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NAVIGATR: List of issues from Community

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Creating this list as a consolidated area, where known problems/concerns about the Navigatr can be collected.  This is designed to be a general starting point of feedback to the Rogers Community Forums team so they can forward this to the right teams within the company.  To make sure the key points are made clear and visible, on top of them taking the comments in the Navigatr threads.

I have broken them into TWO groups.  Things that are definately Broken/Need to be fixed, and the key concerns/complaints.  Only reasoning for this, is while almost all of us may HATE the way feature X is working now, it at least does work, vs other features which may be broken.


Please be aware that this is no guarantee that any of these things will be fixed or changed.  None of the Rogers Community Forums team has any power over the decisions made by the powers-that-be at Rogers or the developers of the software.


Known Issues – To be fixed

  • Closed Captioning & Recordings – No proper way to enable.
    Currently there is no way to properly turn on CC on any recordings.  Under RTN, you would hit INFO then enable the CC as you would on live TV. 
    The INFO button currently brings up completely different things than on RTN, and there is NO CC options there.
    Current work around – Go into LIVE TV, then turn on CC there, then start the recording. (NOT A SOLUTION)
  • Closed Captioning Accessibility
    Separate from the above mentioned issues with CC, it comes down to the accessibility of it.
    It is currently much more work to enable, compared to previous versions.
    Under the old version, just required you to press INFO, then two more clicks over to the CC button.
    Under Navigatr, it requires you to press info, then  to MORE, then to move all the way to enable CC.  At minimum 3x as many clicks (and that is by pressing UP, pressing down requires MORE presses)
    This needs to be MOVED to a more accessible location, best case on the INFO screen as before.
  • Closed Captioning & Garbled text on Recordings
    Using the above work around, in most cases are able to get CC to display on a recording. 
    Some channels on playback, the text will be garbled and/or missing.
    This does not happen on all playback done by the above method.  Some specific channels seem to show this more than others (CTC, , etc)
  • Missing ‘Settings’
    Some users are missing the seettings screens.
    Only way so far to really restore the setting screen to work, is to do a factory reset, which will WIPE the drive of all recordings.
  • Favorite Button
    While it does bring up the favorites screen, it does mess around with other views then.  If you are trying to then bring up the guide afterwards, the guide does not come up in its normal proper view. You need to go into the filter, and change it to All Channels to get the proper guide back.
    Currently recomended not to use the FAV button and just press guide twice.
  • Info Button
    Pressing “info” brings up something different when watching a recording than when watching live TV.
    The experience should be more identical, or at least similar, in terms of needing the access to DV and CC as in RTN.
    Pressing "info" also stops the playback of your recording and if you press an incorrect button, may bring you back to the beginning of your recording instead of resuming.  Lack of CC or other controls like in the info for live TV
  • Reminders – Default action
    If you set up a reminder, and do not press anything, it will remain on the same channel.
    Default under RTN, was for it to CHANGE to the reminder channel.
    The older way seems to be preferred, or give the option to set what the default action is.
  • Duplicate Tiles for the same Title -  Same show having multiple tiles
    In the previous guide, a selected show (EG: NCIS), any recordings for NCIS would be in the same folder, regardless of which channel it was recorded on, a single recording or a series recording.
    Current guide, it will break out a seperate tile based on: Dfferent channel, Single Recording, Series Recording
    These should be the same as the previous, where they are all group together in one tile.  
    This will require the addition of the channel number in the details of the recording.
    This may require some additional changes as well, since the the right menu has an option for series changes, and there would be now multiple series in one folder.
    An short term thing which may fix until a larger one, would be to add a channel number in the corner of the tile to differentiate some on the tile
  • Single Recording - Information
    As per above, single recordings will get their own tile.  Going into this tile will give the program description, etc, but will NOT so any additional details as to what channel (no number or channel call sign), when was recorded, etc.
    At minimum, should show the same information as the series recording.
  • Wraparound through Menus
    With some menus you can use the up arrow to wrap around to the bottom of the list (when invoking CC for example), or the left arrow to quickly go to the far right (when using the letter search for example). However, with the Recordings list/tiles you cannot. This "wraparound" is inconsistent, annoying and should be corrected for the list, and anything else that doesn't perform that way.
  • Not seeing bottom row of tiles Fully
    Some people cannot see the bottom of the second row of tiles. This is due to Rogers not placing these in the "safe zone" for broadcast.  They are in an OVERSCAN area, which all TVs are not set up to show.  The area these tiles are in, should be reduced to be fully visible.
  • Selection Location after action preformed
    When viewing your scheduled recordings, if you perform an edit like deleting a scheduled recording, instead of going back to your "place" in the list/tiles, you are taken back to the top of the list. This is annoying since you may wish to do more editing.
  • Cant tell which PVR show is stored on - Whole Home PVR setup
    In a whole home PVR setup, there is no indication on WHICH device the recording is stored on.  All recordings are in one group.
  • Ongoing Recordings 
    Seeing an increasing number of people who have had runaway recordings.  Set a recording for a 1hr timeslot.. but ends up continually recording, often till the unit is restarted.  Doesnt appear to be any pattern at this time, just random.   User often keyed into it by extreme jump in in space on PVR used.  Recording still only says 1hr on description in saved recordings.
  • Scheduling Conflicts
    Currently if there is a scheduling conflict, it will bring up a warning that there is on, and no real way to manage which one to chancel properly.  Some have said that if you choose the current extra one you want to record, it is randomly choosing which other to cancel.  Needs a proper method as to which to cancel.
  • 9865 Unresponsiveness
    The 9865 is normally very fast with the new guide.  Some users have experienced where it slows down to be equal or worse than the 8642 slugishness.  Rebooting will usually fix temporarily.
  • Hide Unsubscribed Channels
    No longer a more perminant way to hide unsubscribed.  Under settings there are only options to hide specific channels.
    You are able to change the FILTER to just subscribed ones, but those filter changes do not stay.


