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How stop unwanted Ignite modem updates?

I'm here a lot

Hi, I'm having a really bad issue with my ignite internet. I noticed that my modem always updates while I'm using, sometimes I'm gaming or streaming and out of nowhere my internet goes down, the lights on my modem goes green... starts to blink... then I turn it off and back on, the lights goes amber, blinks for couple minutes and then the internet is back.

Is really annoying, usually happens around 2 am to 4 am, that is the only time I have to use my internet since I work all day long.

Looking at the manual apparently is the modem updating or something, so I would like to know how do I stop that or at least set the modem to only update during the daytime when I'm not at home. 

Is really frustrating to be paying a lot for not much speed and have to deal with this inconvinience. when I'm just watching something is ok but when that happens in the middle of a game or when I'm streaming is really bad.

Any help is welcome.

Thank you. 




Re: How stop unwanted Ignite modem updates?

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@renanmandian wrote:

Hi, I'm having a really bad issue with my ignite internet. I noticed that my modem always updates while I'm using, sometimes I'm gaming or streaming and out of nowhere my internet goes down, the lights on my modem goes green... starts to blink... then I turn it off and back on, the lights goes amber, blinks for couple minutes and then the internet is back.

Is really annoying, usually happens around 2 am to 4 am, that is the only time I have to use my internet since I work all day long.

Looking at the manual apparently is the modem updating or something, so I would like to know how do I stop that or at least set the modem to only update during the daytime when I'm not at home.

Unfortunately, we don't have any control over when updates get applied to our Ignite gateways.


How frequently is your modem rebooting in the middle of the night?  Rogers does not update modem firmware all that often.  My XB6 updated a few days ago but I had been running on the previous firmware version for months.


Your modem might also restart in the middle of the night if Rogers is doing network maintenance and needs to reboot all modems in the affected the area after they have finished.  That also should not happen all that often but that's the only reason I can think of as to why your modem might reboot overnight, every night, (VERY rarely, although possibly) for several days in a row.

Re: How stop unwanted Ignite modem updates?


That may be the case but is really frustrating, we are in 2021 and Rogers still finding a way to make their consumer's life difficult, I mean, why on earth I can easily schedule updates for pretty much anything but not for the Rogers modem???  I knew I would regret get back to Rogers, unfortunately is the only one in my area, that's why they get away with such bad services.

Re: How stop unwanted Ignite modem updates?

@renanmandian  I understand your frustration.  That said, you would be in the same situation with Bell; you don't get to choose when to apply updates on their modems either... or at least you could not back when I was a Bell Internet customer.


There's no good solution to this.  Sometimes, certain updates need to applied immediately for technical and/or security reasons.  If users are allowed to defer updates indefinitely, some will never update and that is not good either.


Firmware updates do not go out very often so unexpected reboots due to an update is not normally a problem for most people.  HOWEVER, some pools of users do tend to get them more frequently.  Rogers pushes out updates in waves.  If the first group of users experiences problems, they will also be the first to get a fix, and then another and another and possibly another until the build is deemed stable, at which point it is rolled out to all users in staged batches.  I don't know why but @Don_Ca always seems to be the first to report getting an update in the XB6 Modem Settings/Requests/Firmware Discussion thread.  I tend to be in the last group that receives them... and I am totally fine with that because I have no interest in testing builds for stability.  We don't control whether we are in the first or last batch of users to get updated either.

Re: How stop unwanted Ignite modem updates?

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I don't work for Rogers but if I were a Product Manager and had some say in how things operated, I would announce when firmware updates were about to get staged and post a changelog of the fixes.  At least that way, users would have some some warning that an update was imminent.

Re: How stop unwanted Ignite modem updates?

I'm a senior contributor
My boss reported that he got a firmware update today at 10 am

Re: How stop unwanted Ignite modem updates?

To be honest that’s the minimum they should do, I receive so many useless marketing stuff from Rogers, why they don’t announce when updates will be release??? I mean, since they bother to send those irrelevant emails at least use that for something good.

I don’t know, I have used Bell for many years, never had such issue, their modem seems to update when is being use the least… Rogers in the other hand just decides to shut down your internet without any notice, and even those “updates” we have no idea what is about… they are just messy.

Re: How stop unwanted Ignite modem updates?

@renanmandian wrote:
I don’t know, I have used Bell for many years, never had such issue, their modem seems to update when is being use the least… Rogers in the other hand just decides to shut down your internet without any notice, and even those “updates” we have no idea what is about… they are just messy.

... and mine was the opposite.  Bell Internet (DSL) was totally unstable for me.  Rogers has been rock solid.  As for modem resets, for any reason, I rarely notice them.  When they do happen, I'm almost always sleeping.


Log into your Ignite gateway, go to "Gateway > Software" and take note of the System Software Version.  If you notice a reboot overnight and your modem's software version didn't change, Rogers must have done some maintenance in your area or made a significant configuration change in their network that required a reboot.  Those absolutely need to happen when they do.  In the 2+ years that I have had Ignite Internet, there was one week where I saw overnight resets daily... but only that one week.


I measure the uptime of my Ignite gateway in months.  I would consider anything more frequent than that unusual.

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