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Is TTY Really Rogers’ Only Accessibility Solution for Callbacks?

I plan to stick around

I was recently told that if I can’t use voice services, Rogers offers TTY as the only accessibility solution for callbacks. For those who might not know, TTY is a system where messages are typed and sent through a special device, allowing communication with someone over the phone.

While TTY can work in some cases, it has significant limitations:

It is not a real-time solution. Responses are delayed, making it difficult to resolve urgent or complex issues effectively.

It requires specialized equipment that many people don’t have access to.

For customers who rely on chat or text-based services due to accessibility needs, being forced to use TTY or wait for callbacks seems like a significant barrier to receiving equal support.

I’m curious—is TTY really the only option Rogers offers in these situations? Are there no real-time alternatives for customers who cannot use voice services but need immediate support through chat?

I’d appreciate some clarity on this, as it seems like an area where improvements could really help customers with accessibility needs.



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