Concerns / Requests for changes


  • Slow performance on the 8642 PVRs – If to continue on this software, needs to be optimized to run on this older hardware.
  • LARGE request for a list view to return instead of tiles.  Or give the option for one or the other.
    Also request for a view for ALL scheduled recordings, more in one quick list view as per in RTN.
    Was easier to see date/channel, time, etc upfront.
  • Date change on GUIDE -  changing the date, resets it to the Current time on the other day, rather than staying in the time slot you had selected.
  • When you click on LIST while watching a recorded program, then press exit.. the progress bar will remain until exit is pressed (vs disapearing automatically)
  • For some, the font is still too small.
  • PoP – the pictures are significantly smaller than they used to be. The “move” button allows you to go to PiP with various positions for the PiP and eventually back to PoP, however, it would be nice if the PoPs were bigger.
  • Scheduled recordings currently appear at the bottom of your list of “Recordings”, rather than in a separate list like before. Workable, but a bit strange and annoying for anyone with many "recordings"
    Most prefer all scheduled stuff on it OWN list.


@Gdkitty, @57@TheArcher@jays77@BS@molly222


Re: NAVIGATR: List of issues from Community

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Hi Community,


First, I'd like to say THANK YOU to @Gdkitty for spearheading this list in the Community.  Second, I'd like to acknowledge everyone who contributed to the list including @57, @TheArcher, @jays77, @BS, @molly222.


I'm happy to share an update with the Community about some upcoming changes to address some of the issues identified in the list above.  To streamline things, I've cut/paste the items from Gdkitty's list and inserted my comments below each item (in blue):


  • Closed Captioning & Recordings– No proper way to enable.
    Currently there is no way to properly turn on CC on any recordings.  Under RTN, you would hit INFO then enable the CC as you would on live TV.  
    The INFO button currently brings up completely different things than on RTN, and there is NO CC options there.
    Current work around – Go into LIVE TV, then turn on CC there, then start the recording. (NOT A SOLUTION)
    • An update will be deployed this summer that will provide the ability to turn on closed captions similar to how they were turned on previously.


  • Closed Captioning Accessibility
    Separate from the above mentioned issues with CC, it comes down to the accessibility of it.
    It is currently much more work to enable, compared to previous versions.
    Under the old version, just required you to press INFO, then two more clicks over to the CC button.
    Under Navigatr, it requires you to press info, then  to MORE, then to move all the way to enable CC.  At minimum 3x as many clicks (and that is by pressing UP, pressing down requires MORE presses)
    This needs to be MOVED to a more accessible location, best case on the INFO screen as before.
    • It will be easier to enable closed captioning per TV channels within Video on Demand titles in an update this summer.  In the meantime, closed captioning for live TV channels and Video on Demand can be enabled through the closed captioning option within the Navigatr settings/menu.


  • Closed Captioning & Garbled text on Recordings
    Using the above work around, in most cases are able to get CC to display on a recording.  
    Some channels on playback, the text will be garbled and/or missing.
    This does not happen on all playback done by the above method.  Some specific channels seem to show this more than others (CTC, , etc)
    • The issue affects closed captions on some channels during playback.  We are working on a fix to be deployed this summer.


