Many thanks for your suggestions, including your suspicion that it is not possible to use the MAC filtering function for the ethernet. I will still try that path this evening, just in case it does work.
This particular device sets out, I supp...
Many thanks for your extremely helpful suggestions. I'll digest them this evening, and it may be that my son has managed to run an admin account.
I do have a question based on the opening of your message. The Rogers technicians to whom I h...
Many thanks. I appreciate your response enormously. I have been trying to get help from tech. reps at Rogers in to do what you suggest at the beginning of your message: i.e., to manually disable the ethernet port from within the Gateway settings modu...
Advice: blocking LAN ethernet port (or other solutions)
Dear Rogers Community:
Do you know of any way either to block access to a LAN ethernet port (using the Arris modem) or, alternatively, to create some sort of high-level block to prevent any ne...