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Modem Relocate and RF Signal Levels

I've been here awhile

Hi, I just moved into a new apartment and have Rogers CODA-4582 router installed in the living room. It seems to work fine. However, the WiFi signal could significantly decay when I get into my bedroom so I want to relocate the router. Before doing so, I want to aks you nice guys about the coaxial cable signal decay issue. I want to buy about 50ft of RG-6 coax cable, and the readings on the router DOCSIS WAN page is as follows: ========================== DOCSIS WAN PAGE START ========================== Downstream Overview Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Signal noise ratio (dB) 1 591000000 QAM256 7.599 7 35.595 2 597000000 QAM256 7.699 8 35.595 3 603000000 QAM256 7.300 9 35.595 4 579000000 QAM256 7.800 5 35.779 5 585000000 QAM256 7.699 6 35.779 6 279000000 QAM256 5.800 1 37.636 7 609000000 QAM256 7.599 10 35.083 8 615000000 QAM256 7.699 11 35.083 9 621000000 QAM256 7.900 12 35.083 10 633000000 QAM256 8.099 13 34.925 11 639000000 QAM256 8.099 14 35.595 12 645000000 QAM256 8.099 15 35.083 13 651000000 QAM256 8.000 16 35.083 14 657000000 QAM256 8.000 17 35.083 15 663000000 QAM256 8.099 18 35.083 16 669000000 QAM256 8.199 19 35.595 17 675000000 QAM256 8.099 20 35.595 18 681000000 QAM256 7.900 21 35.595 19 687000000 QAM256 7.800 22 35.595 20 693000000 QAM256 8.199 23 35.595 21 699000000 QAM256 8.099 24 35.779 22 705000000 QAM256 8.099 25 35.595 23 711000000 QAM256 7.599 26 35.083 24 717000000 QAM256 7.699 27 35.595 25 723000000 QAM256 8.000 28 35.595 26 825000000 QAM256 8.599 29 34.345 27 831000000 QAM256 8.500 30 33.956 28 837000000 QAM256 8.599 31 33.956 29 843000000 QAM256 8.300 32 33.956 30 849000000 QAM256 8.800 2 33.956 31 855000000 QAM256 8.400 3 33.956 32 861000000 QAM256 8.000 4 33.486 OFDM Downstream Overview Receiver FFT type Subcarr 0 Frequency(MHz) PLC locked NCP locked MDC1 locked PLC power(dBmv) 0 4K 275600000 YES YES YES 5.699997 1 NA NA NO NO NO NA Upstream Overview Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Bandwidth 1 30596000 64QAM 37.520 3 6400000 2 36996000 64QAM 37.520 4 6400000 3 22100000 64QAM 35.760 1 3200000 4 25300000 64QAM 36.510 2 3200000 5 0 QAM_NONE - --- 1600000 6 0 QAM_NONE - --- 1600000 7 0 QAM_NONE - --- 1600000 8 0 QAM_NONE - --- 1600000 OFDM/OFDMA Overview Channel Index State lin Digital Att Digital Att BW (sc's*fft) Report Power Report Power1_6 FFT Size 0 DISABLED 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2K 1 DISABLED 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2K ========================== DOCSIS WAN PAGE END ==========================


So can I extend the coax cable without losing connection with the upstream gateway? Thanks!


*Added Labels*


Re: Modem Relocate and RF Signal Levels

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@allen24 from looking at your current signal levels:


1.  The downstream signal levels are high enough that an extra length of RG-6 won't be a problem; 

2.  The downstream signal to noise ratios in the upper DOCSIS 3.0 channels (1 to 32) are at the minimum.  I wouldn't want to see them any lower.  Having said that, the 4582 doesn't use these channels for downstream data, at least it didn't with the previous firmware version.  That is something that I have to check with the engineering staff.  The 4582, as far as I'm aware uses the OFDM channel entirely for its downstream data.  The PLC power level is also high, which implies that the OFDM channel signal levels are also higher than normal.  That will work in your favor, in terms of adding additional cable. 

3.  The upstream signal levels are low enough that an extra run of cable shouldn't be an issue.  


Are you simply going to connect the cable to the existing cable port on the wallplate?


If you go down this path, you should use Quad shield RG-6 to protect the cable from noise.


Are there any additional cable ports in the apartment anywhere else?  Typically, in an apartment, you should be able to find a wiring cabinet in the apartment that contains the incoming cable and any splitters required to connect the apartments cable outlets.  By looking at that cabinet, you should be able to determine if there are any other cable outlets in the apartment, as there might be additional RG-6 or possibly RG-59 cables that aren't connected.


In terms of wifi channels, if you're using a 5 Ghz network, change the wifi channel to the 149 to 165 range as it operates at a higher power level which will increase the operating range from the modem/router.  Pick a channel and leave it there, don't use Auto.  Of course, if the apartment has thick concrete walls with rebar embedded, perhaps the only solution is to move the router to a close location.  Fwiw, here's the wifi settings that I recommend, which are for this modem, but are generic enough for any modem or router:



2.4 Ghz wifi parameters:


Wireless Mode: 802.11 n 
Channel Bandwidth: 20/40 Mhz, although, for test purposes you could set this to 20 Mhz. In a crowded wifi environment, I would set this for 20 Mhz.  It will default to 20 Mhz in a crowded environment.
Wireless channel: channel 1, 6, or 11, depending on which channel offers the least traffic as seen with Winfi Lite (discussed below).  Its possible that there's no good choice as 2.4 Ghz channels are usually oversubscribed.  
WPS Enabled: OFF
Security Mode: WPA-Personal
Auth Mode: WPA2-PSK
Encrypt Mode: AES only


5 Ghz wifi parameters:


Wireless Mode: 802.11 a/n/ac mixed
Channel Bandwidth: 80 Mhz, although, for test purposes you could set this to 40 Mhz
Wireless channel: 149 to 165     Use this higher channel range as it runs higher transmit power levels.
WPS Enabled: OFF
Security Mode: WPA-Personal
Auth Mode: WPA2-PSK
Encrypt Mode: AES only


If you had to change any parameters, reboot your router after the changes have been saved. 


If you're using a Windows laptop or desktop, load Winfi Lite from:


When that's running select the wrench (tool) symbol in the second row from the top, near the hand side.  That brings up the lower display area.  Select "Spectrum" to display the graphical interpretation of the wifi network data so that you can see who you're competing with.  The text data can be sorted up and down by selecting the column title.  Go ahead and sort the data by RSSI, which is the received signal level at the receiving device.  Have a look at the signal level of your network compared to any other network in the same channel band, just so that you know who you're competing with.  Keep using that 149 to 165 channel group however as the higher power level can make a consider able difference with higher data rates, despite any nearby competition.  If you walk around your apartment with Winfi Lite running, assuming that we're talking about a laptop here, stop in place for two to three minutes to let the program catch up with the change in location.  Take note of the signal level of your network, just so that you know how much it changes, up and down, depending on the laptop's location.  


Give that a go and see if it helps with the wifi situation.  


Just to note, that signal level table can be copied and pasted into a post.  Place your curser in front of the "Downstream Overview" line.  Hold the shift key down and move your mouse down and to the right until you reach the last line and character in the bottom OFDMA section.  You can also use the arrow keys (down and right) with the shift key held down to select that entire area.  When that's done, right click .... Copy.  Then in a new post, right click .... Paste.  That should paste in the entire table as it appears in the modem's user interface. 



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