

Hi Bruce,

I’ve read a lot of your posts over time and I always learn something from your sharing and advice. I relate to so much of your situation and when one finds themselves in a position where not only having to cope with all the ‘extras’ that come with trauma/PTSD, and wanting to work but can’t. Therefore money is very limited, but that doesn’t mean one has to deprive themselves. It’s learning how communicate, negotiate but not retaliate.

Everyone of us has different needs and for some having loads of channels and theme packs etc., is what makes them happy and something to get into to forget about other parts of life. 

I don’t judge. I may not relate to what another persons interests or concerns. There are lots of programs that are very triggering for me to watch so I am happy with the few stations that work well with my interests and allow me to stay present, grounded and even entertained.

So thank you Bruce for your feedback and validation!




' There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.'
Leonard Cohen

Re: Adieu Rogers!

I'm a senior advisor
Thanks for the response @luna.

I have been learning a lot once I began to move from the loss and grief of loss of higher income. Change is not easy but it is inevitable. But I have learned that careful thought on what is important and brings joy and reduces annoyances that less of our modern technology and choice can be very freeing. Challenge is that like cars tv and internet is not the model of my youth. Basic TV was 13 to 26 channels. That's it and it never changed but I was happy.

Internet was slower and I just planned and waited. It is like how we pay for gas a d our car. If the budget is low then we drive less and save for a trip. And if it takes three years to save the so be it.

So I too appreciate your in sites and have learned that shopping with te hnology is like buying cars. They start at your starting point and try to add on. Another 8.00 permonth. What's that. My copay on my trillium drug benefits. And still have to find the money for what is not covered. So I listen then seehow far down I can go and what has to go and if they just don't offer it well I can live without tv and get low internet and phone. Find some online stuff YouTube pull out my old stereo and record and cd player. Even my portable mp3player of 10 years ago.

So you remind me I can live with less and no benefit from getting too angry.

Gladmyrambles and thoughts help. Yours sure did.


Re: Adieu Rogers!

I'm a senior advisor

Hi everybody - to continue the progress of my ending discount options for TV and home services, and even my cell phone.


I called a month ago out of curiousity to see how it may go with TV, Internet and Home phone - I was looking at 5.00 increase, plus the 3.00 increase.  Where do the increases come from - one, they removed 75 with 500 cap and made it 75 mbs unlimited - I don't need it, so not happy with that increase - cost increases in general for the old familiar explanations of higher demand and improving services, I have come to expect.  So that could bring it to 8.00 or 11.00.


I called in yesterday now that the notice is now on my bill.  They tell you three months in advance, but I couldn't act upon any offers - why? - because I would lose some of the discuounts that are in place until June, so no benefit to do it now, so just gathered information.


Same price, but they stated it would be 8.00 increase with the Internet change and only 3.00 on TV standard increase.  I could't get them to agree to break it all out at that time, so I couldn't actually see how it all worked out to that bottom line figure, which unfortunately, I have had to make calls backs, up to 9 months to get resolved in once case 5 out of 6 years on various changes of TV packages or cell phone changes.  So I will still have to call back and get them to break it all down.


For an example of confusion, I asked about my 12.00 discount on my extra box which is 12.00.  They said it was now only 5.00, and yet, my package overall was only going up without the regular increases by 5.00.  Made no sense without the full breakdowns because, 7.00 less on the box discount and 5.00 more on Internet, comes to 5.00 overall - I asked that they break it out line by line, but since we weren't going ahead, she said call it back, it may be different - I laughed and said, it always is and I ask so many questions, because my experience is that the quoted package and mix has never been what I was told, so excuse me if I don't trust what I hear and write down and you confirm, I so often see something different when the agreement and invoice comes that I don't believe anything I am told anymore until I see it and always have expectation that I have to go at it a few times to get what was committed to me.  But I hear that is similiar with other companies too.  Nobody makes it simple for the customer, or the CSR!!  She had a good laugh with me and said at least we both had a sense of humour over it.  I noted that I can laugh most times because I don't have high expectations - and not really a good reflection of customer relations which she also agreed.


I keep it light with them - they don't set up the system and don't get paid that well and often are working insane hours and having to deal with a lot of concerns I suspect if the forum, FB and Twitter are any representations.


So come May bill, sometime between then and June 24th when the change occurs (11 days after the end of my billing period) and will take advantage of the full lower price I can get.


A couple of discussions remain.


1. Line by line what services are changing, prices, and discounts, BCB (they clarified that it is in place to sometime in Novemenber - can't remember the exact date).

2. A more confusing one is that they told me that I have the same channel mix, the same add on theme pak, the same single add-on channel and package, yet the current packages are not the same as you see on the web site, and when she pointed me to look at the new packages on the web site, I clarified that I had, and they are not the same as I currently received, and then she fumbled on an answer and said, oh my old package model with the bonus channel, the add-on channel, that is now in the new popular list, stay set up as they were - confused - I sure was.


I will have to spend time and have them walk through the channel mix.


