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Rogers XiONE TV box, audio setting issue with Denon AVR

I've been here awhile

Just got ignite and I’m having issue with audio not coming on after we have powered town TV and Denon the next time we switch it all back on.

Set the box audio to expert mode, the Denon shows Dolby Digital + symbol and the audio work.

Switch it off. Next day when I switch on the only get the picture and no audio

I go back into audio settings and toggle it back on again. If I power on and off the Denon I get sound

It’s like the box I trying to work out the sound connection type each time I power the system up and can’t.

Any ideas

What is this Expert mode anyway, the menu says nothing about what the setting means does.

It seems to not have much control for audio.

At least with my old legacy cable box it was just straight Dolby Digital no fuss

I have the remote to power on TV and AVR but it seems to be almost a timing thing, perhaps the remote is powering on the AVR too quick. Because like I say if I turn the AVR off and on again it works.

Also the XiONE does not seem to power off when you do press the power button. The TV and AVR turn off but if I press the Turn on the AVR and TV with original remotes the Rogers TV box is still giving out picture.

The LED on the front never goes out if you press the power button. What the correct behaviour for the power off on the XiONE



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Re: Rogers XiONE TV box, audio setting issue with Denon AVR

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Lots of questions and comments:


1. How are you connected?  HDMI to AVR to TV, or HDMI to TV, Optical to AVR?  Other?

2. If you have HDMI-CEC turned on in your devices, turn it off in all your devices.

3. Have you tried the Dolby or Stereo output setting to see if that makes a difference?  The legacy boxes didn't have Expert, but they did have Dolby and stereo or other, can't remember.

4. The box is never actually "off".  In the box settings you have an option for how long it waits to go into standby.  The light may go out after a few hours when it goes into standby.

5. If you turn on the AVR using the AVR's remote, wait a few seconds, then turn on the box/TV, does it work then?  (you may need to shield the AVR from the Rogers remote signal so that it doesn't turn off).

6. I have my box connected to my TV then optical to my AVR, which is a Denon. It works fine for me that way, but some AVRs do like to be "on" for a few seconds so that the HDMI handshake works properly.

7. Be aware that there are some surround sound issues discussed in the following post:


Re: Rogers XiONE TV box, audio setting issue with Denon AVR

I've been here awhile

1. HDMI -> AVR -> TV
2. HDMI-CEC is disable
3. Stereo, surround and auto same behaviour
4. Thank you the behaviour is how you said, just initial confused as the power button does not sleep the box. But after the set duration the LED goes out
5. Yes it does work in that test
6. Wish this Rogers box had optical then I’m sure that would have solved it. The XiONE does not have optical it’s bit of . little thing really. I have Denon 2113ci
7. Will read that post

Pretty sure it’s a timing thing. For now I have stopped the Rogers remote from controlling my AVR and TV in doing that it’s not lost audio during the start up. Just means we are back to 3 remotes again.

I did notice how quick it fires the commands out I think too quick, with my old legacy Rogers box it would send the TV on command a second later after powering on the the TV box (my old legacy remote could not also power in the AVR, this is what I was excited by this new feature it could have deleted cluttered out table)

Re: Rogers XiONE TV box, audio setting issue with Denon AVR

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Although the box doesn't have optical, your TV probably does.  If you connect the box directly to the TV using HDMI and connect the TV to the AVR via optical, that may work for you (it does for me). You need to enable "external speakers" or something similar in the TV for the optical connection to be "active" and obviously tune to the optical input in the AVR.  The remote should be programmed to turn on/off all your devices.


One other option may be to enable HDMI-CEC in all the devices, with the remote turning on only the box. This may then turn on the TV and the AVR using HDMI-CEC and the timing may be better for the AVR.  This assumes Box to AVR via HDMI and AVR to TV via HDMI.

Re: Rogers XiONE TV box, audio setting issue with Denon AVR

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@raymate  Regarding the HDMI Audio settings on the Ignite set-top boxes, "Auto Detect" is usually the best setting to use for most people, and this will pass Dolby Digital 5.1.  Expert Mode needs to be used in order to pass advanced audio formats, such as Dolby ATMOS.  However, Expert Mode can be problematic when connecting to some audio devices.  If you are experiencing audio issues of any kind, the first thing that you should do is set the audio output to Stereo.  If that works, then you can try troubleshooting with Auto Detect and Expert Mode.


