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Provisioning Issue

I've been around

I am now going on 50 hours nearly 2.5 days, with no internet.

Here is my story:
I had internet, however, very slow connect and had a lot outage, I pay for 1.5 GB, so i called Rogers and a technician was sent out to my home.

The technician determined it was the modem and wiring problem
The tech switched the router for a newer model.
Here is where everything goes downhill, the technician could not get the new box to activate, he opened a ticket with Rogers customer support and told me these things usually only take a few hours to be resolved.

Two days passed and still same issue, so I called and spoke with 3 different managers.

All said same thing, provisioning issue. give us a couple more days and this will be sorted.

Fast forward to today, nearly a 50 hour, still no internet.
Called again, and of course, told the same thing....we need more time, etc etc etc.... same rehearsed speech.
I even asked about getting a new router, was told that would not work either.
Beyond frustrated.
The most infuriating part is that no one at Rogers seems to even know why this issue happens, a definite timeframe for it to be fixed, or better yet....If it even can be fixed.

Has anyone else experienced a similar issue?
Do any one have any suggestion?
this situation totally not acceptable and i want to cancel my contract. this is very unprofessional

Re: Provisioning Issue

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Faryan wrote:
Has anyone else experienced a similar issue?

Yes, folks have been reporting similar experiences here for more than a year:


Do any one have any suggestion?
this situation totally not acceptable and i want to cancel my contract. this is very unprofessional

Unfortunately, no.  I have not heard any explanations as to what the underlying problem is or the root cause.  As far as I know, the only thing that you can do get a support ticket created and escalated, then wait for support teams on the provisioning side to work whatever magic they need to do to get your modem online.

Re: Provisioning Issue

I've been around

Hey sorry for hear that. and I have a same problem with you. is your problem is solved? I'm trying to change Rogers to Bell

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