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Samsung Note 8 discussion's

I plan to stick around

Since no one had start a post regarding this and the announcement date is so close on August 23rd, 2017. 

I am opening this post so we can start some discussion on the new Note 8.

I was one of the person who had been through the Note7 and is now waiting heavily on the Note 8.  

Any of you are planning to order it right away? 

What do you think about the new design as the design had already been leaked. 





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Re: Samsung Note 8 discussion's

I'm a trusted advisor

Hello @germain18_2006

Once the date comes, I'll be making a thread as usual and this thread will be moved into that one. :). Sorry i don't usually make threads until the actual company has announced the device and know all the correct information 🙂

Unfortunately I will be passing on the Note 8. Why? I don't need it seeing as I got my S8+ and its not a big difference for me as I have seen those leaks and the design is the same with just a extra camera lens and a extra RAM which I don't use much anyways.

Its a great device for the ones still waiting for a Note series device! I'll be going after the Note 9 next year for sure.

Re: Samsung Note 8 discussion's

I plan to stick around

How are those that have tried the S8/S8+ liking the fingerprint sensor on the back? Seems very impracticable, a lot of the time I have the phone on my desk and can just use the front fingerprint sensor to unlock it would suck having to pick it up every time no? Unless the facial recognition worked well, I used it a bit on my Note 7 but of course that didn't last very long lol

Re: Samsung Note 8 discussion's

I'm a trusted advisor
Hello @JeromeM

I am actually liking the fingerprint sensor on the back! I am using the LED Case from Samsung with my S8+ so I am used to the fingerprint sensor. Also I have added the same finger to be I'm different angels so be accepted.

I also have the iris scanner and use that sometime as well!

Re: Samsung Note 8 discussion's

I plan to stick around
I think we have to use the Iris scanner more.

Re: Samsung Note 8 discussion's

I'm a trusted advisor
Hello @germain18_2006

As much as i like the iris scanner, sometimes I have issues with my sunglasses or my girlfriends glasses (she uses my phone as well at times). Taking the glasses off or contacts isn't a great thing.

However I would say 95% of the time it works great!

Re: Samsung Note 8 discussion's

I plan to stick around
I don't have a S8 so the Note8 will be a great phone for sure. It's painful been forced to return the N7 for a S7 so no matter where the finger print sensor located I'll still like it way better than the S7. Miss my Spen too.

Re: Samsung Note 8 discussion's

I plan to stick around
i don't get those who say why should i get it. its note 8! that's all it matters. best phone at that moment. plus a sweet gift of gear 360! u can sell it for 250 easy. i wish Rogers would also offer something.. 3 gig bonus or something.. and we want MORE colours. not just black. also please get them faster

Re: Samsung Note 8 discussion's

I plan to stick around
I heard that they will come with Black and Gold first batch. But I want the new deep blue....

Re: Samsung Note 8 discussion's

I'm a trusted advisor
Hello @kavkaz

I am not getting it due to having the S8+. It's the same device minus the Spen and extra gig and the second camera that's really it. For me thats not much of a difference tbh. S7 edge vs the Note 7 was a huge difference. The Note line was known for bigger screens and different styles. The Note 8 and S8+ is basically the same device. Same look, same internals ( most part). So it's a no go for me for that reason. Unless they change it around, I'll stick to this. The Gear 360 won't be much for me as I won't use it and Goodluck getting much for it anyways. Everyone will be selling theirs so many won't offer to pay that much really. Looks the Gear VR and controller. Many had to sell it below the $100 mark due to so many trying to sell theirs.

As for colors, Rogers has no control over that. It's up to what Samsung Canada wants to bring first.

Re: Samsung Note 8 discussion's

I'm a trusted advisor
Hello @germain18_2006

Gold I wouldn't be surprised but black has always been the first color.

Re: Samsung Note 8 discussion's

I plan to stick around
I'll still go for the N8 if I have the S8+ because I'm the person who need for speed. 6GB of RAM should make a difference enough for me to go for it. Even a tiny little faster I'll

Re: Samsung Note 8 discussion's

I'm a trusted advisor
Hello @germain18_2006

Extra speed is great but remember isn't going to be as fast as u think. Android still has lags even with 6GB as we know from reviews of other devices lol.

