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5G Infinite Premium Canada+US+MEX+Caribbean - Unwritten rules...

I plan to stick around

After spending much time on the phone with Rogers representatives and having several agree with me, none are in a position to correct the issue and one of them informed me about this forum as a way to "get eyes on the issue".
To keep this short and to the point, I'll summarize the concerns I'm having.

- In October 2024, I changed my plan to the 5G Infinite Premium Canada+US+MEX+Caribbean. Typically, when you make a plan change the system will automatically email you a notification that includes the Wireless Service Agreement outlining your new plan. This email never was sent, and still, to this day multiple Rogers Reps cannot find any notification sent from the system on the day the change was made. 

- At the end of October 2024, I called to inquire what destinations were included in my new plan. I was told there were only some Caribbean countries included however the agent nor I could find this list anywhere on the public website for reference. The agent escalated the issue and raised a ticket as the information was only located on internal systems and was nowhere public for consumers to reference. Nothing came from this ticket, and as of today (January 28, 2025), this information is still not public.

- On my current bill, I was dinged with a $15 roaming charge in the Caribbean. I called in to dispute and while the agent wanted to credit me back the charge his back office told him not to as that country wasn't part of my plan. I inquired where this list was located, and was told it be outlined in my Wireless Service Agreement. I advised it was never received when I did the plan change, and if he could find it and resend it. He did some digging and as I already knew from past interactions the system was not showing that this notification was ever sent in October 2024 when the plan was changed, additionally he couldn't find the Wireless Service Agreement for my line to send me so we could confirm if there was a detailed list of included countries in there.  Based on this information, and the back and forth AFTER over 1.5hr the back office agreed to credit the $15 Roaming chargeback and told me it would be a ONE TIME Exception.  1.5 hours is an unacceptable time to get a $15 credit reversed. 

- Shortly after that interaction, I received a follow-up call from a Customer Experience Advisor (CEA) to see if I felt the issue was resolved. I expressed my frustration with how difficult it was to get the credit and stated the issue is NOT resolved as Rogers is holding me accountable to plan rules that they have not disclosed in writing to me. The CEA acknowledged my concerns and confirmed the information doesn't exist on the public Rogers website, but it's in their internal system under the plan details. As a consumer, I don't have access to their internal systems, and shouldn't be held accountable to plan rules not outlined in my documents.  Following the call, the CEA copied the internal plan rules into an email and sent it to me.

This is your full plan details: 

What's included
Data and network
  • 150GB
  • Unlimited Canada+US+Mexico anytime calling
  • Unlimited Canadian long distance calling
  • Unlimited US long distance calling
  • Unlimited Canada-wide text messages
  • Unlimited US text messages
  • Unlimited International text messages
  • Unlimited Canada-wide picture and video messages
  • Unlimited US picture and video messages
  • Unlimited International picture and video messages
Plan exclusive
  • 90 days of Roam Like Home usage in the US, Mexico and Caribbean (Jamaica, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Aruba, Barbados, Turks & Caicos, Antilles, Trinidad & Tobago, Puerto Rico, Antigua & Barbuda, Guadeloupe, Netherlands Antilles, Saint Lucia - Martinique, Anguilla, Cayman Island, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Grenada, Antigua, Saint Kitts, Saint Vincent & The Grenadines, Dominica, Saint Vincent, British & US Virgin Islands, Montserrat, Cuba, and Haiti).

- The CEA emails raised more questions and concerns;

1. The email mentions only 90 days of Roam Like Home usage, something I had never been previously told. 
2. Under 'Talk' it states the plan includes Unlimited Canada+US+Mexico anytime calling, while under 'plan exclusive' is states the plan includes 90 days of Roam Like Home usage in the US, Mexico and Caribbean. So what is it, is the US and Mexico calling unlimited as outlined above, or is it limited to 90 days under Roam Like Home?

3. It's important to highlight that while this internal email doesn't mention it, by monthly bill states my plan includes 

Access to your data and Unlimited Calling/Intl. Text/Pic+Vid Msgs to/from Can+US+Mexico+Caribbean.  With Roam Like Home, your plan works within a country that is included plus calls back to Canada. However, my plan as outlined on my bill clearly states that the Access to Data and Unlimited Calling is TO/FROM these countries.

