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Unable to "Like" comments from others

I'm a senior contributor

Not sure if this is happening to others, but I am unable to click "like" on comments from others. I do see that a few of my own comments have been liked by others, but whenever I click "like" it fails to record the "like given". I have recently read a number of comments that I would like to "like", in particular some from @BS and @OLDYELLR, but the "likes" never go through.


Re: Unable to "Like" comments from others

I'm a senior advisor

I just tried Chrome and the Like button works. Just doesn't work with Firefox, my regular browser.  I hope Rogers isn't starting to phase out Firefox support. Smiley Sad

Re: Unable to "Like" comments from others



Thanks for bringing this to our attention, I just tried the same on Firefox on my end and the feature is working fine for me. Hopefully this was a one-time thing, please let us know if the issue persists :).




Re: Unable to "Like" comments from others

I'm a senior advisor

Still not working with Firefox  59.0.3, Windows 7 for me. Had to fire up Chrome to "Like" your post.

Re: Unable to "Like" comments from others

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@OLDYELLR: I was able to "like" your post using FF59.0.2 on my Mac Mini.  When I hover over the "thumbs up" symbol, the symbol changes from dark grey to light grey and the like comes up as soon as I click.


Make sure:


- You have JavaScript turned on

- You don't have pop-up blockers

- You don't have any extensions active like adblockers, as these can mess up script on certain websites.


As you know, some websites seem to prefer it if you use certain browsers. I have 3 different browsers that I use for different websites and different tasks...

Re: Unable to "Like" comments from others

I'm a senior advisor

I have the same popup and ad blockers I've always had. This just started recently. The symbol does change colour when I hover over it, but clicking does nothing.  I can click every other function on the page and it works. Not a big deal, just something I noticed.  I prefer Firefox and only use Chrome for experimenting and checking the Anyplace TV "Coming Soon" manage PVR feature every day or so.

Re: Unable to "Like" comments from others

I'm a senior advisor

One thing you may be running into with likes on the forum is on Firefox, they have built in by default restrictions on many trackers, not just pop ups.


I have identified that currently what is blocking likes for me is that there is one marketing ad - cookie trackers are now classified as Advertising ad controls, Forum includes Adobe Audience manager and one called Ad-this.  Next is essential tracker cookies - Forum lists Google Tag manager and Adobe dynamic tag manager that interfaces with Adobe analytics and google analytics,  and there are site analytics - the two I just mentioned, and on forum is also qualitric - you can search all of these to see what they do.  Oh the last is social network contacts, where you share, but remember the moment you do that, you now have two privacy policy and practices to be aware of.


I wouldn't have expected this, but blocking Ad-This stopped liking - reading the description on line, along with cookies that link buttons for social media connections, ad-this provides the tools for building the status like senior advisor, or I am here a lot, as well as the awards.  It is pulling data from other places too to run what they describe as tools to increase engagement in use of the website - i.e., part of the tools that create gaming principles - there may be others operating in there, such as comments, responses, so I may be limiting my awards, but the title Senior Advisor is a misnomer anyway - I am senior, I do give advise, but I also actively provide alternative solutions, I actively engage in discussions on things that are being questioned about Rogers business practices.


So I am using an app add on my firefox broswer, that allows me to see what is being blocked and not blocked - many sites like DAAC also have agreements and work with Google and other sites to make opting out very easy - opt out of the participants of over 1000 customers in one click.  You have to install their add-in to make it so they don't get changed by accident.


But if you have the ad-in cookie blocked, and I would suspect if it is not functioning properly on the back end, or the cookie is corrupt, you can't like.  So I go the add-on ghosterly, which Google recommends as an add on and I see what is there - amazing how many companies are out there.


Turning them off can slow down some sites, but also speed up some sites, but some features stop things from working like ad-on with the like button, and on MyRogers, opting out of the customer interaction cookie, entitled bold chat,you won't be able to chat - it monitors both the customer and the CSR.


So this is also a message of what clarity and transparency looks like - conglomerates of signed on companies and tools that assist us to make choices, and other sites that guide us which companies are not part of the conglomerates, but you also need to understand the function of each of these cookies and that some may interfere with key function on a site.



Re: Unable to "Like" comments from others

I'm a senior advisor

@BS You solved it. It's Firefox. The current version has extra tracking protection and when I disable it, I can "like" your post. Nowadays with news sites having paywalls and limits on the number of visits, etc, it's a constant struggle. While add-ons help, they can also slow down a browser, so it's a toss-up.


BTW, I tried to accept your post as a solution, but the option was not available because someone else had previously accepted something else as a solution. That's another flaw here.





Re: Unable to "Like" comments from others

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@OLDYELLR wrote:

@BSYou solved it. It's Firefox. The current version has extra tracking protection...

I did mention this in post 25 of this thread. As I stated there, I have several different browsers set up in several different ways to optimize my browsing experience on various web-sites.


Rather than turning features/extensions on or off in the browser, I simply switch browsers which is only one click away.  The choice of how you handle things is obviously up to you.  I also have a favourite browser, but I find it much easier to switch to another if I encounter any issues with my "favourite".