She agreed that I would be best contacting cancellations, or as I said, customer relations, loyalty, retentions, whatever they are calling themselves that day (she got a kick out that one) - she had a great humour and because I am not rushed at the moment, we both could get a good laugh, I could gather the basic information and a set of questions for the future call when the time comes.


We had already spent about 45 minutes just working through what I learned above, so we both agreed that I would leave the breakdown of prices and services and channels for another call.


Reality is that I can't afford even the moderate increase they are suggesting, so I have to rejig and figure out what to drop.


I mentioned to her that I liked the wording of the notice.


"Our records show that the term for your service TV STAND-ALONE OFFER will be
ending on Jun 24, 2019. Once your service agreement term ends, your service
will automatically continue on a month-to-month basis and remain unchanged
(until changed or cancelled in accordance with your agreement). Alternatively, you
may choose to switch your plan, change service providers or cancel your service
without penalty."


I got three of these notices - one on TV-stand-alone offer, and one on TV/Internet bundle - even that is confusing in ots own way - thought I had a bundle, didn't realize I had a bundle and a stand alone offer on TV.


I joked with her about the statement (until changed or cancelled in accordance with your agreement) - I spent from last may trying to get that information of agreement, key order information, list of channels and invoice of changes documents, so in effect, all I had was a huge collection of emails between the President's office and a comittment by the legal department that they would prepare manual versions, as a glitch had caused the system to not be able to process my services properly, so they put together a package (no paperwork, just correspondence with a bunch of credits to bring it to the agreed price).  She saw that in the notes and seemed quite surprised by it all and thanked me for my tolerance and staying with Rogers through all that trouble.  I said, I guess either I am crazy, or just loyal, or just can't be bothered changing yet.  Again, a good laugh.


But that is my experience with Rogers and renewing or changing plans - I never expect to go forward easily and my tight fundts, when I do agree on the phone then it needs to be correct, as what ever price I commit to is what I can afford at the time, not a penny more.


So I will do the deeper dive into everything, seeing what I have to drop to get to a price I can afford - now less than last year - less income due to poor performance on my wife's business and my fixed income, and Rogers price increases, and increases in so many other things - house taxes, gas, water, hydro, etc, etc, etc.


We are getting close to the point where we let TV go because the only reason we have stayed up until now has been our desire for HBO - now available on Crave without TV, and a few other prefered channels, so we will see what they can offer and whether we can get our channel mix to a level where we are paying mostly for what we like to watch,, not a huge number of unwatched channels, for a few - the joys of negotiating reality and making choices.


Back to the statement on the bill from earlier to close off -  the ending statement "Alternatively, you
may choose to switch your plan, change service providers or cancel your service
without penalty."


I said, that is the reality of where I am and a choice for all - it is nice to see so explicitly stated, then I pointed out that I am glad to see it, but don't give Rogers credit for it - that is a CRTC mandated statement under the new TV/Internet codes.


So, I will try moving my plans around to make things affordable first, maybe change service providers and go for a mix of companies or models of service delivery, and nice that I can cancel without penalty.


3 months to do my research.


Just thought given our previous conversations, I would pass on my recent experience - not simple, very time consuming, lots of confusion along the way, still dealing with mistakes from a year ago that didn't impact my day to day bill, but makes the discussion of keeping my old plan a bit more difficult, but still doable with work from both sides as we don't have a simple document that I can read - the key order information document, as Rogers calls it, then explains in a paragraph that it is the Critical Summary (which the CRTC manadates) - they just had to use a different name, but also had to clarify the meaning as they still had to meat the mandate - just makes for more confusion, but it works.


So will I still be with Rogers after June - I don't know, depends totaly on what is offered and the budget and whether it is true value for my money and life needs, but it won't be because I got angry.  I used to get angry, but now I just expect to have to go through confusion and for mistakes to occur that are frustrating for sure, but I am lucky in a way - disability prevents me from work, and I can still talk and use a computer, and have time to do this.  Now if I was still working, my patience would be a lot thinner, and each person is only willing to put up with so much.


I guess I am a little bit crazy as mentioned before, loyal with a limit, and have worked hard at not getting angry or losing patience - I do cut calls off now and then and just try again, but I let them know that I will be mentioning our discussion, their name and the ID number of the call and time in my next call - I always wait at least a day.  That some times gets them to take some time to work with me more.


I don't know what is worse - buying a car or doing Internet, phone and cable - but at least, the car I only do once every 15 years or so, but the experience generally is worse, although I just walk out of those too.


Here is to success in deciding what you will do with your notice when it comes.  Oh by the way, the phone, not changing anything on that one.



Re: Adieu Rogers!

I'm a senior advisor

@BS wrote:


I don't know what is worse - buying a car or doing Internet, phone and cable - but at least, the car I only do once every 15 years or so, but the experience generally is worse, although I just walk out of those too.



Good one, Bruce!

I bought my last new car in 1973, when one could still be had for under $5000. Since then it's been 10-year-old used cars that lasted me about 10 years. But whether you buy something every year or just every 15 years or maybe just a couple of times in a lifetime like a house, you can't escape inflation any more than death and taxes. It's what keeps businesses ahead of the curve and consumers desperately trying to catch up, especially those of us on fixed incomes. 😞

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