  • Missing ‘Settings’
    Some users are missing the seettings screens.
    Only way so far to really restore the setting screen to work, is to do a factory reset, which will WIPE the drive of all recordings.
    • If you are unable to perform a factory reset, please send a PM to @CommunityHelps. To learn about sending a PM, see this post.


  • Favorite Button
    While it does bring up the favorites screen, it does mess around with other views then.  If you are trying to then bring up the guide afterwards, the guide does not come up in its normal proper view. You need to go into the filter, and change it to All Channels to get the proper guide back.
    Currently recomended not to use the FAV button and just press guide twice.
    • Pressing FAV on the remote will change the view in the guide to the Favourites view, where a list of favourite channels is displayed.  To return to normal view, from the Guide, press "C" and turn off the Favourites filter to restore the normal view.


  • Info Button
    Pressing “info” brings up something different when watching a recording than when watching live TV. 
    The experience should be more identical, or at least similar, in terms of needing the access to DV and CC as in RTN.
    Pressing "info" also stops the playback of your recording and if you press an incorrect button, may bring you back to the beginning of your recording instead of resuming.  Lack of CC or other controls like in the info for live TV
    • We are aware of this issue and will be addressing this through a Navigatr update this summer.


  • Duplicate Tiles for the same Title-  Same show having multiple tiles
    In the previous guide, a selected show (EG: NCIS), any recordings for NCIS would be in the same folder, regardless of which channel it was recorded on, a single recording or a series recording.
    Current guide, it will break out a seperate tile based on: Dfferent channel, Single Recording, Series Recording
    These should be the same as the previous, where they are all group together in one tile.  
    This will require the addition of the channel number in the details of the recording.
    This may require some additional changes as well, since the the right menu has an option for series changes, and there would be now multiple series in one folder.
    An short term thing which may fix until a larger one, would be to add a channel number in the corner of the tile to differentiate some on the tile
    • Currently in the Saved Recordings page, only recordings that were set to record as a series are grouped together under one tile. Any recordings that were recorded individually or Series recordings on different channels will appear as separate tiles. We are aware of this issue and we will be fixing this in a future release later this year.


  • Wraparound through Menus
    With some menus you can use the up arrow to wrap around to the bottom of the list (when invoking CC for example), or the left arrow to quickly go to the far right (when using the letter search for example). However, with the Recordings list/tiles you cannot. This "wraparound" is inconsistent, annoying and should be corrected for the list, and anything else that doesn't perform that way.
    • We are working to make the wrap-around text and other labels consistent throughout Navigatr.  This should be addressed this summer.


  • Not seeing bottom row of tiles Fully
    Some people cannot see the bottom of the second row of tiles. This is due to Rogers not placing these in the "safe zone" for broadcast.  They are in an OVERSCAN area, which all TVs are not set up to show.  The area these tiles are in, should be reduced to be fully visible.
    • See wrap-around text comment.


  • Selection Location after action preformed
    When viewing your scheduled recordings, if you perform an edit like deleting a scheduled recording, instead of going back to your "place" in the list/tiles, you are taken back to the top of the list. This is annoying since you may wish to do more editing.
    • We are aware of this issue and we are working on making Navigatr easier to use such that it returns you to the position in page where you left off.


  • Cant tell which PVR show is stored on - Whole Home PVR setup
    In a whole home PVR setup, there is no indication on WHICH device the recording is stored on.  All recordings are in one group.
    • We will be re-introducing the ability to see which PVR holds the recording in an update this summer.


  • Scheduling Conflicts
    Currently if there is a scheduling conflict, it will bring up a warning that there is on, and no real way to manage which one to chancel properly.  Some have said that if you choose the current extra one you want to record, it is randomly choosing which other to cancel.  Needs a proper method as to which to cancel.
    • The recording conflict screens in Navigatr are the same as before.  We confirmed there is no change to behaviour of these screens, nor is there a bug where Navigatr will randomly select a recording not to be recorded.  If you are experiencing an issue, please send a PM to @CommunityHelps.


  • 9865Unresponsiveness
    The 9865 is normally very fast with the new guide.  Some users have experienced where it slows down to be equal or worse than the 8642 slugishness.  Rebooting will usually fix temporarily.
    • We have recently deployed an update that will fix many of the performance issues customers are encountering with Navgiatr. The result of the update is speed improvements and significantly less 'freezing' of Navigatr.


  • Hide Unsubscribed Channels
    No longer a more perminant way to hide unsubscribed.  Under settings there are only options to hide specific channels.
    You are able to change the FILTER to just subscribed ones, but those filter changes do not stay.
    • We will be deploying an update this summer to make the filter apply persistently throughout Navigatr.


