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Can you forward text messages to another line?

I've been around

I got 2 lines - I business from work and one personal and I want to use both on the same device (it has to be the work device, so I can't use a phone with 2 sims). I was able to do a call forward with *21* and was wondering if there's such service for text messages also. I know that there are apps that can do that, but I need to forward the messages while the phone is off (no need to have one on just for the forward) 


Re: Can you forward text messages to another line?

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Hey @benmeiri,


Welcome to our Rogers Community Forum and thank you for posting your question.


This was available on our Extreme Text  Messenging feature, unfortunately as of January 10, 2018, it has been decommissioned.


We’re focused on adding the most value possible to our wireless services, and from time to time we need to make changes, including phasing out older services. After careful consideration, due to low participation, the decision was made to discontinue the Extreme Text Messaging service. As you mentioned, there are apps that offer similar functionality available in your device's app store.


If anyone has an alternative to share with benmeiri, please feel free to chime in!


Kind regards,


Re: Can you forward text messages to another line?

Honestly the worst decision you’ve ever made. For $200/month you should provide these simple services that cost you pennies.

Re: Can you forward text messages to another line?

I've been here awhile
What is the update with forwarding SMS?

Rogers One Number app available?


Re: Can you forward text messages to another line?



Thanks so much for your post! Hopefully, you are keeping safe and are doing well. 🙂


Regretfully, there is currently no setting or option that will allow you to automatically forward incoming text messages to a different number. Also, Rogers One Number has been obsolete for quite some time now and there are no plans to bring it back at this time. So sorry for any disappointment. 


If you can find a third party app that offers the option you are looking for, then that may be the way to go!


Kind regards,


Re: Can you forward text messages to another line?

The problem with 3rd party is that they don't forward if the phone is off I miss this feature I use to use it all the time
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