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Rogers Infinity Fex 20 including sports

I've been around

Does anyone know why you only get 19 Flex Channels yet the service is call Flex 20?



Re: Rogers Infinity Fex 20 including sports

I'm a senior advisor

I also have flex 20 with sports and have 20 flex channels no problem.

Re: Rogers Infinity Fex 20 including sports

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@harveyt wrote:

Does anyone know why you only get 19 Flex Channels yet the service is call Flex 20?

It is also possible that one of your subscribed Flex Channels was either discontinued or ceased broadcasting.  When this happens, MyRogers does not deal with the situation gracefully, but you can contact support (or send a private message to @CommunityHelps ) and ask them to swap out the discontinued channel for another of your choosing.

Re: Rogers Infinity Fex 20 including sports

I'm a senior advisor
You mean the system does not detect that a currently selected flex channel ceases to exist and open that flex slot.up for user to reselect a new flex channel?

Come on should be easy to program.

Re: Rogers Infinity Fex 20 including sports

I'm a senior advisor

So now Jan 1 is here my flex channels arr now showing only 19 available.
So what do we do about this?
Thnx add to this i removed a USA  flex channel to add CNN, the USA channel is gone but CNN is not have rebooted box twice to no avail.

Re: Rogers Infinity Fex 20 including sports

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Biollw wrote:
So now Jan 1 is here my flex channels arr now showing only 19 available.
So what do we do about this?

One of things that I was going to recommend was noting down all of your Flex Channel selections just in case anything unexpected happened.  If any channels disappeared, you could then ask tech support to swap those channels and get all of your channels back.  [Edit.  Sorry, I was thinking about a post I made in another thread]


The Flex Channel management code has been buggy for years.  They never tested cases where subscribed channels suddenly become unavailable.  I suspect that its development was probably subcontracted (to the lowest bidder) and that the company or contractors that wrote the code either disappeared or demanded exorbitant fees to maintain it.


If you know which channel disappeared, send a PM to @CommunityHelps and ask them to exchange that Flex Channel for another.  If you are unsure, you can also ask them to clear your Flex Channel selections and reset everything back to defaults.  If things do not get cleaned up correctly, you will see a "Technical Error -- Sorry, there's a problem on our end ..." message pop up every time you try to exchange Flex Channels in MyRogers.

Re: Rogers Infinity Fex 20 including sports

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Biollw wrote:

So now Jan 1 is here my flex channels arr now showing only 19 available.
So what do we do about this?

Were you previously subscribed to either MTV or the Cooking Channel at the time that those channels ceased broadcasting?  If so, you will need to contact @CommunityHelps or Tech Support and ask them to manually exchange that channel for another, and you should get all 20 Flex Channels back.

Re: Rogers Infinity Fex 20 including sports

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Biollw wrote: add to this i removed a USA  flex channel to add CNN, the USA channel is gone but CNN is not have rebooted box twice to no avail.

That's strange.  If this was NOT due to you being subscribed to MTV or Cooking Channel, you can try "Settings / Device Settings / Sync PVR" to se if that updates your channel entitlements.  If that does not fix things, try "Help / System Refresh"

Re: Rogers Infinity Fex 20 including sports

I'm a senior advisor

I removed HGTV and added T&E. No problem. It seems it is just CNN that's the problem. But still only 19 flex channels. No I did not have cooking or MTV on my list.

Re: Rogers Infinity Fex 20 including sports

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Biollw wrote:

I removed HGTV and added T&E. No problem. It seems it is just CNN that's the problem. But still only 19 flex channels. No I did not have cooking or MTV on my list.

I do not know why you lost a Flex Channel but it's likely that something in your account got damaged, or Rogers overlooked something when the new channels launched.


It looks like the new Rogers channels are now also available as a free preview with no end date, so no need to assign those to Flex Channels at the moment.

Re: Rogers Infinity Fex 20 including sports

I'm a senior advisor

I have xfinity flex 20 with sports.

The system will not swap in CNN. I have tried numerous times over the last few days to no avail. I have swapped in and out fox News with no problem but CNN will not.

I swap it in and then do a restart and/or refresh and can never get CNN to show. If i go to all channels and specifically select 33 CNN it says I need a subscription.

What gives? Help please.





Re: Rogers Infinity Fex 20 including sports

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Something about your account might be messed up.  Or something in the Xfinity TV back-end might be messed up.  Or both.


When you exchange Flex Channels, it can take time for the back-end systems to sync up.

If after 30 minutes you do not see the channel on your set-top boxes, try doing a "Sync PVR" in your Device settings.  That should also refresh the subscribed channels on your set-top box.

Next, check the Xfinity Stream app to see if your channel swap went through there.

If you still do not see CNN on your set-top box(es), try doing a Help / System Refresh.

If that does not work, send a PM to @CommunityHelps and ask if there is anything that they can do to get your entitlements synced up.  They may end up having to open a ticket with their support teams.

Re: Rogers Infinity Fex 20 including sports

I'm a senior advisor

Swapped it in 2 days before, tried reboot, synch. Nothing. Swapped it out and Swapped in fox News and had fox news immed after a reboot.
CNN just will not Swapped in.

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