Concerns / Requests for changes

  • LARGE request for a list view to return instead of tiles.  Or give the option for one or the other.
    Also request for a view for ALL scheduled recordings, more in one quick list view as per in RTN.
    Was easier to see date/channel, time, etc upfront.
    • We appreciate the feedback and we are aware that customers have been asking for a text-based (list) view of recordings similar to how it was displayed prior to Navigatr. We’ll be reintroducing this, in addition to the ability to select multiple recordings for deletion in an update this summer.


  • When you click on LIST while watching a recorded program, then press exit.. the progress bar will remain until exit is pressed (vs disapearing automatically)
  • We are aware of the issue will be fixing this in an update later this year. In the meantime, please press “EXIT” to dismiss the progress bar. 


  • For some, the font is still too small.
  • Included in the most recent update, we did improve the legibility and contrast of within Navigatr, although we recognize there are more places we can improve. There is an update coming this summer that increases the font size in some areas of the guide.


  • PoP– the pictures are significantly smaller than they used to be. The “move” button allows you to go to PiP with various positions for the PiP and eventually back to PoP, however, it would be nice if the PoPs were bigger.
    • We did change the visual appearance of this screen but did not change the picture-in-picture screen size. The border around the video is indeed smaller which may give the impression the playback is smaller. As a tip, we suggest that customers can use the “MOVE” button to toggle the screen to full size if they wish to use the feature in full screen.


  • Scheduled recordingscurrently appear at the bottom of your list of “Recordings”, rather than in a separate list like before. Workable, but a bit strange and annoying for anyone with many "recordings".  Most prefer all scheduled stuff on it OWN list.
  • We combined Schedule Recordings and Recording under the same tile in Navigtr to make it easier to manage your recordings.


Please continue to provide your feedback in the Navigatr thread or you can reach out to Gdkitty directly via PM.  I've confirmed with Gdkitty that he will continue to update this page.  We are circulating your feedback with the appropriate teams in the company.  I will circle back to this thread to provide any future updates.


Re: NAVIGATR: List of issues from Community

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Hello Community,


I'm back with some updates!


But first, thank you for your patience.  It has been a while since my last post.


I'm thrilled to let you know that we will be delivering a Navigatr update to customers, with new and improved features based on YOUR feedback. Starting today and rolling out to communities over the coming weeks, Ontario customers will see an onscreen notification when the Navigatr update has been delivered to their set-top box. Customers will have the option to review the changes, or skip right to watching live TV.


Like last time, I've cut/paste items from Gdkitty's list and inserted my comments below each item (in blue):


  • Closed Captioning & Recordings – No proper way to enable.
    Currently there is no way to properly turn on CC on any recordings.  Under RTN, you would hit INFO then enable the CC as you would on live TV. 
    The INFO button currently brings up completely different things than on RTN, and there is NO CC options there.
    Current work around – Go into LIVE TV, then turn on CC there, then start the recording. (NOT A SOLUTION)  
    • This will be addressed in the upcoming enhancement.  Pressing INFO while watching a recording or Rogers on Demand content will bring up an option to enable or disable closed captioning.  For live TV, press INFO then MORE.  
  • Closed Captioning Accessibility
    Separate from the above mentioned issues with CC, it comes down to the accessibility of it.
    It is currently much more work to enable, compared to previous versions.
    Under the old version, just required you to press INFO, then two more clicks over to the CC button.
    Under Navigatr, it requires you to press info, then  to MORE, then to move all the way to enable CC.  At minimum 3x as many clicks (and that is by pressing UP, pressing down requires MORE presses)
    This needs to be MOVED to a more accessible location, best case on the INFO screen as before.
    • This will be addressed in the upcoming enhancement.  Pressing INFO while watching a recording or Rogers on Demand content will bring up an option to enable or disable closed captioning.  For live TV, press INFO then MORE.  