One other thing: If a TOSLINK/optical connection is sufficient to carry all the audio formats that you require, then you really don't need to enable Expert Mode.

Re: Rogers XiONE TV box, audio setting issue with Denon AVR

I plan to stick around

Im hoping to piggy back into this thread.  We were just advised we are being "forced" into the new Ignite box system and have an OLD Denon AVR which works just fine on the cold cable box, with an optical for audio to our AVR, via the cable box.  we are NOT tech savvy, and as noted above, the new ignite box doesn't have optical.

we tried just "hooking" up our TV to the current Gateway cable box via HDMI and HDMI to AVR, and removing the optical, just to see if that would work and it didn't... no TV picture.  we called Denon, and they seemed to  think that the receiver didn't have the capability to do this via HDMI?  not sure why, but seems the solution they are providing is go buy a new receiver.  we don't have the ignite boxes yet, but basically thinking if we can't get it to work with the gateway cable box, what's to say it will with a new receiver??  the old Denon does have HDMI ports, just not ARC.  the TV also has both ARC and non ARC.  we didn't use the ARC port on the TV.  is the Denon guy right?  is the receiver too old?


Re: Rogers XiONE TV box, audio setting issue with Denon AVR

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Resident Expert

@NotTVSavvy : Many older AVRs cannot work the way you want since they don't have ARC, however, there is a workaround that usually works.


1. Connect the STB directly to the TV via HDMI.

2. Connect the TV to the AVR via optical (most TVs have optical outputs).

3. There is an audio setting in the TV that you need to change to "external speakers" (or similar).  


This setup should work like previously, but the audio signals will be going "through" the TV to the AVR instead of directly from the box to the AVR.  This may not work with some TVs.  You can test this with your current STB if you like.


What is the Model number of your Denon?  It may be possible to simply connect the STB to the AVR via HDMI and then from the AVR to the TV via HDMI - but you say this didn't work.  The reason I don't do that is if you have a 4K TV, then some AVRs are not capable of passing 4K signals, so you are stuck with the workaround I mentioned previously in this post, which is what I do with my older Denon.  Or you could set the STB to say 1080P in the output settings, but then you won't be watching 4K on the 4K channels.  What is the make/model of your current STB - it should have worked with the connections you tried, unless it was a 4K box, which the AVR will not handle?

Re: Rogers XiONE TV box, audio setting issue with Denon AVR

I plan to stick around

not sure what STB is (note my user name ...   😞       .  Warning you now, you'll need patience with me, obi wan.  lol. Denon is AVR 688,  and trying to figure out the set up is a nightmare.  Literally lying on the floor, trying to figure it out.  Manual is extremely hard to follow.  No onscreen for it, because of course, we couldn't get the TV picture!    TV is Samsung 60"  4K UN60HU8550, and does have AVR.

Re: Rogers XiONE TV box, audio setting issue with Denon AVR

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STB = Set top box - the IgniteTV box under discussion in this thread.

The Denon AVR688 is about 15 years old and doesn't handle HDMI audio or have ARC, so you therefore need to use the optical connection through the TV I outlined in the first part of my previous post.

If you had a picture before, why don't you now?  You must have changed some cables around and perhaps they're in the wrong ports?  Make sure your inputs and outputs are correct, but that should be pretty simple if you only have the optical from the TV to the AVR and HDMI from the STB directly to the TV. The TV obviously needs to be set to the correct input to get a picture and the optical out from the TV needs to be connected to the correct input on the AVR and the AVR needs to be set to that input to hear audio (like before).


If you want the onscreen menu for the Denon, you'll need to connect the AVR to the TV - perhaps using a composite (yellow cable or any analogue cable really that fits) or component (red/green/blue cables) connection and tuning the TV to the appropriate input for that signal.  HDMI from the AVR to the TV may also work, but I didn't read the entire manual for the AVR.


I had a quick look at the TV and it appears to have an optical (audio) output, but you may need to remove the plug there or simply insert the cable and the "trap door" will move to accommodate it.