Re: Unable to "Like" comments from others

I'm a senior advisor

For me, I use Firefox almost exclusively because of their "transparency" their long term commitment to the Mozilla and open source model, plus in general, I like it better.  I am getting old (yes, for me, getting old does lead me to be a bit more stubborn on my preferences).  I now work with every site, identifying what I want turned on and off, using the Firefox tools and additional tools.  But as you say, to each their own.  The specific issue that we are dealing with today is that one single cookie (Qualtrics) and even if I use the other browsers, I block cookies selectively on them too.  It has taken a bit to get it set up on all browsers, but once set, I don't have to have to redo it.  Ghostly actually classifies it as site analytics, which can be a cookie that provides functionality, but also can show patterns of use of the site, such as what do you click on and open etc.


These days, I am looking more at the granularity of control of my cookies.  It is correct in the post 23 that the issue differs, as with many sites, and switching browsers often helps, but my point in the post was to take it down to the granular level of how to protect my privacy, make choices over targetted advertising, and other purposes.


But good point to try multiple browsers.  I personally never touch Chrome anymore except to check anyplace tv for the "coming soon" on PVR management - another beef.


Of note, there is also a new android and iphone version of Firefox called firefox pulse - you can use it to lock out all tracking - it will definitely impact some sites and doesn't permit for granular changes, but it provides a list of every tracking cooking, and other cookies that are being run to pull data from your computer browser to outside 3rd party sites.  I used it before I got ghostly add on to tell what level of granularity I needed to go with my primary firefox, now I just let Ghostly do it for me and I can isolate what I have to have what I don't and in some cases, just decide, I have no pressing desire to be a part of how this site runs.


The whole privacy issue has educated me a lot between essential cookies to improve our experience, versus cookies to mine information to target their ads to us.  I have not had a local ad pop up in a search on a web site in over a week.  No more, search for how to fix a squeaky railing on my porch, and my next google search includes reference to railing companies, Home Depot, Lowes in my local area.  I can't fix my railing without replacing it given its design, so if I decide to I will search then.  I don't need posts on facebook, google searches, etc to remind me I have a squeaky railing that I am not going to replace.  I think I will just problem solve and try some contact cement - the brazing gave out when the top rail bowed when the steps shifted.



Re: Unable to "Like" comments from others

I'm a senior advisor

I have been using Firefox exclusively for everything except Rogers anyplace as I prefer its functionality and security and privacy practices over the alternatives.


But recently after an upgrade that occurred, I am no longer able to "like" comments on the forum from Firefox.  I have no changes or add-on extensions operating on the browser at this time, it is just an out of the box default set up.


But I guess the higher level of security and privacy that Firefox has implemented now prevents one of the cookies related to the page for functionality to not work.  Welcome to the post EU privacy guidelines - time for Rogers to take a look at catching up.


But for now, I can still like on Chrome.  Thanks Rogers for forcing me to have to use non-preferred browsers - oh well, life goes on.



Re: Unable to "Like" comments from others

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Hey @BS,


I just logged in through FireFox and everything seems to be working fine (Mr Captcha did appear...)


Have you tried closing and reopening the browser to see? When did this issue start occuring?




Re: Unable to "Like" comments from others

I'm a senior advisor

I did some debugging, ultimately, I deleted Firefox and did a clean install, refusing to allow my previous add-ons and cookies to be imported.


I had set my firefox to a farely high level, opted out of google analytics, and used the Canadian organization opt out tool.


From playing with an add-on to monitor cookies, I had identified that there is one cookie that is required to make Like's work, can't remember the tool.  Guess Firefox was blocking it, but when I reinstalled, it works now.


I do comment on this issue back in the discussions related to the Yahoo/Oath mess of earlier this year and my analysis of what cookies were required to make the interactive functions of the forum work, as well as chat functionality.  Qualitrics, I think was the third party cookie.


So resolved, but not at my preferred level of choice of what cookies I want on my computer.


Now I have to figure out what extensions I was using as I wiped them all and some of them were useful to me, like mail to and other functions.


Ahh computers - got to love them, got to hate them.  Thought I left all that insanity when I retired from that field.



Re: Unable to "Like" comments from others

I'm a senior advisor

Found what blocks the actions.  At the top left hand side of the web page bar, you will see a little shield.


If you click it, it will give you the option of disabling all tracking protection on this page.  Firefox has a feature to block some tracking cookies, and when I logged back into synching on my firefox, this security feature was enabled again.


I can't remember how to turn it on and off, but from that shield, you can disable all Firefox protection from the site, don't know if it is one time, and then the like works.


Firefox is trying to protect us, and the use of the Qualitrix cookie forces us to override all blocking of all the tracking cookies, even the marketing ones in order to use the interactive features.


Will have to find the tool that allowed me to go granular on the cookies again.  Then I can opt in and out of marketing versus essential cookies for page management.


Also the information points out to me that the community is not a protected HTTPS site, not that it matters that much - what we post here is open to the public anyway off a Google search, and we are already warned not to put confidential information here.



Re: Unable to "Like" comments from others

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Hey @BS,


Thanks for providing your findings. The community will benefit from knowing the root cause and help explain the situation if they are encountered similar symptoms.


I personally use Chrome when logging into the Community but that's because FF gave me an error like a year back and i've never had to change since 😄





Re: Unable to "Like" comments from others

I'm an enthusiast

It is a real challenge to find how to 'like' something.  It is buried almost not findable unless you are "in the know" or spend forever on here looking.

Re: Unable to "Like" comments from others

I'm a senior advisor



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