4. The internal document states 90 days but fails to outline 90 days of what. 90 days a year? 90 days a quarter? 90 days consecutively at a time?  This query was brought forward by a Rogers Rep who stated that whoever wrote the internal plan details didn't do a good job as there are lots of things that don't make sense.


Following the receipt of this email, I did more digging and found several things. I did a hardware upgrade in December which pushed me to a Wireless Service Agreement, Nowhere is this document that outlines any restrictions/exclusions to Caribbean countries included within this plan, nor does it mention anything to be limited to 90 days of Roam Like Home.  While my monthly bill includes all my plan details, it also does not mention any restrictions/exclusions to Caribbean countries included within this plan, and neither does it mention anything to be limited to 90 days of Roam Like Home.

At the end of the day, the plan I agreed to is the one outlined in my Wireless Service Agreement (WSA) and within my monthly bills. The internal plan rules that Rogers has had zero bearing on my usage, and unless it's included within the WSA or my bill, I'm not bound to those exclusions/limitations.
The risk with Rogers governing plans solely based on internal documents without providing this information to consumers via the WSA or bill is that Rogers can make changes whenever they want to the disadvantage of the consumer.  
While multiple Rogers reps agreed with me, the reality is anytime their system decides to charge me incorrect additional fees, I will be required to waste hours of my time to resolve the issue. This is not acceptable.

I'm sharing this here to bring awareness to this issue to anyone else on the same plan.


Re: 5G Infinite Premium Canada+US+MEX+Caribbean - Unwritten rules...

I'm an advisor
As far as I know. The 90 day limit is common on newer plans. The same plan uaed to exist without the roaming limit or mayne it still does as long as you have it. I spend 6 months of the year in the US and haven't had any issues in the past.

Re: 5G Infinite Premium Canada+US+MEX+Caribbean - Unwritten rules...

I plan to stick around

Yeah, the 90-day limit does appear to only apply to newer plans as my old one never had it. The issue here is that the limitations of the plan are outlined nowhere in the Wireless Service Agreement nor the monthly bill. How do they expect consumers to know about this as everything in my documents states it's unlimited, and all Caribbean is included (when it apparently is not). 

Re: 5G Infinite Premium Canada+US+MEX+Caribbean - Unwritten rules...


Hello @Flyboy88 ,


Thanks for visiting us in the community and for bringing this matter to our attention. We certainly try to be as transparent as possible, so I am disappointed to hear that this may have not been the case this time around. We'd really like to have a look into this for you to see what happened and how we can do better moving forward.


If possible, please send us a private message @CommunityHelps so we can assist you further. For more information on how our Private Messaging system works, please check out our blog.


Thank you,




Re: 5G Infinite Premium Canada+US+MEX+Caribbean - Unwritten rules...

I've been here awhile
What was the final outcome. Capped at 90 days roaming in usa Mexico and carribean

Re: 5G Infinite Premium Canada+US+MEX+Caribbean - Unwritten rules...

I plan to stick around
As mentioned in my original post none of these restrictions or exclusions exist within the wireless service agreement or bill… as a result the issue is currently with the CCTS and Rogers to resolve. At this point, no update.

Re: 5G Infinite Premium Canada+US+MEX+Caribbean - Unwritten rules...

I've been here awhile
Does anyone know if caracao is included in the carribean plan. I have seen some posts that say it is and others that don't. Of course rogers refers you to a chat post.

Re: 5G Infinite Premium Canada+US+MEX+Caribbean - Unwritten rules...

I've been here awhile
This company has been nothing but hassle since switching from Telus. The Netherland Antilles has been dissolved since 2010, so maybe the person that wrote the policy should list the 5 countries, as I plan to use my phone in Caracao as it is part of the kingdom of Netherlands and a former Antilles Island.

How this company made 20 billion in revenue is just baffling. They don't explain the automated billing in the first 30 days either.

Re: 5G Infinite Premium Canada+US+MEX+Caribbean - Unwritten rules...

Good morning @Brlake,


Just to confirm, did you mean Curaçao?


You can always swing on over to our website here: U.S. and International Travel Roaming Options - Rogers and if you scroll down a little, you'll see a search box below "Search U.S. & International rates" where you can enter the name of your destination to find out if it's a Roam Like Home destination.


In this case, Curaçao is included as a destination for that particular plan.



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