Either way I shall see. I do want the Note 8 but don't know since I have the S8+. Same design, mostly same internals. The Note 7 was bigger screen, Iris scanner, Spen, More features, Different design a bit so that's why i liked it.

Re: Samsung Note 8 discussion's

I plan to stick around
Note 8 is even bigger than S8+
And 6GB will be for sure faster than my S7😁
I'm a evil convincing people to buy.

Re: Samsung Note 8 discussion's

I'm a trusted advisor
Hello @germain18_2006

For The S7 yes it's bigger and newer lol but for the S8+ It's not bigger other then a bit taller because of the 6'2 on the S8+ vs 6'3 on the Note 8 but thats not a huge difference lol. The RAM yes but it's different for everyone. If the s8+ didn't come out with a big screen as it has, then I would have waited. So we shall see. Many I know wanted the Note 8 but being the same design, similar internals ( again only difference being the RAM and extra camera) they don't see that what gr difference. Different for everyone :).

We shall see. I have someone within Samsung Canada that seen the Note 8 ( as they see then before everyone else) and told me that he likes he but expected more from Samsung for the Note line lol.

Its good that u can do notes with the screen turned off though.

Re: Samsung Note 8 discussion's

I plan to stick around
guys. how about emotional side of things? holding that brand new tech before anyone esle :). given my reputation in the office i can't show up without it on the launch date. but in all fairness u r right. its like note 7 last year. you and i have these debates for the last few years. u almost never skip an upgrade so i m shocked to see you skip it this time.

i am mainly looking forward to zoom camera and slightly bigger screen. I also heard that force touch may be an option.

now i am debating between essential and note 8... i love 360 video. have 2 years worth of content by now. so having a smaller 360 with instant stitching is a huge plus on essential. what do you guys think? i also like the fastest update cycle planned by Andy. Samsung on the other hand guaranteed to deliver much nicer camera. great multimedia screen (miss my mi mix even though software on it sucked).

i really hate the fact that we can't share a number across multiple devices. i want to have 2 3 phones and take which ever one i want for the day without swapping sim's. i do that with my smart watches. i have 4 different onces - going out out on my tag connected. sporty look - lg watch sport. working out Gear s3 is king. and for casual loom LG watch style.

same with phones. no one phone is perfect. but given a choice i would love to pick the one i need for that day.

Rogers you are so behind. For goodness sake just give us advanced options. its 2018 almost..

Re: Samsung Note 8 discussion's

I'm a trusted advisor
Hello @kavkaz

At this point as much as i don't want to skip it, I have invested alot of money on my S8+ so to be fair I rather wait until the Note 9 and see how that is. ( cases, extended warranty, chargers) I do want the Note 8 but again for me it's the same thing as the S8+ just another camera, extra GB which has proven on Android phones it doesn't do much as it still lags lol and a Spen ( spen I barely use anyways even on my Note 7)

So if I try to sale this for $800, I still have to dish out another $300-$500 for the Note 8 ( it's supposed to be more then the S8+ outright). Also the fact that the battery is smaller on the Note 8 as well is kinda a turn off for me. 3500 vs 3000 is a big difference with screen sizes, running apps and everything.

The software updates and security updates are great with the S8+. Soon we are receiving the August one as well. So we are up to date.

Remember the Essential doesn't have many features and it still new ( many have complaints about it as well).

Re: Samsung Note 8 discussion's

I plan to stick around

I have S8+.
I will buy Note8 as soon as possible.

It is emotional.

Re: Samsung Note 8 discussion's

I plan to stick around
Heard this time we have to prepared to spend around CAD1300-1500. Most expensive mobile (Smart)phone

Re: Samsung Note 8 discussion's

I'm a trusted advisor
Hello @germain18_2006

The iPhone 7 Plus 256GB is i believe the most expensive smartphone out there at $1350 plus tax. I could be wrong. So if the Note 8 tops it then yes it would be.

Re: Samsung Note 8 discussion's

I'm a trusted advisor
Hello @Rogerlebo

Thats good to hear! 🙂
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