I have the Rogers Ignite modem/router.( black/grey square tower thing)I want to use 2.4ghz for one of my device due to it being further away.Thanks
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Sniper ; is BELL available in your area? Rogers has had severe issues all over the GTA. If you've gone through all the hoops with Rogers and still feel like you are in the dark, open a complaint with CCTS. Your neighborhood is likely congested and ...
Luckily for me this neighborhood is less congested.. More than likely because BELL fibre to home is available. People all over Toronto that I know from various neighborhoods have the same issues. A lot of people don't notice because all they do is st...
I went through the same hoops at my old house and in the 4 years I was there they didn’t fix it.A “tentative” date for the node segmentation was scheduled for this past Dec 15 but I had moved by then.