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Rogers Home Phone Tech Charges

I've been here awhile

I posted on PissedConsumer and was advised to post my gripe here. I am really hoping that I will get help here.

In Nove,mber 2021, I called Rogers because suddenly I had no landline. I had no dialling tone on either of my two  landlines.A technician arrived and told me that I needed new telephones. He fiddled around for about 5 minutes and I plugged in an old telephone that I had and voila , I had dialling tone. NO NEW INSTRUMENT WAS PLUGGED IN!!.

I stupidly assumed that the second line would be working as well, so I forgot to ask him toi check the second line. Well wouldn't you know, the second line was NOT working/ I called Rogers again , being very honest and telling them that I forgot to ask him to check, They sent me another technician who told me that the first technician had wired incorrectly. Using the same old instruments,and 3 minutes of work, I had two landlines working. 

However I received a bill for $91 for his 3 minutes of work. I called billing dept, explained what had happened and the person stationed in Barrie, told me he would reverse the charge. Well reverse he did not. I was told the technician had submitted a report that he had to connect my telephones. Strange report because how would I know I had no landlines if the pgones were not plugged in. They sure can make up false stores. So it cost me $91 to plug my phones in? Unbelievable.

In our building we have an intercom service. If you need to enter, a person dials the number assigned by the building for each apartment. Mine was not working so I called Rogers again A technician was assigned to arrived between 4pm nd 5:45pm. At 4:17 pm I received a message that the technician was on the way. Well I aited and waited and waited and at 18:00 I called Rogers to find out where the technician was. I was told that he had called me and I did not answer my cell phone/landline. This is the furthest thing from the truth. NO ROGERS TECHNICIAN CALLED ME ONEITHER PHONE. Nothing is reflected on either phone that a call had been received. I have the technician(who cannot be truthful) name.

I am not too sure what Rogers technicians are taught by their managers, but they sure know how to fabricate stories.

After talking to  Rogers man he told me that I should not have been charged at all and the price charged was unbelievably high.

An apology from these untruthful technicians would be in order and a FULL REFUND OF MY $91 WOULD BE IN ORDER.


*Added Labels*


Re: Rogers Home Phone Tech Charges


Hello, @snoopy12.


Thank you for your detailed post, and welcome to our Community. 


Having no dial tone on both of your lines can surely be disruptive!


Based on the details provided, getting back the dial tone after you plugged an old phone indicates it’s not a Rogers’ service or equipment issue. In this scenario, the service call is chargeable.


Your bill of $91 most likely includes your monthly subscription fee. The service call charge should be $49.99 plus taxes. 


We can look into your bill and explain the charges. Also, we can pull up the tech notes and request a coach back from their managers. Please send us a private message at @CommunityHelps. You can find details about our private messaging in this blog




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