Re: Rogers XiONE TV box, audio setting issue with Denon AVR

I plan to stick around

I may not have mentioned, but our issue was also that we were not getting a picture on the TV, when trying the HDMI method... maybe a setting on the TV required?  Would it have mattered whether or not we plugged in any HDMI cables (either from STB or AVR) into the ARC option in TV?.  don't even remember if we had gotten to actually seeing if the sound was coming through!   The Denon is a 688.   we're almost at the point of buying a new receiver (looking at DENON 970H), but what it that won't work either?  Not bothering to get the Ignite boxes until we know we can get a surround sound working properly with HDMI set up, but the old Denon set up is painful.  

Re: Rogers XiONE TV box, audio setting issue with Denon AVR

I plan to stick around

I may not have mentioned, but our issue was also that we were not getting a picture on the TV, when trying the HDMI method... maybe a setting on the TV required?  Would it have mattered whether or not we plugged in any HDMI cables (either from STB or AVR) into the ARC option in TV?.  don't even remember if we had gotten to actually seeing if the sound was coming through!   The Denon is a 688.   we're almost at the point of buying a new receiver (looking at DENON 970H), but what it that won't work either?  Not bothering to get the Ignite boxes until we know we can get a surround sound working properly with HDMI set up, but the old Denon set up is painful.  

Re: Rogers XiONE TV box, audio setting issue with Denon AVR

I plan to stick around

Thanks so much 57!  I think we were on the right path.

We didn't change anything on how STB connected to TV via HDMI (input 1).

We Just connected TV to AVR via HDMI .  (did not use the ARC port on the TV, because we knew receiver didn't have ARC. )

Here's 2 things we didn't do:

1)  didn't turn off the AVR, STB or TV prior to making connections 

2)  didn't remove the digital optical between TV and AVR prior to making new connections.


Would either of these 2 things have made a difference as to no picture on TV?  Input (HDMI 1) definately didn't change, so we we didn't expect a no picture, and got stuck there.

Re: Rogers XiONE TV box, audio setting issue with Denon AVR

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Resident Expert

@NotTVSavvy wrote:

1. We didn't change anything on how STB connected to TV via HDMI (input 1).

2. We Just connected TV to AVR via HDMI .  (did not use the ARC port on the TV, because we knew receiver didn't have ARC. )

3. Here's 2 things we didn't do:

1)  didn't turn off the AVR, STB or TV prior to making connections 

2)  didn't remove the digital optical between TV and AVR prior to making new connections.


1. If the STB is on, and tuned to a channel and the TV is on and set to HDMI 1, then you should have picture on the TV.

2. Don't do that. It won't work with your AVR.

3a. One should always turn off equipment before disconnecting and reconnecting any cables.

3b. In your first post you said you did remove the optical. Perhaps it's not connected to the proper input on the AVR now?  

3c. I also didn't realize that you were already running with the Optical from the TV to the AVR.  I thought you had the optical from the STB to the AVR?

3d.  The connections should be very simple:

- HDMI from STB to TV.  TV set to the appropriate input.  TV and STB on.

- Optical from TV to AVR (appropriate input and AVR tuned to that input).  The input also needs to be properly "assigned" in the AVR, but if it was working before, it should be working now.

- Audio setting in the TV set to "external speakers" or similar. This usually means the TV's speakers are "off".


Re: Rogers XiONE TV box, audio setting issue with Denon AVR

I plan to stick around

Hi 57.   Yes, everything worked with that set up as we have it currently. we also had to do optical from STB to Receiver, in order to get TRUE DOLBY 5.1 sound.  When you disconnect the Optical from STB (which is the problem, as it will no longer be an option with IGNITE optical), then the sound only comes from TV to AVR, via optical.  The AVR, then, unfortunately does not produce the DOLBY...only stereo, which is what I think the DENON guy was trying to tell us. 

 BUT, having said that,  no comes the issue that if we buy a new AVR (Denon 970H in mind), because there will no longer be a optical port in the Ignite Cable Box, which means we are now "streaming" via Rogers, through this Box, will be getting that DOLBY DIGITAL, like we do directly from NETFLIX, PRIME etc, or will we only be getting "Stereo", because the HDMI didn't work for Old receiver... in other words, will new receiver have some sort of new technology that makes it work?

