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Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm a senior advisor

I have a few complaints about forum navigation, as they still persist.


1. When reading messages in a thread, when you get to the bottom and there more pages, when you click Next or a new page number, often you get an error screen and have to return to the previous page and try a different way. This mostly happens with newer postings.


2. When I got the above error and went back, I would then try clicking Message Listing at the bottom, which would take me back to the thread, showing more new messages. This doesn't work half the time anymore, again mostly on newer, active threads.


3. A popular way to get back to the thread you're reading after the the above two ways don't work is to click the forum you're reading is the navigation panel on the right. The problem with that is if it's a long thread, you have to scroll all the way up again. This could be fixed by making the navigation panel floating, always in view, or having a Top button at the bottom of the page.


4. My kludge to get around those above problems is to hit Ctrl-Home to get to the top and then click the forum name at the top again, but this should not be necessary if the board was configured more user friendly.



***Edited Labels***


Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator


Thank you for your input, greatly appreciated!

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

The issues you've mentioned in #1 and #2 might get fixed in the next little while; I'll be able to confirm that soon.  


I like the idea of the 'floating' navigation and have added it to a list of enhancements.



Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

Well, I hope I don't jinx things by saying this, the last couple of days it seems that clicking "Message Listing" at the bottom of the page now takes you back to the first page, not some random old page like it was doing.


However, at least for recent posts, clicking Next or another page number at the bottom still gives this error message:


"An invalid set of parameters has been specified in the url.

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm a senior contributor

@OLDYELLR  I also noticed that "Message Listing" is consistenly taking me back to the first page which saves one click.


The Prev/Next/Page # is a problem with active threads like Navigatr which might have several pages of new posts each day.  What I do to get around is to click the title to get to the first unread post, finish that page and note the page number.  Then I click "Message Listing", click the last page arrow for the thread and then edit the page number in the URL to be the next page after the one I previously viewed.  Then the Prev/Next buttons navigate properly.


The other way is to click the last page arrow and then prev back until there are no more "New" posts, and then work forward from there.  Either way is a pain.

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm a senior advisor

@roxandtreez It looks like the Prev/Next/Page # works on old threads. However, I start by clicking the bold threads for new posts and that's where it falls apart, perhaps when there's no new posts on the selected page. But I cn't be positive and think it used to work at one time.

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

Hi @roxandtreez and @OLDYELLR,


Does this issue still persist?  If so, can you let us know which Thread/Page you were viewing?




Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm a senior contributor



Yes.  I tested it again today.  The most problematic thread is the New Navigatr thread, because it has the most activity.  If you click the description, it takes you to the first new post, but the format of the URL is incorrect with the page number in the middle.  So if you try to use the page numbers, or the prev/next you get an error message.


If you click on one of the page numbers for the thread, then the URL format is different and has the page number at the end.  Then the prev/next and page number all work.


I have previously deleted cookies and cleared the cache and the problem remains, even with different browsers.  Others on the site have reported the same problem.

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm a senior contributor

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm a senior advisor

The problem is that the forum is being constantly changed. As soon as something gets fixed, another change comes along and it's undone. Two weeks ago Message Listing didn't work and it took you back to some old page instead of the newest page. It was fixed a week ago and you could click the number in the new message column and see them. With the latest change there is no Message Listing but Back to Board, which takes you to a graphically fancier first page where threads with new messages shown in bold, but no way to find those new messages because there is no longer a new messages column.


Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

@roxandtreez wrote:



Yes.  I tested it again today.  The most problematic thread is the New Navigatr thread, because it has the most activity.  If you click the description, it takes you to the first new post, but the format of the URL is incorrect with the page number in the middle.  So if you try to use the page numbers, or the prev/next you get an error message.


If you click on one of the page numbers for the thread, then the URL format is different and has the page number at the end.  Then the prev/next and page number all work.


I have previously deleted cookies and cleared the cache and the problem remains, even with different browsers.  Others on the site have reported the same problem.


Hi @roxandtreez,


The URLs differ depending on where/how you are accessing the thread/post from.


If you are opening the thread/post through our Homepage or Latest Post page, the URL will be unique to that specific post.

For example, your post's unique URL is:

where as this whole thread's URL is


When and If this thread becomes multiple pages, it will generate the extra "/page/#"  afterwards. At this time, you can simple edit the # with the desired page.


Hope this clears it up.




Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

@OLDYELLR wrote:

The problem is that the forum is being constantly changed. As soon as something gets fixed, another change comes along and it's undone. Two weeks ago Message Listing didn't work and it took you back to some old page instead of the newest page. It was fixed a week ago and you could click the number in the new message column and see them. With the latest change there is no Message Listing but Back to Board, which takes you to a graphically fancier first page where threads with new messages shown in bold, but no way to find those new messages because there is no longer a new messages column.