  • Closed Captioning & Garbled text on Recordings
    Using the above work around, in most cases are able to get CC to display on a recording.  
    Some channels on playback, the text will be garbled and/or missing.
    This does not happen on all playback done by the above method.  Some specific channels seem to show this more than others (CTC, , etc)
    • This was fixed in an enhancement deployed over the summer.  
  • Missing ‘Settings’
    Some users are missing the seettings screens.
    Only way so far to really restore the setting screen to work, is to do a factory reset, which will WIPE the drive of all recordings.
    • This was an issue affecting some users earlier this year.  This has been fixed.
  • Favorite Button
    While it does bring up the favorites screen, it does mess around with other views then.  If you are trying to then bring up the guide afterwards, the guide does not come up in its normal proper view. You need to go into the filter, and change it to All Channels to get the proper guide back.
    Currently recomended not to use the FAV button and just press guide twice.
    • This issue will be addressed in the upcoming enhancement.
  • Info Button
    Pressing “info” brings up something different when watching a recording than when watching live TV.
    The experience should be more identical, or at least similar, in terms of needing the access to DV and CC as in RTN.
    Pressing "info" also stops the playback of your recording and if you press an incorrect button, may bring you back to the beginning of your recording instead of resuming.  Lack of CC or other controls like in the info for live TV
    • When watching live TV, you will be presented with an option to record the program or record the series (as well as access other settings).  For Rogers on Demand and recordings, you will have an option to enable/disable CC as soon as you press INFO. 
  • Duplicate Tiles for the same Title -  Same show having multiple tiles
    In the previous guide, a selected show (EG: NCIS), any recordings for NCIS would be in the same folder, regardless of which channel it was recorded on, a single recording or a series recording.
    Current guide, it will break out a seperate tile based on: Dfferent channel, Single Recording, Series Recording
    These should be the same as the previous, where they are all group together in one tile.  
    This will require the addition of the channel number in the details of the recording.
    This may require some additional changes as well, since the the right menu has an option for series changes, and there would be now multiple series in one folder.
    An short term thing which may fix until a larger one, would be to add a channel number in the corner of the tile to differentiate some on the tile
    • Currently, in the Saved Recordings page, only recordings that were set to record as a series are grouped together under one tile. Any recordings that were recorded individually or Series recordings on different channels will appear as separate tiles.  
    • We continue to look at ways to improve the user experience, with the possibility of grouping tiles from recordings individually or series recordings across different channels in a future update.
  • Wraparound through Menus
    With some menus you can use the up arrow to wrap around to the bottom of the list (when invoking CC for example), or the left arrow to quickly go to the far right (when using the letter search for example). However, with the Recordings list/tiles you cannot. This "wraparound" is inconsistent, annoying and should be corrected for the list, and anything else that doesn't perform that way.
    • We've improved the PVR menu by including Poster Art for recordings.  We'll continue to look at ways to improve the wraparound text when Post Art is not available.
  • Not seeing bottom row of tiles Fully
    Some people cannot see the bottom of the second row of tiles. This is due to Rogers not placing these in the "safe zone" for broadcast.  They are in an OVERSCAN area, which all TVs are not set up to show.  The area these tiles are in, should be reduced to be fully visible.
    • We have changed the layout of recordings poster art view to improve the visibility and layout of recordings.


  • Selection Location after action preformed
    When viewing your scheduled recordings, if you perform an edit like deleting a scheduled recording, instead of going back to your "place" in the list/tiles, you are taken back to the top of the list. This is annoying since you may wish to do more editing.
    • This will be fixed in the upcoming enhancement. 
  • Hide Unsubscribed Channels
    No longer a more perminant way to hide unsubscribed.  Under settings there are only options to hide specific channels.
    You are able to change the FILTER to just subscribed ones, but those filter changes do not stay.
    • We've confirmed the issue and have flagged to the product team. 


  • LARGE request for a list view to return instead of tiles.  Or give the option for one or the other.
    Also request for a view for ALL scheduled recordings, more in one quick list view as per in RTN.
    Was easier to see date/channel, time, etc upfront.
    • With October's update, customers will have the choice to see recorded programs displayed in tiles (Poster Art) or list-view (text-only). WIth this, you'll also have the ability to delete multiple programs at once.


  • When you click on LIST while watching a recorded program, then press exit.. the progress bar will remain until exit is pressed (vs disapearing automatically)
    • This will be addressed in the upcoming enhancement.


  • For some, the font is still too small.
    • We have improved fonts and contrasts with this recent update.
  • PoP – the pictures are significantly smaller than they used to be. The “move” button allows you to go to PiP with various positions for the PiP and eventually back to PoP, however, it would be nice if the PoPs were bigger.
    • We've made changes to the PiP to improve the size of the playback window in the upcoming enhancement.


In addition, you will notice an updated and refreshed look for Rogers on Demand and Get More TV.


We are expecting to have the upgrade rolled out across Ontario by the end of October.  Please refer to our TV - How To's for more information on the new features.



Please provide your feedback in the Navigatr thread.  We continue to circulate your feedback with the appropriate teams in the company.  I will circle back to this thread to provide any future updates.




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