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how much are you paying for internet and tv?

I'm a regular

i feel im paying alot what is everyone else paying?


i want to see if im getting a good deal or really bad deal.


how do you get a good deal


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Re: how much are you paying for internet and tv?

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Laurajane09 wrote:

i feel im paying alot what is everyone else paying?

i want to see if im getting a good deal or really bad deal.

how do you get a good deal

People generally do not post information here about the promotions that they receive.  I don't think it is against the rules, but it is also not helpful because even if someone does post about getting a ridiculously good deal, it may not be available at your address or it also may not be accessible by the support agent that you are speaking with.


If you wish, you could also share information about the services that you are interested in and the discounts that you were offered.  Others in the Community can then provide their feedback.


As for getting the best deal that you can, from what I have seen, Rogers tends to offer their best deals at certain times of the year:

- Back-to-school (late August/early September), although the best deals are sometimes only available to students with student ID.

- Black Friday

- A few weeks before Christmas

- Boxing day through to the end of the year


You may also find good deals at certain events.  (I don't know about Rogers but I have heard of people getting FANTASTIC deals for Bell FTTH at the Canadian National Exhibition.)


Also try the wireless kiosk at Costco.


The best deals are usually also often only available to new customers or retention deals after you cancel your services.


The "best" times of the year are also the times that I have seen the beat offers on MyRogers.  The only problem there is that you will only see promotions that require upgrading your current services.


You can also try sending a private message to @CommunityHelps and asking them to check pricing and discounts for services that you are interested in.


Lastly, if you absolutely must sign up for services right now, do it, but DO NOT accept any offers with a "term discount" that locks you into a multi-year contract with early cancellation fees.

Re: how much are you paying for internet and tv?

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Just to add to @-G-'s comments:


1.  I highly recommend messaging the moderators at @CommunityHelps when it comes to determining costs for Rogers services that you are interested in.  That messaging back and forth gives you time to digest the information that the moderators will send you, so, you're not under pressure to "accept" a deal.  When you're satisfied with the offer that the moderators can extend to you, you can accept that offer via message.


2.  Rogers reps should offer you two rates in terms of "two year" contracts.  One without an Early Termination Fee, and one with an Early Termination Fee.  An offer without an ETF will most likely be $10 (?)/month more than an offer with an ETF.  So, yes you can probably save money by accepting a contract with an ETF, but, hey, you never know if something will come up and you have to cancel your service.  Without an ETF, that's a simple process, cancel the contract and return any equipment that must be returned.  With an ETF, you're looking at a payout penalty cost which depends on how much longer you have to go before you're finished the contract.  That appears to catch a number of customers off guard, and I don't know if that's because the ETF was not fully explained up front or not.  


If you're looking to change any of your services, you need to review the type of contract that you're in, without ETF, or with ETF.  Rogers should have sent you a Critical Information Summery, Residential Services Agreement, and Terms of Service and Other Important Information document which outline all of your services.  That would have arrived shortly after your last renewal.  It's very important that you review those documents prior to deciding to launch off and change your services.  If you're under a contract with an ETF, then the question is, how much is the cost to change that contract.  That might be a deciding factor on whether or not to change your services.  You should ask the agent that you contact what the exact payout will be if you decide to change your services.  Once again, I highly recommend inquiring about any contract renewal or contract change with the moderators.  


@CommunityHelps is the group address for the moderators here on the Rogers Forum.  When you're logged into the forum, follow this link to the @CommunityHelps page.  On that page will be a link on the right hand side to Send a Message.  Follow that link to the message composition page.  The address will fill in automatically.  Fill in the subject and details, including your account number and when the message is complete, hit Send Message at the bottom.


When you're logged into the forum, look for a number overlaying the envelope symbol at the upper right hand corner.  That will indicate that there's an inbound message for you.  Follow that envelope symbol as it serves as a link to the message inbox and outbox.  From the response in the inbox you can then message back and forth as required.  There will be an authentication procedure that you will have to complete in order to service any change requests for your account.


To send anyone else on the forum a message, including @CommunityHelps, hover your mouse over their user name and a popup will appear with a link to send a Private Message.  Follow that Private Message link to the message composition page and as before the message addressee will fill in automatically.  Fill in the subject and details and hit Send Message when you're ready to send the message.

Re: how much are you paying for internet and tv?

I've been here awhile

Im paying around $115 all in for ignite , with 20 pack theme channels, and fast internet

Re: how much are you paying for internet and tv?

I'm a regular

i look at the agreement later and it was $30 more i was trying to save money?

what do i do? i just need internet i need a good deal.

what everyone paying just internet

Re: how much are you paying for internet and tv?

The best internet deals for my area, Scarborough, are from TekSavvy. I currently pay $90 after tax for 1.5Gbit while I wait for Bell to finish their Fiber install to the building I live in. I can't wait to ditch these slow upload speeds for 1Gbit+ up and 2Gbut down.

Re: how much are you paying for internet and tv?

i meant just internet 

Re: how much are you paying for internet and tv?

@Laurajane09 wrote:

i meant just internet 

A few weeks ago, I was in Costco and asked about their pricing for Ignite Internet.  Their best deal was $40 off the regular price for Rogers Ignite 1 Gigabit Internet, bringing the price down to $80/month, month-to-month, no contract.  That deal was only (easily) available to new customers.  It was also WAY better than the prices that Rogers was offering to new customers on their web site.


As an Ignite TV customer, Rogers would not give me any pricing information for Internet-only.  To get those options, I would have to try to cancel my service to get access to someone on the retentions team or actually cancel my services and wait for a call with a winback offer.


You can also get better pricing from third-party (TPIA) providers but they only have access to lower upload speeds, either 50 or 100 Mbps (depending on the area and the speed tiers that they offer) with their 1 Gigabit service.

Re: how much are you paying for internet and tv?

I've been here awhile

Last year Rogers tricked me into a 2 year contract saying I would get a discount on my services. Instead they upgraded my services and then gave a partial discount for the now pricier package I did not ask for. So I am now paying more and locked into a 2 year plan. Additionally they have now increased the price of rental tv boxes. I have Starlink at my cottage and a Bell sat tv package. Since Bell allows customers to add their Fibe app to smart tvs ( unlike Rogers) I have already decided to cancel all my Rogers services and replace them with Starlink at home. I will then have my tv package at no extra cost and never have to deal with Rogers again. I will be saving $200 a month.

Re: how much are you paying for internet and tv?

Hello @rpaul1 ,


Thanks for your post!


When any changes are made to your price plan, an email confirmation outlining the details of the offer is sent your way. If there are any discrepancies regarding pricing or plan offerings, it's important to inform us as soon as possible, so we can try to resolve your concerns in a timely fashion. 


With that being said, I'm sorry to hear of your disappointment in our services and wish things had turned out differently. We certainly understand that you need to do what you feel is best for your needs and we thank you for your past business. 


Should you have a change of heart in the future, please let us know. We'll be happy to welcome you back again. 🙂


Kind regards,





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