Re: Rogers XiONE TV box, audio setting issue with Denon AVR

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No need for a new AVR at this time.  What you need is the proper setup in your equipment to get DD5.1. 


1. Do you now have the new IgniteTV STB, or are you just experimenting with the old equipment?

2. Do you have video and audio now, but are you saying the only issue is with Stereo instead of DD5.1 at the AVR?

3. In the TV there are various audio settings and you need to ensure it's set to Passthrough or Dolby, instead of PCM or stereo. The TV should then "pass" the DD5.1 audio from the STB to the AVR through the TV.  I assume you're getting DD5.1 when connected from the STB directly to the AVR with optical and you're simply moving one end of the optical cable from the STB output to the TV output, leaving the other end in the AVR.

Re: Rogers XiONE TV box, audio setting issue with Denon AVR

I plan to stick around

1)  do not yet have the Ignite TV STB.    experimenting with existing Gateway STB

Currently set up with:

2 a) HDMI from gateway STB to TV  

   b) digital optical from gateway STB to AVR

  c)  digital optical from TV to AVR 

This provides us with DOLBY 5.1, either when watching "cable" TV or when streaming NETFLIX etc

3.  settings are all fine to match what we set up in 2a, b, c.

Problem arose when:

In anticipation of getting the New Ignite box, which does not have digital optical, we were experimenting with:

4a) running HDMI from gateway STB to TV, and

   b) another HDMI from TV to AVR.  

   c) disconnected both the digital optical connections (STB to AVR and TV to AVR)

that's when we ran into the problem that it was only Stereo vs DOLBY 5.1

**We did reconnect the digital/optical from TV to AVR, and then tried streaming NETFLIX again, and DID get the Dolby 5.1.  That's how we were able to confirm that HDMI cables would NOT produce Dolby either from STB or TV. (Probably why we had it all originally set up as per 1a, b, c to begin with!)

After we tried option 4a, b, c ...we called Denon, advising them of no DOLBY,  he indicated that the unit did not have PASSTHROUGH capability and that's why it wasn't working.  That's when we then thought, if we have to do the Ignite box the same way as 4a, b, c, (because no more digital via STB), that we would need to buy a new AVR. 

In the mean time, we did call Rogers, and ask they advised set up to the ignite box was a bit different.

5a)  HDMI from ignite box to "NEW" AVR (e-ARC to e-ARC) --apparently the ignite boxes have this ability

   b) HDMI from new AVR to TV HDMI ... herein now comes another issue... new AVR only has e-ARCs, and TV has either HDMI  or HDMI ARC.

the Rogers guy insisted that we would get full DOLBY 5.1 via the ignite box and that the boxes had e-arc, so watching channels are fine.  What he couldn't say with absolute clarity, whether, now having picture signal to TV going from STB through AVR, via HDMI e-ARC, when streaming via internet, whether the AVR HDMI E-ARC TO to the TV HDMI-ARC, would work. (basically that the  the picture would be delivered still in 4K - as the TV and STB have that - and that Dolby 5.1 would work, just nothing enhanced?)

aye yay yay

Re: Rogers XiONE TV box, audio setting issue with Denon AVR

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Resident Expert

@NotTVSavvy wrote:

Currently set up with:

2 a) HDMI from gateway STB to TV  

   b) digital optical from gateway STB to AVR

  c)  digital optical from TV to AVR 

This provides us with DOLBY 5.1, either when watching "cable" TV or when streaming NETFLIX etc

There should be no need for 2b - optical from STB to AVR (now or in the future).  The audio should flow (if the STB and TV are properly configured - using 2c "through" the TV). You can test this with your current equipment by removing 2b cable. and setting the AVR to the 2c input with the STB feeding the HDMI signal to the TV.


The only caveat once you get the Ignite TV STB is that you need to set the audio output on that new box to Dolby instead of "stereo"  You will get DD5.1 this way as I have mentioned in all of my previous posts and as I currently do with my older Denon AVR. 


