I've noticed that too. I remember one night I had awful jitter and stuttering, then I started downloading COD: MW in the background, I then ran a ping plotter test and had perfect internet even while downloading a 100gb game. I'm sure rogers prioriti...
High latency 2nd hop
Hi, over the past 5-6 months I've been experiencing really high jitter especially during the day. I have a wired connection and a hitron CGN3 CODA-4582U, I've had multiple technicians come to visit, and rogers has sent me a new...
Ping statistics for Sent = 50, Received = 46, Lost = 4 (8% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:Minimum = 8ms, Maximum = 60ms, Average = 15ms
Hi, Internet stutters at night. Over the past few months I've been experiencing super jittery/stuttery internet. Often during the day, I will have around 2-3ms jitter(on roger.com/speedcheck) but then in the evening, it will get up to 15-20ms jitter....