@OLDYELLR , @roxandtreez


The old Message Listing link has now been renamed to Back to Board.


We recently changed and fixed the Message Listing function. @OLDYELLR mentioned in prior posts that using the Message Listing menu, which included the Previous Topic and Next Topic,  would sometimes results in a broken link or incorrect Board page.  With our latest update today, this has been resolved. 


I will try to see if we can implement the New Message column on as well. Stay tuned!


If you do encounter a reoccurring issue, do continue to let us know.





Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm a senior contributor



As of today, "Back to Board" does not show in my navigation.  All I get is a circle and left and right arrows followed by page numbers.  Next/Prev don't show.  Is this intentional, or a by product of trying to fix the navigation.



Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm a senior contributor

@RogersRoland  I understand that, and that is what causes the error message, because the links within the navigation once you open the post don't have the page number at the end, they are in the middle as in this example:


Having the page 1 in the middle creates the error.


As a matter of interest, the next/prev work on this thread today with the missing text in the navigation as mentioned in an other reply.

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing



The "Back to Board" navigation menu will appear differently depending on the size of your browser window. For example, if you are viewing it on your computer or tablet and the horizontal spacing permits, you will see the full menu with text.



If you resize your window, or viewing on your mobile device, it will automatically shorten the navigation menu for you.




Also, thank you for letting us know the navigation menu is working. 




Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm a senior advisor

@roxandtreez wrote:



As of today, "Back to Board" does not show in my navigation.  All I get is a circle and left and right arrows followed by page numbers.  Next/Prev don't show.  Is this intentional, or a by product of trying to fix the navigation.



When I reduce my zoom, as suggested by @RogersRoland, down to 50%, I still see the same thing, except really tiny. I'm using Firefox on a Windows 7 laptop. What are you using?

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing



Sorry, I meant to say "the size of your browser window". I fixed my previous post for clarification. 


In order to provide a uniform experience for all our users in the Community, We are testing and troubleshooting using Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome browsers 🙂



Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm a senior contributor



I'm using a 15 inch Macbook Pro and Chrome.  When I reduced my zoom from 125% to 110%, the captions re-appear.  Of course that makes the page a bit harder to read, especially with these lighter fonts that Rogers seems to love right now.  Earlier this week, they displayed at the same 125% zoom level, although when there were many pages in the thread the "back to board" text would overlap the "share" text on the bottom left.  Also, it used to "stack" the next/prev topic and the next/prev page if necessary so that there was more horizontal space, but I guess that has been changed.



By the way Roland, I said that prev/next work for this thread.  It still does not work in older threads like the Updated Navigatr thread.

Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm a senior advisor

Agreed on the "lighter fonts". My old eyes prefer a black font rather than this pale blue. Everything in pastel colours may be less offensive, but poor communications.


Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing



I am having trouble recreating the error you are experiencing. I am using this thread as an example:


I can safely go to the previous and next topic from there.


Can you try sending/copying the URL where you start having issues?



Re: Forum Navigation - what needs fixing

I'm a senior contributor



I just noticed today that my reply to this post has disappeared.  Not sure what happened - did I get censored? 


Back to the prev/next issue.  I was testing further tonight and discovered that if I connect to in incognito mode, then the next/prev works properly.  Incognito mode does not pass any cookies, etc.  So I tried again deleting all cookies with Rogers in them, but it did not clear the problem.  This indicates to me that there is a cookie or something that is being used that does not have Rogers in the URL.  Going through the list of all cookies, I found one for which whois reveals is for  I deleted this one too, but the problem remained.


You might say "delete all cookies for all sites", but why would I lose all my preferences for hundreds of sites just because the Rogers community forums don't work?  For example, once I delete the Rogers cookies, I immedately get the pop-up for a site survey for Rogers.  I don't want this kind of thing on all the sites I use.  It would be better for you to contact the developers and find out all the cookies, flash cookies, data storage, etc. that they are using so these can be deleted without disrupting the behaviour of every other web site.


In response to your question, If I click the title of the Update Nextbox Navigatr thread, then I am taken to page 1 with the link:


The URL pointed to by the Next link is


which generates the error message.


If I go back to board and then choose "1" to get the first page, then I am taken to page 1 with the link


The URL pointed to by the Next link is


Which is the correct link.


Earlier in this thread, it was stated that the problem was known by Rogers, but there was no fix yet.  Incognito mode may be another work-around, but I don't know what other issues it may create.  I'll try it over the next few days and see what happens.  I can use incognito mode for the forums and "normal" mode for checking my usage, viewing my bill, etc.

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