You will also not need to switch inputs on the AVR since you'll only have the one optical connection from the TV to the AVR. As you switch the TV to the input for the STB or the input for Netflix, the audio will flow to the AVR on the one optical cable


If you want a new AVR, feel free to get one and it should work with STB connected to AVR via HDMI and AVR connected to TV using HDMI-ARC ports.


When you get the Ignite equipment, I strongly suggest that you pay for a Rogers professional installation and have the installer/technician set every thing up, which would include:


- The new Gateway/modem

- The new STB connected to the Gateway/modem via Ethernet or WiFi.

- The Ignite TV remote configured/paired to control the Ignite box, turn the TV on/off and control the volume on the AVR.

- The Internet on the Gateway/modem for your various equipment like computer, tablet, phone connected via WiFi or Ethernet.


Do not let the technician leave your home until he/she has everything working to your satisfaction.

Re: Rogers XiONE TV box, audio setting issue with Denon AVR

I plan to stick around

Thanks 57.  We'll definately test your recommendation with old equipment with removing the 2b optical cable from old STB to TV.  it is kinda silly, considering we're comparing apples to oranges as both the STB will be different, the new AVR will be different, and set up is different.  I'm thinking time for us just to move on.  

The only actual concern now is whether the HDMI -ARC on the TV will work with the HDMI-eARC on the new AVR.  we've read much conflicting information.

We currently access NEtFLIX, PRIME VIDEO, via the smart HUB on the TV, but it appears that there's some sort of information that is suggesting that This can be managed via the Ignite Streaming option with new box.  Just not clear if you actually then need to cancel existing NETFLIX, and sign up through Rogers, to make this work ?  otherwise, if still wanting to get via smart HUB on TV remote, will need Optical / Digital between TV and new AVR.  so confusing.  any suggestions there?

also, are there any links as to how to actually change settings on the STB boxes.  tried searching on Rogers website and nothing pops up

Re: Rogers XiONE TV box, audio setting issue with Denon AVR

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Resident Expert

@NotTVSavvy wrote:


1. The only actual concern now is whether the HDMI -ARC on the TV will work with the HDMI-eARC on the new AVR.

2. We currently access NEtFLIX, PRIME VIDEO, via the smart HUB on the TV

3.Just not clear if you actually then need to cancel existing NETFLIX, and sign up through Rogers, to make this work ? 

4.  will need Optical / Digital between TV and new AVR.  

5. also, are there any links as to how to actually change settings on the STB boxes. 

1. It should work... (HDMI-CEC needs to be turned "on" on all applicable devices.)

2. You can continue this way.  This requires changing "inputs" on the TV, while using Rogers box doesn't.

3. If you want to use the new STB, then yes.

4. No, this should be handled by the HDMI-ARC if you're getting a new AVR.

5. It's pretty intuitive - Press "Rogers - Settings - Device Settings - Audio.  There are lots of settings there you should look at after you get it running to configure the box to work the way you want.


Check out the IgniteTV Knowledge Base - link below for articles that may apply to you and also read some recent threads in this IgniteTV forum if the title seams like it might apply to you too.

Re: Rogers XiONE TV box, audio setting issue with Denon AVR

I plan to stick around

Thanks 57.  Rogers is fortunate to have you on this forum.  You've been a wealth of information and super helpful to those of us who have no idea how to make all this stuff work.  I also responded to someone who was having the same issues with the ignite system, and voiced our concerns directly to a Rogers Agent who had responded to them.  would've just been easier if rogers would've continued to have an optical/digital connection on the ignite boxes.  We're going to start with setting up the new AVR / Surround system and go from there.  you may hear from me again in a week or so, if / when the ignite boxes arrive and we have issues.  thanks for your patience and support.  

Re: Rogers XiONE TV box, audio setting issue with Denon AVR

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As we have discussed extensively,  there is a workaround to combat the fact that the IgniteTV doesn't have an optical output when dealing with older AVRs like yours and mine.  One other option is to purchase an adaptor that has an HDMI input with HDMI plus Optical outputs. The HDMI would connect to the TV and the optical to the AVR.  One must be careful that the adaptor handles the signals you need - like 4K.

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