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Lost MDD Timeout every 7 mins for 4 weeks

I've been here awhile

Hi Rogers

I have rogers internet intermittent disconnect every 7 mins for 4 weeks. Rogers sent 6 tech to my home try to fix it and doesnt work. Then they called three times maintain team to check it and the result is the area is fine, but the problem is still there. The tech went my home and the phone tech support doesnt know what mdd time out means.  I just sighed two year contract with rougers and the problem start at the 3rd day, NEED HELP!!!!!!!!


My roger internet is  Ignite Internet Gigabit

with Modem: CODA-4582U


Docsis Event:

4 12/22/2018 22:54:43 84020200 warning Lost MDD Timeout; **Removed MAC due to privacy concerns -- RogersZia** CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;


the docsis keep showing lost mdd timeout every 7 mins then i lost internet. after 1-2 min the internet back on.


Docsis Wan:

This menu displays both upstream and downstream signal parameters

DOCSIS Overview
Network Access Permitted
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Gateway IP Address
DHCP Lease Time 😧 07 H: 00 M: 00 S: 00
Downstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Signal noise ratio (dB)
1 591000000 256QAM 8.200 7 40.366
2 849000000 256QAM 12.300 2 40.366
3 855000000 256QAM 11.900 3 40.366
4 861000000 256QAM 11.800 4 40.366
5 579000000 256QAM 8.000 5 40.366
6 585000000 256QAM 8.000 6 40.366
7 303000000 256QAM 1.600 1 37.636
8 597000000 256QAM 8.700 8 40.366
9 603000000 256QAM 9.600 9 40.366
10 609000000 256QAM 9.800 10 40.946
11 615000000 256QAM 9.800 11 40.946
12 621000000 256QAM 9.200 12 40.366
13 633000000 256QAM 8.500 13 40.366
14 639000000 256QAM 8.700 14 40.366
15 645000000 256QAM 9.500 15 40.366
16 651000000 256QAM 10.100 16 40.946
17 657000000 256QAM 10.700 17 40.946
18 663000000 256QAM 11.200 18 40.946
19 669000000 256QAM 11.200 19 40.366
20 675000000 256QAM 11.300 20 40.946
21 681000000 256QAM 11.300 21 40.946
22 687000000 256QAM 11.700 22 40.946
23 693000000 256QAM 12.200 23 40.946
24 699000000 256QAM 12.400 24 40.946
25 705000000 256QAM 12.400 25 40.946
26 711000000 256QAM 11.900 26 40.946
27 717000000 256QAM 11.400 27 40.366
28 723000000 256QAM 10.700 28 40.366
29 825000000 256QAM 13.100 29 40.366
30 831000000 256QAM 13.100 30 40.366
31 837000000 256QAM 12.500 31 40.366
32 843000000 256QAM 12.100 32 40.946
OFDM Downstream Overview
Receiver FFT type Subcarr 0 Frequency(MHz) PLC locked NCP locked MDC1 locked PLC power(dBmv)
1 4K 275600000 YES YES YES 5.400002
Upstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Bandwidth
1 30596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 30.500 4 6400000
2 38596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 34.000 6 3200000
3 23700000 ATDMA - 64QAM 29.250 5 6400000
Channel Index State lin Digital Att Digital Att BW (sc's*fft) Report Power Report Power1_6 FFT Size
0 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K
1 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K

Re: Lost MDD Timeout every 7 mins for 4 weeks

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Hey @Tigerg,

Intermittency can be incredibly difficult to deal with to say the least! Thank you for providing your modem details, basic signal wise everything looks good. The Mac Domain Descriptor timeout isn't a concern though as that's more or less a note than it is a warning. The MDD is transmitted every couple of seconds on the downstream channels and if there's an excess of them dropped the timer expires and it begins looking for them again. 

One off's like these can occur for a number of reasons but there's no indication as of yet that it's pointed to a connectivity issue. 

Would you mind confirming for me what occurs with the light pattern on your modem when the connection drops? This could give us a better idea of what's occurring. 


Re: Lost MDD Timeout every 7 mins for 4 weeks

I've been here awhile

The light on the modem looks normal, one light blue one dark blue.


When the MDD timeout, I can not connect to internet and all my connection disconnected.

It takes 30 sec to 2 min to get internet back.


Re: Lost MDD Timeout every 7 mins for 4 weeks

I plan to stick around

To me it looks like the signal strength dbmv are too high.  Possible some type of configuration error with coax splitters etc. Maybe @Datalink can provide some assistance with this one.

Re: Lost MDD Timeout every 7 mins for 4 weeks

I've been here awhile

I have the same Error along with other Errors, Rogers sent 4 technician so far and they checked all the cables and removed all splitters inside the house, they also replaced the modems 4 times and the Errors still the same.

This menu shows the status of the device

System Information
DOCSIS Provisioning
The DOCSIS event logs is shown here

(Log file removed for security/privacy reasons. Please edit the CM MAC address before posting the file. /RogersMoin.)


Re: Lost MDD Timeout every 7 mins for 4 weeks

Hello, @Eelsisy.


Thank you for joining this discussion; intermittent connection can be quite disruptive.


We can look into diagnosing the issue for you. To get a better understanding of the problem, please answer the following:

  • How often is the connection getting dropped? 
  • When was the last time you have lost the connection? 
  • When the connection is lost, is the modem rebooting?
  • Can you provide the LAN and WAN up times? It's listed under the Status menu. 



Re: Lost MDD Timeout every 7 mins for 4 weeks

I have the same problem, and I've had multiple technicians and endless hours on a hopeless support line


Tomorrow I'm supposed to be getting my modem swapped.


It's been almost 6 weeks of intermittent Internet use with the Rogers ignite business plan.


Tomorrow I have a call at noon with Bell Canada to put in Fibe.  I'm hopeful between these two clowns (Bell/Rogers) I'll at least have one Internet access point working.


Final note, not sure who Rogers uses as outsource technical support but these guys are beyond hopeless.

Re: Lost MDD Timeout every 7 mins for 4 weeks

@Duffy_YYZ if you haven't done so already, with previous multiple tech visits, you should be asking for a senior (real Rogers) tech.  He or she should be able to solve the problem, or call in a maintenance crew.  Assuming that you're in a house, how long has the external cable been place?  Has it been replace during any of the tech visits?

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