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Rogers Does Not Support iPhone Live Voicemail Properly

I plan to stick around

Rogers locks down even unlocked phones when it comes to Live Voicemail. They do not allow custom greetings. This is because the Rogers does not support custom greetings for Live Voicemail. Will Rogers unlock custom greetings for people using IOS17+? 


Re: Rogers Does Not Support iPhone Live Voicemail Properly

I'm here a lot

Something changed recently (perhaps at the iOS 17.2 update?) If you go Phone App > Voicemail, there is now a Greeting option in the upper right. On the Greeting page, you can select the Default greeting or Record & Save a Custom greeting. It doesn’t copy the greeting from Rogers’ servers but you can record a local one that sounds just the same.

Re: Rogers Does Not Support iPhone Live Voicemail Properly

@andrewmorrow wrote:

 If you go Phone App > Voicemail, there is now a Greeting option in the upper right. On the Greeting page, you can select the Default greeting or Record & Save a Custom greeting. 

Hmm, I don't appear to have that option on my iPhone SE 2020 with iOS 17.2....  Only Live Voicemail on or off...  No Voicemail and no Greeting options.

Re: Rogers Does Not Support iPhone Live Voicemail Properly

I see it now with the 17.2 update. Good catch!

Re: Rogers Does Not Support iPhone Live Voicemail Properly

Live Voicemail on/off is in Settings > Phone. Greeting is in the Phone App (green phone icon on the Home screen) > Voicemail (rightmost on the bottom tab bar).

Re: Rogers Does Not Support iPhone Live Voicemail Properly

@andrewmorrow wrote:   ...Greeting is in the Phone App (green phone icon on the Home screen) > Voicemail (rightmost on the bottom tab bar).

OK, thanks for the clarification. I still don't have that option, but it's perhaps because I have Rogers VM turned off on my PAYGo (Pre-Paid) plan. I would have thought the phone would be separate from Rogers VM, but perhaps not, or perhaps it's my SE2020 phone.

Re: Rogers Does Not Support iPhone Live Voicemail Properly

iPhone SE (2nd Gen, 2020) supports Live Voicemail. (If you see it in Settings > Phone, it's clearly supported). Not sure, then, why the Greeting option doesn't show up on your phone but you may be right that it may be due to VM being disabled at Rogers and this carries into the carrier profile on your phone.

Re: Rogers Does Not Support iPhone Live Voicemail Properly

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

The explanation from what I have been told is that only cellular lines that have been provisioned with Visual Voicemail will be able to have a Custom Greeting in Apple AI Assisted Live Voicemail.

As it stands, only POSTPAID customers are able to get the Visual Voicemail feature on their lines, Sorry Prepaid Customers (formerly called Pay As You Go) but this feature isn't available to Prepaid lines so no Custom Live Voicemail greeting for you.

Re: Rogers Does Not Support iPhone Live Voicemail Properly

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I am a silly person.  As I mentioned, I had Live VM turned off in my settings.  As soon as I turned it on there,  I could go into the Phone app and see the greeting option and record a greeting if I wanted, even though I'm on Pre-paid.

Re: Rogers Does Not Support iPhone Live Voicemail Properly

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Might be a USA only situation then, Glad the greeting works here.  The ability to set a personal greeting for Live Voicemail is kinda new, before it was just Live Voicemail with the default greeting or Off, they seem to have added the personal greeting in a new firmware.

Re: Rogers Does Not Support iPhone Live Voicemail Properly

I've been here awhile

My voicemail greeting is not being used , instead the generic greeting is being used, why?

Re: Rogers Does Not Support iPhone Live Voicemail Properly

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Dsnseibel : Did you record your greeting onto your iPhone as discussed in the recent posts of this thread? Also, make sure you select that greeting and not the default.  Link below:

Re: Rogers Does Not Support iPhone Live Voicemail Properly

I've been here awhile

I have iOS17.2.1 . My greeting was done on my iPhone. For some reason the Live Voicemail will not let me create a custom greeting. I do not get drop down options, etc? I have simply turned Live OFF .

Re: Rogers Does Not Support iPhone Live Voicemail Properly

I've been here awhile

You have the right update. You need to record a separate voicemail greeting for the Live Voicemail. So you should have TWO custom voicemail greetings. One for your carrier, one for Live Voicemail. 

On your phone, go to Settings > Phone > Live Voicemail and then turn on Live Voicemail.

Then, on your phone, go to your home screen. Click on the Phone icon (the icon you hit if you want to start a phone call).

At the bottom right you will see "Voicemail" with an icon. Click on that.

At the top you will see "Edit" on the left and "Greeting" on the right.  Click on "Greeting" then "Custom" then record a greeting and hit "save".


This should work however I noticed if I click on Greeting after I've saved my custom greeting, it reverts to Default so don't do that - instead, turn off your phone and ask someone to test it for you by calling you. 


Re: Rogers Does Not Support iPhone Live Voicemail Properly

I've been here awhile

Ah, I was confused by this also.  I selected "Custom" and recorded my Greeting, but then when I went back to it, it reverted back to "Default" so I assumed it hadn't worked.  But when I tested it by calling myself from another phone, it did in fact work even though my Greeting settings shows Default.  A but that needs to be fixed I guess, but at least it works.

Re: Rogers Does Not Support iPhone Live Voicemail Properly

I plan to stick around

One thing to be aware of is when roaming. If a call comes in and the user presses the Live Voicemail button to see the live transcript, in essence the iPhone's internal answering machine answers the call, thus triggering roaming charges.


I am not sure what happens if the user does not press the Live Voicemail button and does not answer the call. Since the call is still answered by the iPhone's internal answering machine, does this mean the call would again incur roaming charges?


Should we then completely disable Live Voicemail when roaming?

Re: Rogers Does Not Support iPhone Live Voicemail Properly

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@MichaelYYZ : A few comments.


If you have Live VM turned on, then the call coming into the phone would trigger roaming,  not when you access Live VM since that is already on your phone and all you're doing is accessing the phone's internal memory.


Here's a post on how to avoid roaming charges.  Turning off Live VM on it's own is not enough as evidenced in the link below::

Re: Rogers Does Not Support iPhone Live Voicemail Properly

I plan to stick around

You are right about how to avoid roaming charges. One issue is when we need to use 2FA with third-party providers (e.g. banks, etc.). 

Re: Rogers Does Not Support iPhone Live Voicemail Properly

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

you are correct about turning off the iphone live voicemail when roaming. A few of our family members is going travelling and some are non techie and they are iphone users. I will be briefing them about how to disable the live voicemail while travelling to avoid any surprise charges

Re: Rogers Does Not Support iPhone Live Voicemail Properly

I plan to stick around

I can confirm that this is broken on rogers in 2025 Feb, Live Voicemail doesnt work right it uses a default apple VM even if you have one configured with rogers.

Rogers appears to not work correctly with Live Voicemail.

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